William Hartig

1 year ago

I submitted this story to several news stations but none of them even emailed me back, this story is a bit out of date but I'm feeling too demoralized to update is right now.


Title: Egyptian Intelligence Service Concludes Controversial Workshop About Sudan.

On February 1st, the Egyptian Intelligence Service's controversial Workshop on Sudanese democracy began. The workshop, hosted in Cairo with the purpose of creating a "democratic transition… that can accommodate all," has been denounced by signatories of the controversial Framework agreements on both ends of Sudan's political spectrum. The pro-democracy FFC (Forces for Freedom and Change) and the Islamist PCP (People's Congress Party) both refused to attend, accusing the workshop of being Cairo's latest attempt to hijack Sudan's already turbulent political processes.

Egypt has good reason to interfere in Sudan's internal affairs as the country remains instrumental in a decade-long dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over the latter's construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, a hydroelectric dam on the Nile River with the potential to solve Ethiopia's electricity shortage and aid massively in its industrialization, and the potential to disrupt Egypt's fragile water supply, potentially creating the worst humanitarian crisis in Egypt's history. Despite Egyptian fears, Ethiopian officials have been unwilling to allow Egyptian officials to inspect the dam, creating further distrust between the two countries. Egyptian and Ethiopian officials have both claimed to be willing to go to war over the issue, and with former president Trump’s efforts at mediating an agreement in 2020 falling flat, a war seems increasingly likely. In the event of such a war, Sudan would be a vital route between the two warring nations.

Sudan's political instability over the last decade has exacerbated tensions between the two powers. When the dam's construction first began, Sudan's military dictator Omar al-Bashir pledged support for the Ethiopian cause in exchange for electricity from the dam when completed. A military coup in 2019 saw the new regime, a counsel of civilian and military leaders promising a 3-year transition to democracy led by Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, pledge support for Egypt's cause. This transition was interrupted by a second coup in 2021 which saw General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan come to power. Burhan's coup saw renewed social unrest which culminated in the UN-mediated Framework agreements, which the UN claims are "supposed to lay the groundwork towards a final accord and the formation of a new civilian government over a two-year period."

During a recent visit to Sudan by Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Burhan's government declared that Sudan and Ethiopia were "aligned and in agreement" over the issue of the Dam. Additionally, Abiy Ahmed took the opportunity to denounce foreign interference in Sudan's internal politics, likely referring to Egypt's workshop invitation.

Egypt's workshop in Cairo concluded on the 8th with those in attendance announcing the formation of a new political coalition, united by their support of an amended 2019 Constitution as well as opposition to the Framework Agreements.

Lemme know what ya'll think and what I should do.

William Hartig

1 year ago

Is anyone here a freelance journalist or has knowledge of how that industry functions? I'm kinda trying to figure out my life and am interested in seeing if journalism is for me. I have an article I wrote on Sudan that I'm looking to get some money for.

Ive been looking at the feild for a little while over some stuff relating to intel moveing into my local area and what I can say is its stupid corrupt and "sideing with the audience" to get ratings is valued over the truth. It will be difficult to find a site,newspaper,magizine,etc willing to take up your story assuming there donors dont like it or it goes against there audiences preconsived notions.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Ive been looking at the feild for a little while over some stuff relating to intel moveing into my local area and what I can say is its stupid corrupt and "sideing with the audience" to get ratings is valued over the truth.
It will be difficult to find a site,newspaper,magizine,etc willing to take up your story assuming there donors dont like it or it goes against there audiences preconsived notions.

William Hartig

1 year ago

My article is pretty uncontroversial due to how obscure the topic is. Very few people are familiar enough with the region to have an opinion. The only thing I could think of is that maybe hardcore leftists would be upset that I don’t blame the British for the conflict in the region.

William Hartig

2 years ago

How’s everyone doing?

I am not here for small talk. Buy me a drink first



1 year ago

Doing good. You?

William Hartig

1 year ago

Finals :/


1 year ago

I am not here for small talk. Buy me a drink first

hahahahaha @dutch is serious about talking some hardcore history


1 year ago

Am I supposed to have gotten a notification that you replied to me?


1 year ago
