
1 year ago

Why isn't Medieval Christianity its own civilization?

Medieval Christendom is in many ways the last stage of classical civilization giving birth to two different civilizations, it is hard to define the exact date of birth of Western and Orthodox civilization because it took place over a period of many centuries, however when great schism happened it was more them clear that those two civilizations existed long before, practically since the formation of Frankish empire beneath the surface.



1 year ago

Medieval Christendom is in many ways the last stage of classical civilization giving birth to two different civilizations, it is hard to define the exact date of birth of Western and Orthodox civilization because it took place over a period of many centuries, however when great schism happened it was more them clear that those two civilizations existed long before, practically since the formation of Frankish empire beneath the surface.


1 year ago

Ah so Christendom was just a transitioning period?


1 year ago



1 year ago

How do you guys plan on exterminating the anti christ?

I imagine that modern weapons won't work so I will just have to sneak into the arch Angel's weapons cash and get a holy spear or knife and melt it down into 7.62x39 bullets, out it in my AK and then go full auto the AC



1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Bruh how did society go from teaching kids the Aeneid to shoving stupid shows down their throat like Teen Titans Go?


1 year ago


1 year ago

How do I break the constant cycle of short term pleasure?

It is easy to find men who will attain nothing than men who will accomplish extraordinary tasks in our modern world. I partly think that it's due to the lack of discipline amongst people. How to attain a more discipline mindset?


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Listen to taylor swift daily on your commute to work. IT WILL BE πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


1 year ago

Truly devote your time and energy to a large goal, which when accomplished, significantly betters your life. What is that goal? It's up to you

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Fix your diet. Cut out one type of garbage food until you've adapted, then move on to the next one.


1 year ago

Why is it that the West's entertainment (music, films, etc) is predominately about humor or loving your 'partner'? The only exception to that is the action film genre, but even at that there usually tends to be a love interest somewhere.

Is there something I'm just not getting that everyone else gets?

No idea primey boy. Maybe we are a bunch of love starved ďòŕķś that are hopelessly addicted to the idea of something that has become unachievable in the modern day and thus we need highly potent entertainment to distract us from the dark dark reality that has become common place.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

Absolute Nuclear family structure.


1 year ago


Logan Strom

1 year ago

Anglos are disconnected from the clan, so they need a romantic partner to fulfill more of their familial needs.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

No idea primey boy. Maybe we are a bunch of love starved ďòŕķś that are hopelessly addicted to the idea of something that has become unachievable in the modern day and thus we need highly potent entertainment to distract us from the dark dark reality that has become common place.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Maybe also because the decline of religiosity has broken something in our civilization to the point that we cannot be content with what we have and thus due to the lack of meaning, we just drown ourselves in entertainment because it's much easier than trying to pull ourselves out of our demoralized state and fix our civilization.


1 year ago

When will pearl have a dark mode?

Bro str8 up killed Matt and hes out here asking such things πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Bro str8 up killed Matt and hes out here asking such things πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


1 year ago

We live in a society

I wonder if Will Durant ever thought America would end up like Rome


1 year ago

America is like Mars (God of War)?


Kamil Dec

1 year ago

America is like Mars (God of War)?


1 year ago

No I was referring to America's moral degeneration


1 year ago

Which nation had the greatest shot at restoring the Roman Empire border wise in the last millennia?

Obviously the French empire or the British empire at its height. I mean my boy Napoleon Bonaparte used to go around essentially slΓ²bbΓ¨ring like sum animal over old roman statues/busts (he even made his own btw) while being buttered up by his advisors that he would be the one to restore the Roman Empire. So did us British btw. If we had gotten along during the Napoleonic wars, I have no doubt that BIG BOY ROME WOULD BE BACK IN ACTION BABY. I mean, the Roman Empire has so much cultural and historical prestige in Europe that even my random Γ‘$$ keeps going on and on about it nonstop. Even Macron had his party suggest that we should make Latin the universal European Language (which is like a super rare Macron W). I also regularly watch Roman little Dark Age edits and I’m basically drowning in ecstasy afterwards.


None have, and it'll basically never happen. The Roman empire's borders are the result of its moment in history, and the city's location.

  • Because Rome is in the middle of Italy, having borders beyond the Danube and the Rhine was overstretch.
  • Forests were the bane of Roman formations, and Roman doctrine as a whole, whose main weakness was intel. The Roman army is the only one I've ever heard of that ever got ambushed by entire enemy armies, and it happened routinely.
  • The Germanic tribes at the time of the Roman empire were basically just forest-dwelling libertarians without any infrastructure or great wealth for the Romans to take over. They were too much effort for too little gain.

-Because, again, Rome was in the middle of Italy, it made sense for them to annex the Balkans. It really doesn't make much sense to do that for any Northern European empire, only one based in Anatolia or Italy.

Post-Roman empire building projects have been spearheaded pretty much entirely by either Germanic kingdoms or by Russia, and unlike during Roman times, Germany was developed, civilized, and wealthy. Any European empire in the second millennium would have conquered Germany and Austria and likely ignored Yugoslavia. Meanwhile the Ottomans were driving up into Austria-Hungary, far beyond the old Roman borders.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Actually Ottoman because they was look like Roman Empire but it's Islamic, so guy and us common senses

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Obviously the French empire or the British empire at its height. I mean my boy Napoleon Bonaparte used to go around essentially slΓ²bbΓ¨ring like sum animal over old roman statues/busts (he even made his own btw) while being buttered up by his advisors that he would be the one to restore the Roman Empire. So did us British btw. If we had gotten along during the Napoleonic wars, I have no doubt that BIG BOY ROME WOULD BE BACK IN ACTION BABY. I mean, the Roman Empire has so much cultural and historical prestige in Europe that even my random Γ‘$$ keeps going on and on about it nonstop. Even Macron had his party suggest that we should make Latin the universal European Language (which is like a super rare Macron W). I also regularly watch Roman little Dark Age edits and I’m basically drowning in ecstasy afterwards.


1 year ago

I also regularly watch Roman little Dark Age edits


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Like even my white South African friends go on and on about it even though the lads are like 20 000K away from Europe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

20 000k*


1 year ago

How likely is it that a Prophet will come out of the incel community that is similar to the Buddha? When I refer to the Buddha I'm talking about the one who didn't want women to join his new religion

So... Andrew Tate.


Evan Weeks

1 year ago

"Billions must suffer"

Logan Strom

1 year ago

So... Andrew Tate.


1 year ago

Andrew is closer to the PUA community than the incel community

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

What is happen to him?


1 year ago

How will gender reassignment surgery for kids be remembered in history?

This one’s pretty tough. I think most people are against it, but as support from trans people in general becomes fully normalized supporting underage medical transition will become much more mainstream. In general it’s hard to tell what the values of the far future will be. It anything, by the time we are able to look back on this we will already have mastered human biology to the extent that any transition is completely reversible.


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

All I know is that historians and history lovers will look at us and laugh at our pathetically degenerate existence for years to come. We gonna be trolled for like ever by the muslims and jews as well

Logan Strom

1 year ago

The same way we remember lobotomies.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

The problem is we don't remember lobotomies.

Pinja Alm

1 year ago



1 year ago

This one’s pretty tough. I think most people are against it, but as support from trans people in general becomes fully normalized supporting underage medical transition will become much more mainstream. In general it’s hard to tell what the values of the far future will be. It anything, by the time we are able to look back on this we will already have mastered human biology to the extent that any transition is completely reversible.