Camel Decline

1 year ago

How to make B4CN4Fe4Nd4?

Camel Decline

1 year ago

I am seeing Third World War like another classical war expect we will using Dirty/Lower-yield nuke like Gas Bombs in Great War

Camel Decline

1 year ago - We will fright in WWIII in tunnel and trenches (it is probable for we having same problems like in Great War [Western Front])?

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Please, toll me?

Camel Decline

1 year ago - Thanks for Biden to NATO will fall apart into two type of alliance can be Anti-Russia/China alliance [Eastern NATO] and Pro-Russia/China [Western Europe] plus it will increase around 13-14% of world tensions per day but it can make the world peaceful(?), Europe is more acting like 1910s Europe then 1930s Europe because Great War and "the way of time has come to the US for it's death" plus I would see the US survive another classical world war by we know the past few years but the Western European nation are like the US

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Oh, good times will be front of us until to our deaths.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Translating this from Russian Language Wiki about Invasion of Ukraina (I want to spell in Polish because I feel comfortable) -Вторжение_России_на_Украину_(с_2022)

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Trans-girl is Hem/Sh
Trans-boy is Hir/Se
I will change English have more pronouns

If there's one thing we don't need more of, it's pronouns.


Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

I wrote a book with a whole chapter in pronoun usage. I technically published it last month but had to retract it due to formatting issues (it's my first book and I'm not using an Adobe product).

You shoudl post

Newb Mann

1 year ago

At the end of the day most of these people are nothing but money cows for the healthcare system that need constant medical visits so they are not in excrusiating pain from the surgeries done to them.
I dont think its worthwhile to change the english language for those who cant get anything done without the medical system.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Language are flexible like water.

William Hartig

1 year ago

Also, I was gonna say “hey let’s try not to get political” but then I realized if we don’t talk about these things the most unreasonable people take control of the conversation and nothing gets solved.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Language are flexible like water.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

English language is like other language because -or is for guys, -er for everyone, and -ess for girl, what is for binary, trans, and non-binary?

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A r

1 year ago

but no gender for random stuff is the best part of English. there is no reason moped is female.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

We have that but no English person (by language not religion) know about that and only person have English + other language as native languages will think about it plus that answer will be yes because compering both or more native languages will alway 25% male/female word or 50% few words to a male/female word to native non-english language, languages are flexible like water.

A r

1 year ago

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Camel Decline

1 year ago

Relax, you will have freedom of speech in 2073-5 and most likely we will have child/grandchild then