Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

What countries/regions will be developed?



Newb Mann

1 year ago

Depends on the timescale short term litterally just guyna medium term south india and potentially mexico while most of the developed world loses development.
Long term most of the developed world recoveres while potential for parts of central asia to grow.

William Hartig

1 year ago

We are yet to see subsaharan Africa seriously develop. I think that large parts of East Africa have serious agricultural potential for livestock assuming methods of controlling the local Tsetse flies improve.

A r

1 year ago



Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

They wipped israel of the map so hard half of palestine went with it.

1 Comment

Newb Mann

1 year ago

They wipped israel of the map so hard half of palestine went with it.


Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

Is it really korea a unified korea without the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture though?

1 Comment

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Is it really korea a unified korea without the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture though?

Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

What if the Romanis got their own country?

It would be a disaster! They don't really have a group identity like the Jews but a clan identity like Somalis. Also they're quite diverse, for example in Romania only 40% of Rromas know Rromani, and those who speak Rromani are diveded into 7 dialects who are as close to each each other as the Slavic languages are between them. That's why most of their media is broadcasted in the national language of the country they're in. Also they're are a very low trust society, for example in Romania 80% of the Hungarian voters vote for the Hungarian party while only 7% of Rroma voters vote for the Rroma party. Their distrust is understandable,I mean why would g!psy from Crucea: trust a g!psy from Buzescu:



1 year ago

It would be a disaster! They don't really have a group identity like the Jews but a clan identity like Somalis. Also they're quite diverse, for example in Romania only 40% of Rromas know Rromani, and those who speak Rromani are diveded into 7 dialects who are as close to each each other as the Slavic languages are between them. That's why most of their media is broadcasted in the national language of the country they're in. Also they're are a very low trust society, for example in Romania 80% of the Hungarian voters vote for the Hungarian party while only 7% of Rroma voters vote for the Rroma party. Their distrust is understandable,I mean why would g!psy from Crucea: trust a g!psy from Buzescu:


1 year ago

Both Crucea and Buzescu are g!psy villages in Romania

Africa (except the northern part) redrawn by ethno-linguistic borders

Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

Nice to see that someone else has made a map.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

I read Manding as Minhag at first and was SO CONFUSED.

Nice to see that someone else has made a map.

More maps! More maps! More maps!

Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

Guys, who do you think will win the World Cup?

Is N. Korea still in it?


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

me and everyone's mum mate 😏😏😏😏

Logan Strom

1 year ago

I don't watch it, I'm American.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Going off the fifa rankings Id guess England, Brazil, Belgium,France, or Argentina.

Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

If America became a monarchy, I think the Hawaiian Royal Family will be the claimant, because Hawaii is in the U.S. territory.

Nah the Royal Pinapples would probably prefer to go back into seclusion with IZ playing in the background.


Raptor Boi

1 year ago

In the scenario that this was plausible, I highly doubt The Hawaiian royals would become the leading dynasty, it would probably be a British royal family like the yorks, Landcadtors, etc

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Its not a if its a impossibility.
America would void its entire founding myth of resisting british monarchism by adopting that.
If america were to go for hereditary leadership they would make up a new name and new way of doing it like how rome invented emperors to advoid using the word king.
And the hawaiian monarch being the old type of hereditary rulers would be inelegiable.

-So I proclaim myself, Joe Biden I, Supreme Speaker of the United States of America! I will keep ruling until I die, and I will adopt a distant family member to succeed me.

-Wait, wouldn't that make you, a, you know, a monarch?

-No, this is still a republic, I am the Supreme Speaker!

-I don't know, what you described sounds like a monarchy to me.

-You dare question the Supreme Speaker?

Joe Biden I, 1st Emperor of the American Empire, 2022-2023.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Didn't they all die from inbreeding?

Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

Could the Arab World reunite again or will remain divided?

Theres no way it remains devided like it is now long term the status quo will eventually break apart. It will solidify in some way but I consider it unlikley it will be united from the Maghrebis to the Arabs in Khuzestan ruled by the Persians. Or to put it simply it will be more united probably 70% of the way there but not 100% unified.


Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Saddam tried that and we saw what happened there.


1 year ago

There are so many groups with so many different competing identities and interests. I think it would take something truly transformative to restore unity.


1 year ago

How does one come up with something more uniting than Islam?

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Rudyard makes a sensible point about food insecurity. Who knows how that will affect unity..?

Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

What an Islamic civilization look like?

Ottoman Empire with modern tech, da.


Hugo Guzman

1 year ago

Why don't you go look at the one that presently exists, and report back?

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Ottoman Empire with modern tech, da.

Guys, do you think Russia and surroundings be like this? (Source: Reddit)

Gabriel Cavalcanti de Oliveira

1 year ago

Just a point of cretique I think this year to next year is to quick for this level of chaos to not only rise up but also simmer down. Even if I could see this level or balkanization occuring I think there will be a few years of canibalization before a few larger states make deals to stop fighting. Think like russia proper eating the uralian republics like komi or permia while being forced to recognize the independence of tuva and kuban who own decent parts of there neighboring rebellions.


What’s this map showing what’s the intent

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Just a point of cretique I think this year to next year is to quick for this level of chaos to not only rise up but also simmer down. Even if I could see this level or balkanization occuring I think there will be a few years of canibalization before a few larger states make deals to stop fighting. Think like russia proper eating the uralian republics like komi or permia while being forced to recognize the independence of tuva and kuban who own decent parts of there neighboring rebellions.

What’s ur prediction on what will emerge from it and how russia will fall

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I see a few possibilities such as an "sucsession crisis" between the "Siloviki" after putin kicks the bucket.

Or something somewhat akin to the "crisis of statehood" describbed in this video where destrucion of infrastructure due to partisan activity allready active creates ecconomic seperatism and the destruction of the russian common market that spirals out of control from there.

After whatever causes russias next big civil conflict Im expecting chechya to expand outward into places like dagestan due to it allready having a seperate professional military while a couple powerbases prop up in places like kazan,somewhere in siberia,etc with excuses for occupying russian land being taken by alot of nearby countries think china "protecting the ethnic han linving in "haishenwai"" vladivostok or finland "saving karelia from instability while better containing the spillover" something roundabout like that. By the end russia will exsist within its european core backed against the urals.