
1 year ago

What is the future of sports in your opinion?

Kickball and Softball about the they are my favourite from childhood but in Poland, I don't it poplar like the states



1 year ago

Not into sports, but I think the NFL and sports betting companies will get caught rigging games

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I see handball growing in popularity in the short term becoming a more high action less tactical alturnative to soccer.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Kickball and Softball about the they are my favourite from childhood but in Poland, I don't it poplar like the states

“The us has remained a stable quarter”


1 year ago

Americas is about to go way back up as a total %.

China and east Asia populations on free fall, europe population declining, africa and Middle East positioned for famine and war, etc…

North America is the island of civilization that shines bright when darkness consumes the old world.


Albert L

1 year ago

You can't compare the modern economy to the 1950 economy where most countries are agrarian or wrecked by war

normal human

1 year ago

what about israel

Americas is about to go way back up as a total %.

China and east Asia populations on free fall, europe population declining, africa and Middle East positioned for famine and war, etc…

North America is the island of civilization that shines bright when darkness consumes the old world.


1 year ago

I could totally imagine a period where America is the hegemon but it would be short term

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Just like the aftermath of ww2 when we built the very system that lead us here.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

lets hope peter zeihan is correct

I do think it’ll be the same level. It seems like afroeurasia could be about to see a relative dark age. As drastic as it sounds, population collapses and food crises make it seem strangely possible

Newb Mann

1 year ago

But on steroids

Guy says 4.8 billion people died due to capitalism


1 year ago

Guy says 4.8 billion people died due to capitalism 💀


communism killed a billion
capitalism killed gigatillion
blank killed blank
honesty idc

Newb Mann

1 year ago

This comment was flagged by a moderator


1 year ago

Actually is more like 4335742309 billion people


1 year ago

What is the roadmap for Pearl?

  1. Streaming to youtube and all other socials simultaneously and implementing various tactics to drive the audience to pearl. We’re testing our primary tactic with the recording of the last stream that’ll be posted sometime soon once an update goes out.

  2. For past 2 months we’ve been doing hardcore backend infrastructure updates so we can handle large numbers of users without errors, bugs, crashes. Database and similar upgrades.

  3. Now we’re handling more user facing infrastructure.

Sprucing up email updates so you’re noticed when a livestream starts or is posted, when WIAH interacts, a digest email of community activity.

In addition, banners/pop ups/advertisements of paid functionality during livestreams and after. Foundational things

  1. What we call reverse flow for creator-fan DMs.

When users sign up or at other important junctures, they’re asked what questions they have for WIAH they can directly DM him.

When WIAH replies, he’s default set so his answers are posted in the newsfeed and the fanbase is email notified about it in the digest emails.

The goal is to get as many users to engage and interact as possible rather than being just watchers, and then to use the creator’s replies to populate the newsfeed with content that can be used to get users to visit Pearl more, therefore increasing retention and engagement

  1. Livestream event structure.

To have different formats for livestreams and code built to facilitate them. AMA with upgrades, fan round table where some small number of fans pays to be on stage with WIAH for the whole stream, and creator roundtable where other youtubers are on stage with WIAH talking

1 Comment

Besides that we just nailed down our tactics to grow and are kicking it off ASAP. Goal is 100k users in 3 months

  1. Streaming to youtube and all other socials simultaneously and implementing various tactics to drive the audience to pearl. We’re testing our primary tactic with the recording of the last stream that’ll be posted sometime soon once an update goes out.

  2. For past 2 months we’ve been doing hardcore backend infrastructure updates so we can handle large numbers of users without errors, bugs, crashes. Database and similar upgrades.

  3. Now we’re handling more user facing infrastructure.

Sprucing up email updates so you’re noticed when a livestream starts or is posted, when WIAH interacts, a digest email of community activity.

In addition, banners/pop ups/advertisements of paid functionality during livestreams and after. Foundational things

  1. What we call reverse flow for creator-fan DMs.

When users sign up or at other important junctures, they’re asked what questions they have for WIAH they can directly DM him.

When WIAH replies, he’s default set so his answers are posted in the newsfeed and the fanbase is email notified about it in the digest emails.

The goal is to get as many users to engage and interact as possible rather than being just watchers, and then to use the creator’s replies to populate the newsfeed with content that can be used to get users to visit Pearl more, therefore increasing retention and engagement

  1. Livestream event structure.

To have different formats for livestreams and code built to facilitate them. AMA with upgrades, fan round table where some small number of fans pays to be on stage with WIAH for the whole stream, and creator roundtable where other youtubers are on stage with WIAH talking


1 year ago

I just looked at a list of notable Arsenal FC supporters (my club) and I saw that Osama Bin Laden was on the list 😱

Hypocrisy in action


1 year ago

The Bosnian War was a failure of Tito to integrate Serbo Croatians into a common ethnic identity

1 Comment

The Bosnian War was a failure of Tito to integrate Serbo Croatians into a common ethnic identity


1 year ago

Has the crisis of the 21st century already begun?

The spark has been lit and heading down the fuse but its not reached the powderkeg itself yet.


nasich nigeri

1 year ago

it has started with covid, some might say it even begun with 9/11

Newb Mann

1 year ago

The spark has been lit and heading down the fuse but its not reached the powderkeg itself yet.

Bev Bevan

1 year ago



1 year ago

I literally had a dream about a Whatifalthist video it was titled

Changes in world geography since 3000 Bc or something like that


Newb Mann

1 year ago

I think he touched on a few exsamples of this like Didnt he mention all off the modern territory of kuwait didnt exsist until kinda recently?


1 year ago

I actually consider myself quite well educated on this subject and not super much has changed


1 year ago

There are minor changes in coastline in Europe and there were still Islands in the Dogger Bank and the Aral Sea existed


1 year ago

Why is Israel the only industrialized country with above replacement level birth rate’s?

  1. I imagine because the Israelis are still very religious (due to the fact that they are literally surrounded by blood thirsty psychopaths who have an insatiable desire to brutally genocide them which probably makes remaining united basically a necessity for survival. I read a study a while back that stated that social hardship heavily correlates with high levels of religiosity so it would make sense why the Israelis are able to achieve a birthrate of 3.01 births per woman as an industrialized nation. It’s also interesting to note that most industrialized nations aren’t in such a volatile geopolitical situation as Israel. That situation being outmatched in pretty much every metric that is relevant in warfare) and nationalistic. If you went to Tel Aviv today and asked random Israelis if they are proud of their country and if they believe that they are superior to the Palestinians, they would say yes to both of those questions pretty much instantly which suggests that the Israelis are united by a strong pro-Jew ideology (Judaism), goal (the creation and preservation of a Jewish state) and national identity (Israeli identity). This matters because it means that Jews will subconsciously as well as consciously do things like reproduce because it is an obvious necessity for their survival irrespective of their economic/financial situation.

  2. The Jews have a culture that promotes education, responsibility, survival, the promotion of efficient hierarchies and social/financial unity which makes the Jews very smart and innovative (be it technologically, socially, demographically etc).



1 year ago

They are concerned about constant outside threat which motivated their whole society and they are a comparatively young country which I'm sure helps as well.

Bev Bevan

1 year ago

I don't have the statistics at hand, but it's the Hasidic community. There's a loophole that anyone studying the Torah gets a support stipend and doesn't have to serve in the military. One sect has used this to be permanently out of work (and out of the Army) and doesn't believe in birth control. So, they have like 10 kids and live off government subsidies. Needless to say, it drives the other 90% of the country crazy, but because the government coalitions are so broad, nobody can afford to piss off the Hasidic PMs.

normal human

1 year ago

absolutely wrong, bennet has started cutting subsidies and the people comprising most of the ultra orthodox are haredis not hassidics. They are building companies and will be great asset to Israel, fatherland. and the arabic birth rate is falling. In 2019 for the first time jewish birth rate surpassed arabic. and as for the religious part. For the religous part, secular jews have a birth rate of 1.9 a figure most western countries can only dream of.

Brendan Grassow

1 year ago

Here's a video explaining it in detail

normal human

1 year ago

bennet is changing this
and haredim are going the hassidic way

Bev Bevan

1 year ago

I appreciate the info.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

  1. I imagine because the Israelis are still very religious (due to the fact that they are literally surrounded by blood thirsty psychopaths who have an insatiable desire to brutally genocide them which probably makes remaining united basically a necessity for survival. I read a study a while back that stated that social hardship heavily correlates with high levels of religiosity so it would make sense why the Israelis are able to achieve a birthrate of 3.01 births per woman as an industrialized nation. It’s also interesting to note that most industrialized nations aren’t in such a volatile geopolitical situation as Israel. That situation being outmatched in pretty much every metric that is relevant in warfare) and nationalistic. If you went to Tel Aviv today and asked random Israelis if they are proud of their country and if they believe that they are superior to the Palestinians, they would say yes to both of those questions pretty much instantly which suggests that the Israelis are united by a strong pro-Jew ideology (Judaism), goal (the creation and preservation of a Jewish state) and national identity (Israeli identity). This matters because it means that Jews will subconsciously as well as consciously do things like reproduce because it is an obvious necessity for their survival irrespective of their economic/financial situation.

  2. The Jews have a culture that promotes education, responsibility, survival, the promotion of efficient hierarchies and social/financial unity which makes the Jews very smart and innovative (be it technologically, socially, demographically etc).

normal human

1 year ago

yes, we are surrounded from all sides by barbarians but life is life.

normal human

1 year ago

kind of off the mark but close to it. Even in the poverty and wars secular jews didn't became more religious. As for unity, a hippie from tel aviv and a haredi from bnei brak live in completely opposite worlds but they will both sit with their parents on saturday and have a dinner. Israel is the outliers of outliers.


1 year ago

Do you think Europe could have a century of humiliation like China’s had. Could Europe also make a comeback after the century like China did?

I don't think so. I don't see asian powers doing doing to Europe what they did to China. The only way for Europe to come back is through a united continent (EU or not) because the countries are too small to compete with continent size countries and hundred of millions of people per country



1 year ago

I think it is possible, but I doubt it. The century of humiliation has roused Chinese nationalism and if European nationalism is roused they'll start up against each other, not the rest of the world, and I think America and Russia will be Rome and Persia to their Greece if that makes sense. Something really dramatic has to happen to pull Europe out of decline.


1 year ago

I don't think so. I don't see asian powers doing doing to Europe what they did to China. The only way for Europe to come back is through a united continent (EU or not) because the countries are too small to compete with continent size countries and hundred of millions of people per country