Jay Watts

1 year ago

So I just got back from my trip to Bangladesh and got married. My dad was arranged, but there is a caveat, my grandmother (his mom) did not want him to get married since she thought that he was immature, my dad was already 29 and running the family business. He met my mom though one of his female cousins who went to school with my mom. He subsequently won the first diversity visa lottery when I was barely a few days old and had to fend for himself in America since there was so little Bengalis here back in the early 90s. He is a very savvy business man. We also butted heads and differed on our philosophy, since I wanted to party and not study when I was in my teens. I actually stole my paperwork and joined the Marines when I turned 18 just to get away from him. Best decision I did at that time. Now I'm back and I'm helping him retire and take over his business.

I chose to get arranged due to the fact that I couldn't see anyone in the west melding with my family, I plan on looking after my mom and dad for the rest of their lives and never letting them see a retirement home. I talked to a few prospects and I got lucky and married someone who is ambitious and educated and more importantly wants to be Trad and is genuinely Based.


Evan Weeks

1 year ago

Congrats! Arranged marriages get a bad rap over here in the west, but I personally see a lot of value in them. I like that there is more discussion between the children and parents about the marriage, rather than picking some random person you meet.

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

Rip Logan's messages 💀

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Censorbot Overlord strikes again. I tried so many rearrangements of words.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

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Logan Strom

1 year ago

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This is awesome. Do you have pics of thr wedding or stories to share? This is really fascinating. I’ve thought about finding a long term partner outside the west for reasons similar to what you mention too. The forces of chaos have corrupted the hearts and minds of many westerners

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Easy litmus test: When a girl is complaining about some structural problem in her life say "Sound's like you need a man." If she doesn't get offended, she might be a keeper.

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

My sister is an English major and she graduated in 2015. She has no sustainable job and lives at home with our parents. She constantly complains inequality, especially pertaining to homelessness. But like most leftists does nothing about it (she would never invite a homeless man over to the house) and instead wants the government to redistribute rich people's wealth to poor people. I am going tell her "Sounds like you need a man" wish me luck. (She's also a feminist)

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Bruv that last statement 😂😂😂😂

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

Warhammer is very based.

It’s true! Warhammer’s coining of the forces of chaos is very true in the real world. Chaos manifested in the west as communism and now the virus has morphed. When manifested as communism it played to the wests Christian desire for goodness as equality. Now it’s hijacked that same do gooder Christian spirit for equality but hijacks it in that it melts down all the foundations of the west


1 year ago

Congratulations! My family is also from Bangladesh. What parts are your family from. My dad's from Dhaka while my mom is from thakurgaon.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

Mongla port

My parents never met eachother before marrige and love eachother alot. My wife and I chose eachother, the meeting was arranged, but we had a connection and chose eachother because we had similar worldviews. I believe we will love eachother the more they years go by.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

My mom and dad never met before they got married and love eachother alot. My wife and I chose eachother and liked eachother due to similar worldviews. I see us becoming closer ad the years go by.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

If their pheromones match up they have a pretty good chance I'm guessing.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

My mom and dad never met before they got married and love eachother alot. My wife and I chose eachother and liked eachother due to similar worldviews. I see us becoming closer ad the years go by.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

That really unstable for they relationship

Jay Watts

1 year ago

https://youtu.be/0wHgr_U1e6A Tim Pool mansions whatifalthist. He thinks that the right won't win. They have the port city's and will be funded and armed by ccp and enemies

No way did tim pool mentioned wiah. No way


I think if the left is desperate enough it would take CCP support but they don’t really like them

Logan Strom

1 year ago

First of all, they do. At least far more than they like the US. Secondly, fighting for their life tends to make people a lot less picky.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

there are no permanent allies, only permanent interests

I think they just have their priorities wrong. I guess because they live in the West or in places strongly affected by it they want to criticize it more. Also maybe because most people think the US is good and China is bad and because of that they thought they just need to criticize the US.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

No way did tim pool mentioned wiah. No way

Logan Strom

1 year ago

References WhatIfAltHist briefly at around 13:00. Then on and off from 1:24:00 to 1:43:00.

Newb Mann

1 year ago


Jay Watts

1 year ago

He did.

Newb Mann

1 year ago


Jay Watts

1 year ago

No thank, I am out of US scenes July 2022.


I’m shocked he’s not fully demonetized by ytt

Whenever I see cretaors who are political i imagine they’re demonetized and want to launch them on pearl since it’d be easy

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

No thank, I am out of US scenes July 2022.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

Lucky You

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

I am not luck because Belarus is 55 km (34.2 mi) from me, and I am wait for Poland to go to war with Belarus.

Jay Watts

1 year ago

Rudyard, you need to upload more for subscribers, I dont see any exclusive maps.

true lol. He did post his first chapter of American civilization which I really enjoyed


floch forster

1 year ago

true lol. He did post his first chapter of American civilization which I really enjoyed

There’s a ton of content he posted but we havent built a filter on the newsfeed to show you only his posts

Jay Watts

1 year ago

you guys need a solutions architect