
1 year ago

The history of France from 1648 to the present is them thinking their the best and always coming in second place, change my mind.

Napoléon Bonaparte 😏😏😏


J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

Hey, they are Europe's last colonial empire so they have that over other west European nations.

To be fair the largest colonial empire that still exists in landmass is that of Denmark.

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

Peter Zeihan has entered le chat

France ain't even second place anymore though. At this point France is the world's fifth-leading military power or so, and that's AFTER downgrading Russia to like 20th place.


1 year ago

I find it crazy how many people think that BRICS is an anti-american alliance, as if you could get India and China in the same alliance, plus South Africa adds nothing. Someone showed me a TikTok where a guy broke down possible invasion plans for BRICS like..... what are you guys talking about?

I agree. I'm pretty sure the only people who actually take BRICS seriously are the propaganda pigs on social media and random people around the third world that hate the US. I mean most of the countries in BRICS are probably gonna collapse in one way or another in the next 13 months - 50 years and that doesnt even consider all the unaligned geopolitical objectives that will be tearing them apart in the immediate future. I will also agree that it's unbearably cringe watching all these dôrks, essentially slobbering over BRICS like it changes anything.


Brics is like a bunch of investors who put money inro something and forgot to invest it turning the exchange into worthless money traded in from air and not actually purchasing anything meaningful to become income backed by anything. A quick buck of paper for paper without financial worth.


1 year ago

As I read the news coming out of India, "Oh my; if it isn't exactly what I said would happen. We're all getting together to replace the dollar. The Rupee will be the new fiat, no wait, here comes the Yuan, no wait, here comes the Peso....."

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

@fancy.guy - you are w rong from that actually, wait and see

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

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Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Mike, it is like Central Powers in 1913

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

@fancy.guy - It is I have events to my claims, like behaver of nations

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

@fancy.guy - It is I have events to my claims, like behaver of notions

Fancy Random Guy

11 months ago

It's nothing like the Central Powers


1 year ago

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a map of countries younger than the state of Virginia. Pretty wild how many there are


1 year ago

Wait does this represent civilizations or when their governments were created? If the former then Greece should be in white if the latter then Poland should be red?


Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Didn't know UK and Germany were younger than Virginia.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago


Finland should be red on this map as it was declared independent from Russia in 1917. Infact, why is Russia not red? If the UK is 1707 Act of Union, modern Russia should be red too no?

My medieval America map is one of the things I'm most proud of, it was really fun to make.


1 year ago

One of my favorite maps!


how do I even make these whatif maps?


1 year ago

Really wonder how this America would evolve in the modern era,expecially if WW1/2 still occurred in this TL

Subscribe to Unlock

My strategic areas of the world, what do you guys think?

My linguistics map of the world. This will be the first in a series of maps I'll be posting over the next few days, so stay tuned.


1 year ago

That map is come one YouTube I watch his video because the research of my racial history.


Andrej Kolárik

1 year ago

I guess the linguistic border in northern Mali would do good to add the tuaregs as well, now it seems like Azawad is Arab


1 year ago

What're the odds that these maps will all be from your videos?

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

That map is come one YouTube I watch his video because the research of my racial history.


1 year ago

What videos do you most want? Like the comments you want to measure the most popular

It is "A Historian Explains Being Gen-Z."


Aaron Duff

1 year ago

Ones you have made about ancient civilizations.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

what if we lived in a world where Pearl allowed you to cancel its subscription?

floch forster

1 year ago

I guess off the top of my head, The strengths and weaknesses of each Western culture (Anglo, Latin, etc).

Chilling in Beverly Hills


1 year ago

You been working out bro?


Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

It happened again, please God no! Uncanny valley effect!

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

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Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Every time I reply with a comment on another post my Pearl scrolls me all the way down to this EXACT image. Why? Why is Pearl cursed? Please stop my suffering.


1 year ago

When is another pearl steam going to happen? We've had a makeover with the discord if pearl is having problems still.


Michael Pillai

1 year ago

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Sebastian Ekner

1 year ago

The Volume seems quite low
And I don't see a way to adjust it

#1 lobster

1 year ago

Why is there not a fast forward thing?

Joseph Fatora

1 year ago

We originally designed this for short video, of course that didn't hold up for too long 😅. If you make it fullscreen you should see playback controls, and we're designing an update to handle this

Scotty Kelley

1 year ago

i see, full screen button goes away if paused... can only go to full screen when unpaused.

Scotty Kelley

1 year ago

i was able to get it into fullscreen two days ago, but don't see how now!

#1 lobster

1 year ago

Thanks. This platform definitely has a future, but it needs gallons of elbow grease to achieve it’s potential.


1 year ago

Who agrees that Canada will fall to the US, and if you disagree what's your reasoning?

I think that America would have to be seen as a good country on the International stage for Canada to be integrated


Your video on the subject doesn't even really agree with the thesis. You put up a scenario where Canada becomes just Ontario (which is already >50% of anglo Canada), but not one where Canada ceases to exist.

Canada as the anti-America might become a shadow of its former self, but it will always exist, and ultimately it NEEDS to exist. People who dislike the American project need somewhere to go so they don't disturb it.

J. Cole

1 year ago

Canada is simply not integrated with itself. It is practically already a part of the U.S.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

I got in an argument with my uncle about this last year at our collective birthday party lol (we have the same birthday).

I basically made the point that the lack of an electoral college takes away virtually all power from the middle of the country and makes it so that only the coasts have power in the country, while appeasing Quebec. As you can tell I took a few points from WAH's video.