
1 year ago

My interaction with people who smoke weed/do psychedelics seems to be that they act chill and "one with the world" at a surface level but in reality are quick to anger and can be emotionally unhinged

Overall interacting with hippys has really made me reconsider authoritarianism


Stephen Sparrow

1 year ago

I have friends who have the odd joint and are fine. The issue is some peope smoke weed every single day and destroy their brains in the process. Symptoms include believing in conspiracy theories and insisting the universe is infinite in a tone of voice that implies they saw this on a trip.

psychadelic users are torn between white collar professionals and wooks


1 year ago

Overall interacting with hippys has really made me reconsider authoritarianism

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

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Evan Weeks

1 year ago

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Evan Weeks

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Do you believe that we are slaves?
I personally think it's a stretch and undermines the struggles faced by actual people thrown into slavery but it brought me I to a big argument with my sister who is a hippy,what do you think?

To a certain degree, yes. We pretty much live in a system that requires a balance of slavery and freedom in order to sustain itself with the twist that you can stop being a slave if you work hard and make good business/financial decisions. The system also infinitely expands the amount of ways that you can make money and creates many many opportunities to do so. So I would say that it is slavery due to the fact that if you were born with no money (both you and your family) you are statistically screwed unless you work yourself half to death to build a business or get lucky. Overall, it is really the only option that has actually worked in human societies even despite the dangerous long term implications


Newb Mann

1 year ago

We are not slaves we are serfs.
You work for a corperate plantation but theres no laws requireing that and you have the ability to set up your own.
I think were heading down the path to something like mideveal peasents instead of african american slaves in the south.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

To a certain degree, yes. We pretty much live in a system that requires a balance of slavery and freedom in order to sustain itself with the twist that you can stop being a slave if you work hard and make good business/financial decisions. The system also infinitely expands the amount of ways that you can make money and creates many many opportunities to do so. So I would say that it is slavery due to the fact that if you were born with no money (both you and your family) you are statistically screwed unless you work yourself half to death to build a business or get lucky. Overall, it is really the only option that has actually worked in human societies even despite the dangerous long term implications


1 year ago

I think the implications my sister was trying to make is that everyone who Sint apart of the ruling class is a class due to the fact that we must work inorder to pay taxes and bills,essentially the anarchist perception that living under a state/having to work for a living=slavery

Logan Strom

1 year ago

You don't have to be self employed, but you do have to own your own land.

yes makes sense. tate talks about this a lot. i think men get crushed under the wheel unless they control their own destiny/life which means being self employed or self sufficient


1 year ago

America had Suburbia,Britain had tower blocks,and the Soviet Union had panel houses,what would of likely been the style of urban planning in Nazi Germany or Facist Italy inorder to house a potential baby boom post war?

Neoclassicism in Germany and Futurism in Italy most likely. They used these styles before and during the war.



1 year ago

Example of Italian pre WW2 Futurism.


1 year ago

Neoclassicism in Germany and Futurism in Italy most likely. They used these styles before and during the war.


1 year ago

Thanks for the reply,not sure how reliable Wikipedia is but it calms that the Nazi goverment followed a stripped form of classicalsim (lack of ornamentation followed by modern designs such as flat roofs and uniformity) with Hitler himself believing that form follows function


1 year ago

I'm expecially interested in what Nazi architecture would of been like after Hitler's death,the Soviets under Stalin for example sometimes followed a firm of neo classicalsim,the seven sisters being the best example,but under Khrushchev more utilitarian apartment blocks were built


1 year ago

How would a Japanese/Chinese colony in North America (along the Pacific ofcourse) change history?


1 Comment

Bev Bevan

1 year ago



1 year ago

Is Technocratic socialism a good definition for the political ideoloyof the young college educated left?

It seems that nowadays college students get a bad reputation for having to work long hours just to try and get a degree. I just think that they think that not everything is money and that as long they are achieving what they want in life, that is ok.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

A part of the college educated left.
Most would care more about social issues but for the purely materialistic left yes.
Also theres the rare post liberal but thats even rarer.


1 year ago

How would you define a post liberal?

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Identity Marxism.

Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

It seems that nowadays college students get a bad reputation for having to work long hours just to try and get a degree. I just think that they think that not everything is money and that as long they are achieving what they want in life, that is ok.


1 year ago

What do you believe will be the ideologies of the future from both the left and right?

One from the right I have been thinking about, is an ideology based off of deism or agnostic theism (not necessarily Christianity). Since the modern world, as Rudyard talked in his science video, is based on rationality and materialism. Rightwingers feel increasingly uncomfortable with the ethics of the modern world, and want a stronger moral system. They cannot necessarily get behind the Bible, but they can get behind God. So a moral system based off of classical stoicism/or some other theology around God is constructed. It is a hierarchy, the most moral people are given the most rights but greatest responsibilities, and the least moral people are given the fewest rights with the fewest responsibilities. You might call it a Morarchy (rule of morals) or a Volarchy (rule of will).


Raptor Boi

1 year ago

I imagine populism will become more mainstream in the future as a result of rapid globalization. From Trump to the new Italian president there is a slow trending popularity in both the left and right (take Berne sanders for example) I could imagine some kinda of global ideological polarization across the World happening. We’re already seeing some elements right now.

I think Rudyard has said in a previous video that the Left will spawn out a new religion called Gaia ism that believes all of humanity must be destroyed for the Earth to heal itself, and the Right will develop a worship of Technology that believes we must build a machine that is so smart that it alone can take care of humanity.

Evan Weeks

1 year ago

One from the right I have been thinking about, is an ideology based off of deism or agnostic theism (not necessarily Christianity). Since the modern world, as Rudyard talked in his science video, is based on rationality and materialism. Rightwingers feel increasingly uncomfortable with the ethics of the modern world, and want a stronger moral system. They cannot necessarily get behind the Bible, but they can get behind God. So a moral system based off of classical stoicism/or some other theology around God is constructed. It is a hierarchy, the most moral people are given the most rights but greatest responsibilities, and the least moral people are given the fewest rights with the fewest responsibilities. You might call it a Morarchy (rule of morals) or a Volarchy (rule of will).