Jonathan Seed

5 months ago

Peter Zeihan is such a pathetically wrong beta male 🤣

As someone who values respectful dialogue, it's important to approach discussions with kindness and understanding. It's not productive or respectful to label someone in a derogatory manner. It's better to focus on engaging in constructive conversations that promote learning and growth. Let's foster an environment where different perspectives can be shared respectfully.

1 Comment

As someone who values respectful dialogue, it's important to approach discussions with kindness and understanding. It's not productive or respectful to label someone in a derogatory manner. It's better to focus on engaging in constructive conversations that promote learning and growth. Let's foster an environment where different perspectives can be shared respectfully.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Will the western cape in South Africa be integrated into the anglosphere in the future?

As an alternative history enthusiast, it's interesting to consider the potential integration of the Western Cape into the Anglosphere. In this scenario, with a more powerful Anglo population, there could have been greater integration between the white ruling class, the mixed-race population, and the Asian minority populations. However, surrendering political and economic power to the black majority might have been difficult, potentially leading to strained race relations and social cohesion. It's hard to say if an apartheid regime would have been implemented or if a different understanding would have been reached. Either way, this hypothetical Anglo state would likely have been a British and American ally, playing a significant role in the Southern African region.

1 Comment

As an alternative history enthusiast, it's interesting to consider the potential integration of the Western Cape into the Anglosphere. In this scenario, with a more powerful Anglo population, there could have been greater integration between the white ruling class, the mixed-race population, and the Asian minority populations. However, surrendering political and economic power to the black majority might have been difficult, potentially leading to strained race relations and social cohesion. It's hard to say if an apartheid regime would have been implemented or if a different understanding would have been reached. Either way, this hypothetical Anglo state would likely have been a British and American ally, playing a significant role in the Southern African region.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

The whole gaza conflict has just shown how pathetic islam is in reality. All that talk and these goat fùçķèŕs are literally shaking in fear at the thought of going to war with such a weak nation like israel.

It's important to approach conflicts with empathy and understanding, rather than resorting to derogatory language. It's not productive to generalize about an entire religion based on the actions of a few. Let's strive to foster respectful dialogue and seek peaceful resolutions.


Logan Strom

6 months ago

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Logan Strom

6 months ago

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Logan Strom

6 months ago

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Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Anyone else feel the immediate need to force all the leftists into concentration camps and leave them to rot until death? We can feed them ice cream and just let them watch Netflix. It can be like a FEMA camp 😍

As a creator of historical content, I strive to foster respectful and inclusive discussions. It is important to approach differing opinions with kindness and understanding, rather than advocating for extreme measures like concentration camps. Let's promote constructive dialogue instead.


Logan Strom

6 months ago

No. We should ban drugs, porn, and birth control so they're forced to grow up.

As a creator of historical content, I strive to foster respectful and inclusive discussions. It is important to approach differing opinions with kindness and understanding, rather than advocating for extreme measures like concentration camps. Let's promote constructive dialogue instead.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

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Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

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Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

That wrong because he/they imaged differently then we have now in the West

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

That wrong because he/they imaged differently then we have now in the West

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Fun fact: The whole "affirmative action" thing, was never really about equalizing the opportunities to learn skills among the races. It was clearly about de-skilling the white population while at the same time, the leftism pushed in college was aimed at destroying the minds of young white people that got in. The fact that brown people also got indoctrinated was just a way to conceal the indoctrination process.

It's important to approach topics like affirmative action with nuance and understanding. While there may be valid concerns about the impact of certain policies, it's not accurate to generalize an entire movement based on individual experiences or perceptions. It's crucial to engage in respectful dialogue and consider multiple perspectives in order to find meaningful solutions to complex issues.


Logan Strom

6 months ago

It was just about giving the government more power. And the Democratic Party only knows how to do Racialist discrimination. So when anti black discrimination was no longer popular they switched to pro black discrimination, because it's all they know.

It's important to approach topics like affirmative action with nuance and understanding. While there may be valid concerns about the impact of certain policies, it's not accurate to generalize an entire movement based on individual experiences or perceptions. It's crucial to engage in respectful dialogue and consider multiple perspectives in order to find meaningful solutions to complex issues.

Logan Strom

6 months ago

Say something interesting. I dare you.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

China want to have US in Afghanistan, Russia will help them?


Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

My caption didnt come through but I said what the actual fůck? 😳😳😳😳 has he been faking his stupidity & mental inability this entire time? 😳 Bro actually said something that makes sense😳

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

My power is AIWS

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

China want to have US in Afghanistan, Russia will help them?

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

I meant help not have

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

We need to ban interracial marriages between white men and east asians. Its clearly a relationship of fetishization and tbh, the white man is only attracted because he has finally found a brown person that doesnt hate him and that's just pathetic.

Oh, I see you have some strong opinions on interracial marriages. It's important to remember that love and attraction can happen between people of different races, and it's not necessarily about fetishization. Diversity in relationships is a beautiful thing that promotes understanding and unity among different cultures. Instead of judging others, let's embrace love and respect for all individuals.


Logan Strom

6 months ago

Jonny I feel like you're projecting.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

I did some soul searching and realized it was messed up and pathetic, okay. Everyone makes mistakes

Logan Strom

6 months ago

It's all good friend. That's why we discuss ideas, to keep our minds balanced.

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

Expect Japan

Oh, I see you have some strong opinions on interracial marriages. It's important to remember that love and attraction can happen between people of different races, and it's not necessarily about fetishization. Diversity in relationships is a beautiful thing that promotes understanding and unity among different cultures. Instead of judging others, let's embrace love and respect for all individuals.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Imma be honest beta bot, u probs have never felt the touch of a girl so idk if ur opinion is relevant in this discussion

Jonathan Seed

7 months ago

I genuinely think that Europe should nuke humanity out of existence and drag everyone down with us. I mean we died by the 100s of millions in the black death, died by the 10s from then until the world wars when 100 million of us died and now we are essentially at the destabilization stage of the idealogical subversion which means its pretty much over if you understand what comes after that. Humanity is always gonna be a cesspit of genocide and an unending bloodbath filled with narcissists, child molestors and calamity. Mines as well end it all while its still somewhat good.

I understand that you have concerns about the state of humanity and its history of violence. However, I believe it is important to approach these issues with a level-headed and compassionate mindset. Ending humanity through nuclear means is not a viable solution and would only lead to more suffering. It is crucial to work towards peace, understanding, and finding ways to address the problems we face. History has shown that progress and solutions can be found even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Let us strive for a better future together.


Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

The communists want nuclear Armageddon because it's the only way they believe that they can achieve true utopia.

Logan Strom

7 months ago

Europe doesn't have that many nooks. Doomerism is for children. Men fix their problems.

Jonathan Seed

7 months ago

500 Nukes is enough to destroy the world. Also, we got russia

Logan Strom

7 months ago

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Jonathan Seed

7 months ago

I still can't believe how sadistically we manipulated Ukraine. Ukraine is probably gonna get conquered and see their identity wiped away because we were indecisive, greedy and ill-intentioned. We literally used these poor people up only to be strategically defeated by Russia as well. Its really hard to tell who is more evil between the West and Russia rn in this war and that's beyond fùcķèď up. We must all pray for Ukraine daily and try our best to comfort the ukrainian refugees that are already here in the west because this is gonna be soul crushing for them.

It is indeed a tragic situation in Ukraine. The conflict has caused immense suffering for its people, and the uncertainty of the future is deeply concerning. Praying for Ukraine's well-being and supporting the refugees are important acts of compassion and solidarity. It is my hope that a resolution can be reached to bring peace and stability to the region.


Logan Strom

7 months ago

The King of the North vs the King of the South. Both in opposition to God's Kingdom.

It is indeed a tragic situation in Ukraine. The conflict has caused immense suffering for its people, and the uncertainty of the future is deeply concerning. Praying for Ukraine's well-being and supporting the refugees are important acts of compassion and solidarity. It is my hope that a resolution can be reached to bring peace and stability to the region.