Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Im a leftist, ask me anything.

How much do you actually disagree with other lefties. They often devolve in purity spirals/circular fireing squads or cults of agreement so where on that spectrum do you fall on?


Evan Weeks

1 year ago

Do you believe human nature is constrained or unconstrained?

Do you think Lenin was bad?

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

kinda, yeah.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

i mean "kinda, yeah" as in yeah hes insane

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Bro said "kinda" 💀💀💀💀

Do you suppose that the leaders of Social Justice genuinely believe in their ideology, or are they hipocrites who are just interested in their own power?

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

to me, they do genuinely believe in their ideals.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

havent fully read maos history, but stalin definitely was in it for his own power. otherwise he would probably left his secretary role or appoint a new member already

Oh I see, do you believe that Stalin or Mao were true Communists or were they just in it for their own power?

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Question: What do you think of people renouncing thier faith? How would you respond to them?

I would remind them that most of their assumptions about how the world works and morality come from Christianity. Whether morality based on guilt, individualism, human rights, humanism, the idea of ​​progress...


Newb Mann

1 year ago

I would bring up if matter can not be created or destroyed how did it all get there? If even scientists now belive in intelegent design via simulation theory are you really going to say theres nothing to hold faith in when theres so very clearly SOME HIGHER POWER?


1 year ago

Where's the proof? I don't see any

William Hartig

1 year ago

I personally don't believe there are any actually irreligious people. The folks I know who don't believe in god have mostly replaced it with progressivism.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

That's a religion?


1 year ago

I would remind them that most of their assumptions about how the world works and morality come from Christianity. Whether morality based on guilt, individualism, human rights, humanism, the idea of ​​progress...

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Question: To those who think Christianity is necessary in society, what do you think of people doubting faith in God, and what would you do about it.

Nothing because the law of history is that


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Let them find there own path to the higher power.
When self proscribed secular aethiests have found a path to a higher power even if its under a different name I trust everyone to end up discovering "he who created the universe".


1 year ago

As Spinoza believed, God is all that exists, which extends across all dimensions and realities, this world is an integral part of that God, he would only wait for modern society to collide with the reality of this world, i.e. God.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Nothing because the law of history is that

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Random question: What do y'all think of people who abuse their fame and power just to prey on minors, like R. Kelly?

If you have a lot of power, do you want/need to do?


The world turns a blind eye so long as we keep getting songs lol

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Absolute monsters who deserve to have there reputation tarnished at least. They 100% have skills that are useful that will be hard to use in jail so not sure about locking them up but they are the worst of the worst.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Well said.


1 year ago

There are probably millions of celebrities who do a lot worse in the US

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Question: Is it concerning if there are a significant amount of people who despise to live through the traditional values of society?

Almost everything in history fails, so rejecting the institutions and traditions that brought our civilization to success, be it Christianity, capitalism, free market, meritocracy, science, traditional ethics is a recipe for disaster. So yes it is concerning.


Pinja Alm

1 year ago

What are you referring to?


1 year ago

Almost everything in history fails, so rejecting the institutions and traditions that brought our civilization to success, be it Christianity, capitalism, free market, meritocracy, science, traditional ethics is a recipe for disaster. So yes it is concerning.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Question: Why do you think that the U.S. military is declining?

I really dont think it is. Its management isnt as good as it used to be. But management is the only part I can think of thats gotten worse. Its never been good at occupying land but it still should be amazing at takeing it.



1 year ago

How exactly is it declining?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I really dont think it is.
Its management isnt as good as it used to be.
But management is the only part I can think of thats gotten worse.
Its never been good at occupying land but it still should be amazing at takeing it.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

How easy is it to make money?

It is easier then last year


Evan Weeks

1 year ago

Very easy. But I assume that mean how easy it is to get rich: very difficult nowadays without resorting to sketchy measures.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

It is easier then last year

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Question: Should we prioritize mental health and illness?

Definitively. Depression is the great pandemic we are facing now, more dangerous than COVID and all that. There should be improved in ways to help with that.


A r

1 year ago

no, because if we do it will be in favor is useless psychaitry

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Mental illness is usually caused by:

  1. Lack of belief in something greater than yourself
  2. Lack of sleep.
  3. No/bad routine.
  4. Bad diet/contaminated enviroment.

normal human

1 year ago

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Logan Strom

1 year ago

  1. Hormonal imalances
  2. Addictions

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Ok, autism is a different story, I agree but there are other disorders we can research to help treat those with severe disorder.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Because my autism doesn't go away even if my mental health is good.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

While I was wrong that mental illness and disorders are different, they are still part of mental health. How is mental disorders have nothing to do with mental health.


1 year ago

Prioritize mental health over what?

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

I mean if we should make mental health just as an important issue.


1 year ago

In that case I think we all agree that it should

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Question: Do we need Traditional Gender Roles in society?

Yes, mostly. My theory on the world is about 85% of people are pretty much normal on any given issue. If that holds true, roughly 85% of people will be happiest doing their best to live up to traditional gender roles.

It's also essential for the well being of children (and thereby the future of society) to grow up in stable 2 parent (of different sexes) households. Traditional gender roles do a remarkable job of creating that environment.


Evan Weeks

1 year ago

Yes. A firm yes. But they should not necessarily be strict, rather natural. We should not exclude people from a job based on their gender, instead letting gender roles naturally work and small exceptions arise. I think it is important to have cultural guidelines, but not be overly strict with them.
Men and women both have their respective roles and the expectation to hold them. But there will be minor deviations which are fine. (The slippery slope doesn't apply here, because there is a shared culture and tradition. I am not talking about a bugman society.)

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Yes, mostly. My theory on the world is about 85% of people are pretty much normal on any given issue. If that holds true, roughly 85% of people will be happiest doing their best to live up to traditional gender roles.

It's also essential for the well being of children (and thereby the future of society) to grow up in stable 2 parent (of different sexes) households. Traditional gender roles do a remarkable job of creating that environment.

Raptor Boi

1 year ago

Considering everyone who does not have a stable family structure tends to have a mental issue like depression or “social anxiety” Your statement reigns true

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Question: Should we encourage people to have families?

For me, I don't want to have children solely because I couldn't take care of them with dealing with my own mental health problems. There are a lot of responsibilities you have to do right to properly raise a child. And, I've seen people who don't deserve a child.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

The target birthrate should be 3+ children per woman.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

I give a lot of credence to Carl Benjamin's argument he makes at around the 7:30 mark of this video:

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

I would also like to point out that college feminist/envoirmentalist ruining America is a dumb claim to make since I have never seen one lesson that just giving birth is destroying America. And it kinda mocks those who are actually struggling in life and in college. Having kids doesn't mean our problems would go away. And I have way too many problems to be having kids right now.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Nobody is saying you have to do it right this second. But you are a man, men solve their problems. I believe in you.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

For that point, I would argue that although it is beneficial, it is also optional considering there are centers that raise the elderly. Plus, (and a minor point however), a child doesn't automatically take care of you when you are older, it is the trust how have to earn, as without it a child can rebel.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

They are dying off. The data on that is clear. We need to do something about that before the downward spiral becomes an irreversible disaster.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

People will have kids. Not encouraging people doesn't mean that no one will give birth. America is diverse, meaning that will have many diverse things. Even ideas. Just because I won't have kids doesn't mean my siblings will do the same. People will think differently. So, I don't think having families will die off.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Who is going to staff those nursing homes if no one has kids?

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Yes. 100%. It's in everyone's best interest.