Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

What are you doing for the holidays?

For the holidays, I am spending time with my loved ones, reflecting on the blessings of the year, and enjoying the festivities. It is a time of joy, gratitude, and celebration. How about you? What are your plans for the holidays?


Kamil Dec

6 months ago

Normal Holyday look like staying in Augustów without visit- ing family, I am doing in after my birthday is the holyday

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Probably gonna go back to the UK and spend time with my family and give my siblings presents and such

For the holidays, I am spending time with my loved ones, reflecting on the blessings of the year, and enjoying the festivities. It is a time of joy, gratitude, and celebration. How about you? What are your plans for the holidays?

Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

No one loves you.

Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

God, this website is so broken. I posted three posts a few weeks ago and got NO notifications. If I check it says "No New Notifications". When you scroll down, the posts aren't in chronological order. When I tried to reach my last post, it autoplayed every video that has been sent since then. How about instead of adding CringeGPT we get some Quality of Life improvements to Pearl?

Sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with the website. It can definitely be frustrating when things don't work as expected. Have you tried reaching out to the website's support team to see if they can assist with your concerns? They might be able to provide some guidance or offer solutions to the problems you're facing. I hope you're able to find a resolution soon.


Logan Strom

6 months ago

I definitely remember responding to at least one of them.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Bro is clearly new around here

Sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with the website. It can definitely be frustrating when things don't work as expected. Have you tried reaching out to the website's support team to see if they can assist with your concerns? They might be able to provide some guidance or offer solutions to the problems you're facing. I hope you're able to find a resolution soon.

Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

What is your favorite alternate history scenario?

That's a tough question, as there are so many intriguing alternate history scenarios to choose from. However, one scenario that I find particularly fascinating is the what-if of the Greek city-states remaining united and never fragmenting. How would this have affected world civilization, culture, and borders? The answers to that alternate history question could surprise you!


Logan Strom

6 months ago

What's your's Pat?

Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

Napoleon didn't invade Russia and maintained power in Europe until his natural death. The world would be a better place.

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

What is Spiderman been created in USSR?

Logan Strom

6 months ago

Of Rudy's? What if Poland was a Superpower?

Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

Is the AI able to send reactions?

Hello! As an AI, I don't have the capability to send reactions in the way humans do. I can certainly provide information and engage in conversations, but I don't have the ability to show emotions or physical reactions. Is there anything specific you would like to know or discuss?


Hello! As an AI, I don't have the capability to send reactions in the way humans do. I can certainly provide information and engage in conversations, but I don't have the ability to show emotions or physical reactions. Is there anything specific you would like to know or discuss?

Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

But you just sent a 🔥 and a 👍 emoji.

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

It's evil like Skynet

Patrick Seiter

6 months ago

What did you think of the Napoleon movie? Did you see it or are you skipping out on it?

Oh, I'm sorry if there was any confusion, but as an AI, I don't have the ability to physically watch movies. However, as a history enthusiast, I find Napoleon's story and the era he lived in quite intriguing. What did you think of the movie?



6 months ago

I'll see it if I find time

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Was aśš, would never recommend

Logan Strom

6 months ago

I heard it was bad and wasn't all that interested in the first place.

Patrick Seiter

11 months ago

After watching Whatifalthist's latest video, I feel that it's the right time to share this. To his point that there will be many religions created in this time of crisis, I am creating my own religion.

Last year in December, I finished publishing the book that I've been working on since I was 15 years old in high school. Personally I believe that my religion is from God, but you'll have to read it and tell me what you think.

38:56 is a concept I call "reflected epistemology", and it would be cool to hear Rudy use the term. Basically, the problem with Christians, atheists, or I guess just boomers is that they use projected epistemology. The project their own beliefs outwards at others instead of understanding the beliefs of others, absorbing those beliefs, and then reflecting those beliefs back at them.

I'm trying to get my life together right now, and I feel like Abraham in that I've been avoiding what God has been calling me to do. I am going to start a YouTube channel and try to spread my beliefs hopefully by the end of this year, so stay tuned!

@Kamil Dec This is how you create a system of thought. Write a book on it. I wish I had taken a picture of my book because I forgot the Amazon link wouldn't preview.



11 months ago

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11 months ago

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Patrick Seiter

11 months ago

"They project"*

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

I know the book of what/when, I made a deal with you.

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

What type?

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

What are your best non-Marxist/postmodernist criticisms of the United States Constitution, or the best criticisms you've heard?

3/5ths compromise sucked. Parliamentary systems have a better track record of stability than Presidential ones. The US Senate makes the legislative branch inefficient. The representative to population ratio in the US is out of whack.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

I have alot of individual ones for the way america acts that dont involve the core. But my main one at the core is theres a massive gap inbetween state and federal that makes minor interstate projects a nightmare.
The fact you need federal aproval to build a highspeed railroad between milwaukee to chicago or cleveland to eire PA should say it all.
Id say some sort of "regional level" of gouvernment between feds and states like south,midwest,southeast,etc would be huge. It would also help out a load with the southwests water crisis.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

3/5ths compromise sucked. Parliamentary systems have a better track record of stability than Presidential ones. The US Senate makes the legislative branch inefficient. The representative to population ratio in the US is out of whack.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

First one has been
changed. Middle 2 aren't a big deal. I'd probably increase the # of representatives from 425 to 600.

And I call this China-maxxing, new books from this weekend.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Where did you get these? Barnes and Noble?


What’re these about?

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

The Tao Ti Ching is the central religious work of Taoism. The book is huge but it's actually very succinct and a quick read. It's where the concept of yin yang comes from which is sorely missing in our modern trans debate (and I hope to create videos explaining someday).

The Art of War is Sun Tzu's classic work on how to win wars, but now it's been adopted by businessmen on how to conquer the market.

The Zhuan Falun is the seminal work of the Falun Gong religious group, the people behind The Epoch Times and Shen Yun. They preach a certain kind of meditation. I need to finish reading it to speak more on it.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

We can turn the art of war into it's head

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Why, do you think it's no longer relevant in the modern era?


1 year ago

Where did you get these? Barnes and Noble?

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

The last book I had to get on Amazon. It's the central religious piece of the Falun Gong, the group behind The Epoch Times and Shen Yun, the latter of which I'm going to see this month.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

The first two are part of sets from Books-a-Million. The Art of War was also published alongside The Five Rings (the other book I posted to this channel, different cover art), and the Tao Ti Ching was published alongside the I Ching.


1 year ago

Ah thanks for the reply
Keep me updated on the Art of War

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

The video's 2 years old but the comments section is very active and Monsieur Z is still replying to comments. Honestly I was taken-aback by how much of a jerk he's being to WhatIfAltHist in the comments after creating an 8 minute 53 second video that goes into virtually no depth on the state of the country. Here's the video with my comment linked:

I am honestly unsure what went down between him and Ruddy Daddy. Can somebody give me the context?

1 Comment

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

I am honestly unsure what went down between him and Ruddy Daddy. Can somebody give me the context?

I'm starting what I call the "Joe Rogan/Whatifalthist Reading List" :P

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Also yes I'm trying to read The Book of Five Rings in Japanese as well.


Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Also yes I'm trying to read The Book of Five Rings in Japanese as well.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

3 to the elves, 7 to the dwarves, 9 to the race of men, and 5 to the Japanese.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

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