Thoughts on this controversial take (not endorsing it, but find it interesting).

floch forster

1 year ago

Thoughts on this controversial take? Not endorsing it, but find the “social science” part relevant since WIAH just made a video on hard science and social science


Newb Mann

1 year ago

2 things 1 I dont know why everyone treats "jews as one group" its only rich askenazi american jews that do this. Ive never met one hasidic jew to pull that let alone sephardic and well theres not many mizrahi jews in america so of course no mizrahi would pull that.

2 those same jews tend to be considered white in the same theory the subscribe to with social justice so they are critizising themselves at the same time.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Why is everyone hatin on Jews again? Seems silly.

floch forster

1 year ago

But think about it. We have entire academic departments dedicated toward critiquing European peoples (social sciences) so why not apply the same logic to Jews?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

There actually are some academic department toward studying jews its called "judaic studies"
Its not at every university because well jews are a small minority so a small amount of schools have it and half the time there grouped up with "european peoples" because evil aprthied israel colonizing good upright moral palestinians. Or Israel still uses q reformed version of evil ottoman tanzimat legal codes.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Small group of affluent suburban Askenazi jews and a even smaller group of mega rich askenazi jews are getting called out for trying to abuse social justice and being omega insecure about there religion and its getting extrapolated to all jews.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

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As a Paleoconservative who wants to repeal the 1964 immigration act, would I be considered alt right lol. To be honest Trump won on a Paleoconservative platform.

floch forster

1 year ago

i worship the frog


Logan Strom

1 year ago

I support the Bull Moose party, what does that make me?

#1 lobster

1 year ago

The new trinity

Jay Watts

1 year ago

i worship the frog

How did New Hampshire survive deindustrialization? It seems the opposite of Rudyard’s home region the foundry

floch forster

1 year ago

Also, the combination of easier highway access to Boston and markedly lower tax rates allowed it to attract suburban workers commuting to Boston after the New Hampshire industry was crushed in the 1980s.


Bev Bevan

1 year ago

Also, the combination of easier highway access to Boston and markedly lower tax rates allowed it to attract suburban workers commuting to Boston after the New Hampshire industry was crushed in the 1980s.

floch forster

1 year ago

Forgot to add my initial message was about how new hampshire did way better after deindustrialization compared to the foundry

trends of the 21 century 😂😂 by the way it’s real

floch forster

1 year ago

From r/politicalcompassmemes


These aren’t the same as Makhno or George

Matthew Hill

1 year ago

From r/politicalcompassmemes

RIP southern Italy, also, I notice you could see the border between “Western” civilization and “Orthodox” civilization, with Croatia being the middle.

floch forster

1 year ago

Balkans pwned

1 Comment

Balkans pwned

Social trust in Europe. Netherlands and Finland examples of High trust societies. The Mediterranean and Balkans being low trust societies. Reminds me of when Whatifalthist talked about Sicily being an atomized society

floch forster

2 years ago

International property rights index (2017) notice Chile and Uruguay?

floch forster

2 years ago

It’s Ironic that the Nordic countries are at the top levels of property rights, taking into consideration ppl make them out to be super socialist.


Ive heard uraguay is the switzerland of latam. what htat means besides it being a bit richer, who knows

It’s Ironic that the Nordic countries are at the top levels of property rights, taking into consideration ppl make them out to be super socialist.

floch forster

1 year ago

I have noticed that Germanic countries tend to be more open to “capitalistic” things (free market, economic freedom, property rights) I’m not sure if there’s a connection, but interesting. I recall WIAH saying that Germanic culture was more individualistic