
Newb Mann

9 months ago

Boss fright begins with me, my army of ideas with his ideas


Jonathan Seed

9 months ago

Ruddy the Zodiac molestor

Kamil Dec

9 months ago

No, it isn't because I expect it as my life

Kamil Dec

9 months ago

You didn't care about someone almost their lost life like my sister in car accident and my sister almost lost her life only single time, I almost lost life 3 or more times and I had 4 external crisis from I was a baby with hundred of Diseases.

Jonathan Seed

9 months ago

Bro is so skitzo its overwhelming

Kamil Dec

9 months ago

Boss fright begins with me, my army of ideas with his ideas

Kamil Dec

9 months ago

I walked over a tail most killed me in Norway, that tail never have tree. A chain low changes survival because I did slide like around 5 m (15 ft) with 55-60 degree angle rock walk over a ton of time and normal Skate shoes for Augustówian Summer, if a large branch fallen on me (I will sit for 25-35 degree or lying down with back into the sky for 35-80 degree and blocking my arm from slope for safety, jump arms into tail with flat terrain of 0-20 degree). +> Life story with how to it when hiking, I doing hiking a hobby but I made this how do it in mind will hiking in Shenandoah National Park trip (I was 9 years in 5th grade on May and I was starter with a maybe a year experiences, I did fixing it without any experience for that branch falling on you)

Jonathan Seed

9 months ago

no one cares

Newb Mann

11 months ago
Wiah now has fanfictions made for his videos . . . Bruh midevial america fantasy book. Writen by a tradcath hispanic but still.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Update all the wagner stuff ended after lukashenko putin and prighozin negotiated a deal that pretty much gave into all of prighozins demands. Which means shoigu and gerasimov are loseing there jobs the missile strike on a wagner base will be the only one and hes getting all the equipment he could ever want.

2023 Russian Revolution is like 1905 Russian Revolution because Witte was like Shoigu but they have same first name. It is funny in history book will be think of our time

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

2023 Russian Revolution is like 1905 Russian Revolution because Witte was like Shoigu but they have same first name. It is funny in history book will be think of our time

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Update wagner took rostov and now was meeting with russian generals there that comand 25% of russias army in ukraine
Shit is getting real

its a nothing burger


Logan Strom

1 year ago

I don't know who, but I'm 90% sure this is someone's psyop.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

You dont shoot down 8 helicopters for a psyop. It was a powergrab by prighozin and it worked out its over now with him getting all his demands.


1 year ago

its a nothing burger

Newb Mann

1 year ago

It ended up being that way but who would have guessed putin would cave into every single one of prighozins demands while lukashenko just watched.

Newb Mann

1 year ago
So wagner is mutinying and the mod fired a missle at them. This is closer to a russian civil war than I ever thought possible.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Is the us the only country with large enough internal migrations to be noteworthy?
I hear so much about people moveing from california illinois or massachusets to ohio,georgia,colorado. Yet I never hear about parisians moveing to the bordeau suburbs or vancouver people moveing to edmonton.
If its caused by the internet makeing remote work easier then it shouldnt just be an american trend.

Western World is different then Poland because the social stability and unification, America need to have the Polish way of itself to surviving of the 150 years of pain but Poland will be surviving 1,600 years (changing our sociality being allover that due date by 2 time)

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Western World is different then Poland because the social stability and unification, America need to have the Polish way of itself to surviving of the 150 years of pain but Poland will be surviving 1,600 years (changing our sociality being allover that due date by 2 time)

Newb Mann

1 year ago
Super interesting thread about generations and the ending is so well put togeather all the fellow zoomers here we are a like excaliber a sword stuck in the stone of demoralization and meaningless waiting for somone to give us meaning and weild the power of the masses.

Based demoralization (apart of subversion btw)

1 Comment

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Based demoralization (apart of subversion btw)

Uh what?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Another thing
Iran afghan boarder clash over a water dispute with the Helmand river

Wtf the mercenary force that took bakhmut is getting purged for calling out the main russian army. The one part of the russian army that achieved victory in months is getting purged.

Newb Mann

1 year ago