@matt.dimarcantonio…please elaborate….

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

I am him


Kamil Dec

1 year ago

I am him


1 year ago

So true

Kamil Dec

1 year ago


Bruce Juan

1 year ago

**Ethnicity in the US. **Rudyard has convinced me that British Isles descendants are the majority ethnic group in the US. [Leave aside the fact that Irish people tend to recoil at the English (and any wayward Scots-Irish, Scots, and/or Welsh) identifying with this: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§.] What does this mean? If over a third of this overall group is vehemently anti-English (Irish), and almost a quarter of this overall group is so disconnected from its β€œEnglishness” (or, worse, β€œBritishness”) as to refuse to claim it…? The English language and a government established by people of English descent (but who were evidently not terribly concerned by their own ethnicity)? Most Americans seem to be comfortable with one another regardless of perceptible differences in ethnic descent. Discomfort seems to arise with perceptible differences in culture. Perhaps I’m naive, but it seems like strong (non-American) accents, or even more so styles of dress suggestive of lower-class subculture (as well as smelling of cigarettes or weed), are the things that make the typical Middle Class White Native-Born American uncomfortable. All of this is not to ignore the outsized influence that so many people of British Isle, and especially English, descent, have had, and likely continue to have, upon this great State-Nation of ours. But it just feels inadequate as a defining ethnicity. Probably the people who checked the β€œAmerican” box in that year 2000 survey were onto something.

β€œand now the new order that’s forming is probably an Internet-based elite that’s going to coalesce around the gulf.” - WIAH, β€œExplaining American Civilization,” 17:53-18:00. Does anybody here have any idea what he’s talking about? I’ve been a life-long aspirant to elite status, so what’s my next move? Start an unboxing channel on YouTube and move to Biloxi?

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

And before anybody suggests I try to just join the current coastal technocrat elite, I already tried. Turns out that particular elite doesn’t have workarounds for people who only took the SAT once, who were hungover while they took it, and who didn’t participate in noteworthy extracurricular activities. (And who couldn’t claim legacy status)


You have to specify more what you’ve want for this to be helpful

Do you want to work for w big company, start one, be a creator etc?

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

Do you know anybody, within that network, who would like some help with coordination of efforts? Or doing art stuff? Those are my two (current) time-tested skills: coordination of disparate efforts, and art.

Bruce Juan

1 year ago


β€œMany are called, few are chosen”

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

And before anybody suggests I try to just join the current coastal technocrat elite, I already tried. Turns out that particular elite doesn’t have workarounds for people who only took the SAT once, who were hungover while they took it, and who didn’t participate in noteworthy extracurricular activities. (And who couldn’t claim legacy status)

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

SAT as a test?

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

Does Peter Thiel request or demand a sort of regular β€œsync” or β€œdemo” meeting for all of the fellows to whom he’s given money?

Never seemed liked it was charity. Most creditors are pretty harsh. Just wondering.

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

**And Yet………………………………………..

All I REALLY Want For Christmas, Even More Than The Peter Zeihan Thing, Is For Peter Thiel To Establish An Older Adult Version Of His Thiel Fellowship, With Which He Pays Tuition For Promising Late 30s/Early 40s Individuals To Obtain Degrees In Some Field He Thinks Is Necessary For Future Human Prosperity**
I mean, I can study. I can work. I can come up with ideas sometimes. Pls.
Just because some ppl had substance abuse problems around the time we should have been studying for the SATs, and just because some people were hungover/possibly still drunk the one and only time we took the SATs…does that mean I need to work at like an F’ing Amazon warehouse for the rest of my life or something? I mean, I have an IT cert. I can get more…Or I can go to med school or something? Mi familia…………..

Asking for a friend


Bruce Juan

1 year ago

Asking for a friend

Fun fact: I’m a thiel fellow

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

That’s awesome! I mentioned the college thing kinda tongue-in-cheek. I agree that establishing the fellowship was a brilliant move on Thiel’s part, and I agree that college is broken. I would love to get his thoughts on which specific fields of…umm….not study, per se, but….maybe…ask him to which fields an intensely focused effort should be applied, for the maximum benefit of humanity’s future. And, in regards to older individuals, who likely have less time and energy for founding startups, yet still have untapped intellectual/creative potential, such guidance would be appreciated. Thiel, wisely and justly, seems to trust his young fellows to intuit the best application of their efforts; however, over the years of consultation with these fellows and their start ups, I would have to assume that he has encountered at least some impediments in the form of skills/knowledge shortages. Does he worry that there won’t be enough competent physicists? Computer scientists? Physicians? Chemists? West Coast Cool Jazz ensembles? Peter Thiel is one of the public intellectuals I admire the most, and while I’d never thoughtlessly devote myself to his theories of the world, I would in fact contemplate what he says more than I would contemplate what most other public intellectuals say.

The whole point of the fellowship is college is unnecessary and broken. So don’t think he’d do a version promoting peopel to go to schoolβ€”tons do already.

Naval talked about making a fellowship for young physicists to do research independently rather than being part of larger machines that stifle them and subsequently physics progress.

But getting someone to throw down 2m per year and form an organization is a big ask most just don’t care enough to do.

I personally think the thiel fellowship was a killer move for thiel since it expanded his fame more than any other thing. It’s a star to shoot for for so many young founders. And it amplifies his book and accomplishments. Plus it’s been wildly successful. A large number of Thiels are centimillionaires or billionaires now

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

All I Want For Christmas Is For Peter Zeihan To Join Pearl/Whatifalthist

Should he ever decide to stop flying to a new exotic filming location every 2-3 days, it would be amazing to interact with him and ask him certain super-specific geopolitical questions that are of relevance to me. Such as:

Why is the U.S. supposedly in such a good position, when the UK has a birth rate so close as to be a rounding error?

Bruce Juan

1 year ago


I am…..an…….old Man (relatively?). Scholars may debate where I belong: Late (late stage/terminal?) Gen X? Or early (pre-metastatic) Millennial? I was once at the cutting edge of culture (CEoC). I can provide an exhaustive list of sources if you need it.
Where do You (as a presumptive member of β€œGen Z”) go for the cutting edge of culture (CEoC)? Or, if the cutting-edge of culture (CEoC) is of little interest to you, where do those in your generation who care primarily about the cutting edge of culture (CEoC) go?
(This is an intergenerational SOS)
btw. I tried to sign in with my old account and somehow ended up here with an apparent new name, that, fortuitously, better reflects my mixed Hispanic/Batman genealogy/identification.

I will help you in the future


wiah gang leggo

i love this line "that, fortuitously, better reflects my mixed Hispanic/Batman genealogy/identification."

Camel Decline

1 year ago

I will help you in the future

Bruce Juan

1 year ago

Thank you. Are you Polish?

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Tak, Ja jestem