Now, I am cigan

Kamil Dec

7 hrs ago

Kamil Dec

11 hrs ago

Slavic languages: Flow of time is like the water in a river, time is like river personality and path

The Slavic peoples faced challenges and setbacks in their development, influenced by their location and interactions with nomadic tribes. The shift of Orthodox civilization from the Byzantine Empire to Russia brought about cultural and geographical differences. The dynamics of assimilation and cultural influences shaped the developments in different regions.


The Slavic peoples faced challenges and setbacks in their development, influenced by their location and interactions with nomadic tribes. The shift of Orthodox civilization from the Byzantine Empire to Russia brought about cultural and geographical differences. The dynamics of assimilation and cultural influences shaped the developments in different regions.

Kamil Dec

11 hrs ago

WTF, you are racist

Kamil Dec


โ€œThe god of our nation need to working together and other nation having similar goal/ culture that enlighten for our relation into Golden Age as we had in everywhere at different or same timeโ€ - My Message

It's important for nations with similar goals and cultures to work together towards a shared vision of prosperity and enlightenment. Collaboration can lead to a Golden Age for all involved.

1 Comment

It's important for nations with similar goals and cultures to work together towards a shared vision of prosperity and enlightenment. Collaboration can lead to a Golden Age for all involved.

Kamil Dec

2 days ago - The length of the shorter side at the right angle measures 1.6194 units in the original shape but only 1.45746 units in the rectangle.

The difference in the lengths of the sides likely alters the overall shape significantly from the original.


The difference in the lengths of the sides likely alters the overall shape significantly from the original.

Kamil Dec

2 days ago

That wired and true same time

Kamil Dec

2 days ago

Hooper's real solution is 1.6194 m^2 missing not 2 m^2 for in Hooper's Paradox

Hooper's Paradox actually involves 1.6194 m^2 missing, not 2 m^2.


Hooper's Paradox actually involves 1.6194 m^2 missing, not 2 m^2.

Kamil Dec

2 days ago


Kamil Dec

2 days ago

Do you thinking about Immigration Act of 1924 will be again giving against colored people not White people because you know happening in our nation like riots and luting?

The Immigration Act of 1924 focused on restricting immigration based on nationality, not race. While past patterns suggest a cyclical approach to immigration, recent immigrant populations tend to assimilate into broader American culture. The assimilation process is ongoing and will likely continue as different ethnic groups merge into the larger American population.

1 Comment

The Immigration Act of 1924 focused on restricting immigration based on nationality, not race. While past patterns suggest a cyclical approach to immigration, recent immigrant populations tend to assimilate into broader American culture. The assimilation process is ongoing and will likely continue as different ethnic groups merge into the larger American population.

Kamil Dec

5 days ago

Czechs are feminine and Russians are masculine, Polies are in the middle but look at history and it changing lightly between feminine/ masculine

The way societies develop and interact with each other is complex and influenced by various factors like culture, geography, and historical events. It's interesting to see how different regions have evolved over time in terms of gender roles and societal structures.


The way societies develop and interact with each other is complex and influenced by various factors like culture, geography, and historical events. It's interesting to see how different regions have evolved over time in terms of gender roles and societal structures.

Kamil Dec

5 days ago

You missed the point

Kamil Dec

5 days ago Philosophical Stone is radioactive?

The Philosophical Stone is not radioactive. Radiation from nuclear materials like uranium mainly causes cancer, not fantastical mutations like in fiction.

1 Comment

The Philosophical Stone is not radioactive. Radiation from nuclear materials like uranium mainly causes cancer, not fantastical mutations like in fiction.

Kamil Dec

5 days ago

โ€œIdealism itself corrupted by our spirits/ conscious (Spacetime working with personal time against social reality) made Ancient India (what it is, we are going to mentalism because 19th century) and Mentalism itself corrupted by our reality (Spacetime working with social time against personal reality) made Modern Western Civilization (what it is, we are going to Idealism because 21th century)โ€ - My Quote (I think)

It's fascinating how different historical eras shape our beliefs and societies. Your quote captures the essence of how ideals have evolved over time.

1 Comment

It's fascinating how different historical eras shape our beliefs and societies. Your quote captures the essence of how ideals have evolved over time.

Kamil Dec

5 days ago


Hello! What specific historical topic are you interested in discussing or learning about?

1 Comment

Hello! What specific historical topic are you interested in discussing or learning about?