J to the-O-R-Z

11 months ago

The tenants of Mankindism

  1. Human beings shall be treated with dignity and respect. No class, race or gender shall be treated differently or held as more virtuous due to their status as victims (anti-woke, no identity politics)

  2. The state exists to protect the population and provide leadership, not to serve a narrow world view or attain profit. Policy is done through pragmatism, not doctrine.

  3. Cultural degeneracy will not be tolerated. No puberty blockers, Critical Race theory or gender studies.

  4. Men and women are interdependent on one another and have unique roles in society.

  5. Leaders must earn their position through service in some capacity of responsibility ("the society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and fighting done by fools")

  6. Scientific objectivist view of history, devoid of emotional bias. History will be treated as a science, not a humanity.

  7. Divine mandate: when the ruling class falls into decadence, it loses the right to rule. When a people hate themselves, they lose the right of autonomy.

What is Raven Paradox within sociality?


Patrick Seiter

11 months ago

Mankind has never been a collective and universalist appeals do not work. You should come up with another term than "mankindism" (unless this was a WIP word) because people identify first with their tribe, not the entire species.

J to the-O-R-Z

11 months ago

yeah its a WIP. I don't know what to call it "Mankindism" is an inside joke between my friends

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

What is Raven Paradox within sociality?

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

Turkish election to head to runoff. Looks like the ultranationalists, who took 5% of the first round, will vote for Erdogan in the second round, giving him back the presidency, but still early to tell.

What do you predict will happen if the opposition wins? I heard that Erdogan's opposition is super pro freedom, EU and western civilization. So I feel like if he wins Turkeys destiny will be forever changed because he is basically the opposite of Erdogan


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

What do you predict will happen if the opposition wins? I heard that Erdogan's opposition is super pro freedom, EU and western civilization. So I feel like if he wins Turkeys destiny will be forever changed because he is basically the opposite of Erdogan

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

Yeah but that would cause complications within the EU. I've read that Erdogan is actually liked by the EU establishment, since he is very anti-EU and the EU leaders don't want to deal with the mess of allowing Turkey into the EU. I guess the silver lining of the opposition winning would be more Kurdish autonomy.

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

Is Whatifalthist making a communism video, given the shorts that have been posted on youtube recently, or are these from one of his earlier vids?

Pretty sure those shorts are from previous videos. He has made a whatif video labeled "What if communism never existed" but that's about it


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Btw, he just made a poll on youtube where he asked what type of content on communism we would like. So he probs making a communism video

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Pretty sure those shorts are from previous videos. He has made a whatif video labeled "What if communism never existed" but that's about it

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

I mean my whole idea for a new ideology revolves around this: the real threat to our society is the technocratic educated classes.
Pretty much, our society is run by the technocratic educated class, which I believe is degenerate and causing much of our problems. I know things are more complex but to simplify, the technocratic elite based out of college universities are only concerned with making more money and producing more degrees. This leads to the creation of socially harmful disciplines (such as gender or ethnic studies) that serve no other purpose than to create a new generation of activists, who get meaningless HR jobs or go into activist groups claiming to solve a particular problem, which they have interest in solving because if they were to solve it, they would lose their jobs. This leads to increasing fanaticism and tribalization, which while dividing the masses allows a small elite of tech billionaires and retailers to profit, while the university system turns out more degrees and the technocratic class to maintain dominance over the political structure.
The solution is to dismantle this system, but the means to achieve this are not yet within grasp and should be done in a peaceful way.
Agree or disagree?

The ideology seems to come from a positive place and has an understanding of certain trends in America/the collective west which is solid. I think you need to flesh it out a little bit more and perhaps add some more elements so that it can be attractive to the population and thrive (which I think it will need to in order to effect the technocrats power and influence).



1 year ago

This isn’t a new ideology. This is the Frankfurt Conspiracy (minus the Jews).

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

wait how is this the Frankfurt school. The whole premise of the post-modern movement is the criticism of inflexible systems via critical theory. I'm arguing against wasteful systems that culturally destroy societies i.e. the present suicidal technocratic/shareholder system of the west due to their adherence to selfish individual group think (identity) and Boomerism (non-judgemental, self-centered, "oh hey everyone lets make the world a better place to live!") mindset, as well as opposition to cultural marxism.


1 year ago

I’m arguing that your ideology is just standard anti-Frankfurtism, not that it’s pro-Frankfurtism.

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

well a group that wanted to end the technocracy, they sure as hell did a good job at making it stronger in a democratic society no less

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

You will be a sociologist in Intermarist sociality

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

What is intermarist lol

Logan Strom

1 year ago

You could just be a Libertarian.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

I want him to structuring my sociality

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

What if we created a new ideology?

Would be interesting. The future is gonna be full of so much escalating chaos and change that I think it's the perfect time to create one. In fact, We will NEED something to essentially "power" humanity like a religion or ideology to survive in the long term so we should start experimenting with idealogies


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Would be interesting. The future is gonna be full of so much escalating chaos and change that I think it's the perfect time to create one. In fact, We will NEED something to essentially "power" humanity like a religion or ideology to survive in the long term so we should start experimenting with idealogies

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

now rather than later.

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

My idea was about the failures of the technocratic system and the need for something new, combined with divine mandate and secular cycles. Essentially the idea is is that the current ruling classes i.e. shareholders and technocrats have lost their legitimacy due to their degeneracy and decadence and it is time for new rulers more in tune with the modern world and not blinded by Boomerist presumptions of the world.

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

why was my post taken down?

actually nevermind, found it!


J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

actually nevermind, found it!

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

We have that moments

J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

What will replace Post-Modernist thought to become the dominant philosophical discourse? How should this be achieved?

Far to early to tell. Probably something that doeant even exsist yet though.


J to the-O-R-Z

1 year ago

Would if we created it

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Metamodernism. It is already the current thing in the world of fine art.

👀 can you share a summary and how we kill it? Haha

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Next Civilisation will be between Classical world and Western world and it is coming together showy

Why? Wouldn’t it be a totally different evolution. Medieval west is very different than the classical west

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Far to early to tell.
Probably something that doeant even exsist yet though.

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

I feel that after metamodernism, we might see a return of esotericism to try and fill the empty meaning of our lives. We already see this with the new age movement, but I feel that this will spread farther because of how many people in society are becoming nihilistic, suicidal, or apathetic . We could see people trying to find the nature of God and of meaning. Not from a Christian perspective, but from perspective that yearns for meaning in a nihilistic world. I believe this would eventually lead to a rebirth of Christianity, but also a birth of many other religions and heresies.

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

That is what I was thinking about. Our society falling apart slowly, so people are looking for a solution, be that political, spiritual or moral.

We don’t have enough data to tell but new religion usually arises when a civ dies and rebirths. But it feels like heresy to say that