
1 year ago

I think Pentecostalism will follow a similar trend to Christianity and Buddhism before: start in one civilization but permeate on a fundamental level in another civilization. It started in LA (western) but permeates on a fundamental level in Africa, especially East Africa.

What is your thoughts about ideology can overpower religion?


Newb Mann

1 year ago

I kinda agree and think a new religion will rise in the west while sub saharan africa goes christian.
I have a feeling it will pull from the weirdest parts of christianity while including parts of hinduism and judaism that are disperportionatly represented in the elite. While probably including a bunch of new stuff and would end up being a new religion.


1 year ago

I've been saying this for a while now. I think it will be Christianity combined with left wing emphasis on ethnic minority rights, women's rights, LGBT rights and environmentalism, deism, Buddhism, new age gaia-ism, astrology and Jordan Peterson psychoanalysis. We in the west would call it Christianity, but those who follow a more traditional faith would call it an antichrist religion.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I dont think the emphasis on minority +lgbt and womens rights would be a big part of it because they will either become normalized to the point of being redundant to point out almost like telling people DONT MURDER LMAO that everyone agrees with so it doesnt need to be said or will stop being relavent for the opposite reason and theres a backlash either way I dont see it being as relavent as it is now as time goes on. Everything else I can see though.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

What is your thoughts about ideology can overpower religion?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Thats not going to happen religion has so much ideology does not.
Religious populations also replace itself at much higher rates than ideological ones so even if there isnt some big move away the gradual trend is twords religious populations outcompeteing and thus "overpowering" ideological ones


1 year ago

I don't understand your question. Are you asking if ideology can override religion?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I think hes asking if ideology can replace religion.


1 year ago

Should I start a substack?

What type?


Logan Strom

1 year ago

Submarines are usually round. I doubt they'd stack well. It also sounds like an incredibly expensive hobby and I don't see the payoff.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

What type?


1 year ago

A political one. I'm have a poli sci degree and am currently a chief of staff. I've also worked on political campaigns

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

You can help us to campaigning on our ideology is called Intermarism (ideology of unificationism)


1 year ago

I wrote something about political realignment and am currently working on an article about the influence of the New Left on geopolitics in particular its place on the western philosophical Mount Rushmore. I was wondering should I find a website to publish my stuff or should I start a substack?

More like some garbage Jefferson Davis statue than Mount Rushmore.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

More like some garbage Jefferson Davis statue than Mount Rushmore.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

I got that wrong. I should've said Woodrow Wilson. The original over educated incompetent race hustling victim narrativising Segregationist Leftist Globalist.


1 year ago

I don't think you understand my argument at all. I'm saying the moron ethical change that happened in the west during the 60s is this great as during the 1520s aka the Protestant Reformation. Look at Putin saying during his annexation of those four Ukrainian territories, that it is important to fight against "LGBT propaganda" and for traditional values. He brought that up willingly


1 year ago

I hate to break it to you but you should see how other parts of the world view the things that the new left cares about (ethnic minority rights, women's economic and reproductive rights, LGBT rights, and environmentalism). They literally define it as epitome of the west. And to take from the historian Tom Holland, the 60s are like the 1520s: a great era of ethical and moral change. Seeing how Russia, Iran, and China act emboldens my argument

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Look at other parts of the world that implemented New Left prescriptions, like Mao's China. Go read/watch Yeonmi Park talk about North Korea being the same as Colombia University and see how you feel then.


1 year ago

I think it makes sense for the East African Federation to drop South Sudan and the DRC as they are too unstable. That way I see the attempt to form will succeed. What do you think?

Once formed grant them something akin to canidate status so they may join once they have calmed down. Also why is DRC in this the kongo coast has a much better arguement of being in west africa than east.



1 year ago

When they added DRC my first thoughts were: Man,EAF had a low probability to succed as is, now it's 0

I don't know but if the EAF forms I will definitively root for them. I always loved East African culture and I think they'd have lots of potential.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Humanity is a failure of a species


1 year ago

Looks like the next victim in the crisis of the 21st century is Kosovo.

Nato has allready said they would "intervene" if kosovos stability is in jepardy. Even if its just as a way to destract from domestic problems Being under the american umbrella makes me alot less worried about kosovo long term. But short term I have no idea Pristina might be leveled like mariupol before help arives.


Kosovo doesn’t have the population for war considering most of them are emigrating abroad


1 year ago

but NATO still has a force there

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Nato has allready said they would "intervene" if kosovos stability is in jepardy.
Even if its just as a way to destract from domestic problems Being under the american umbrella makes me alot less worried about kosovo long term.
But short term I have no idea Pristina might be leveled like mariupol before help arives.


1 year ago

How many of you would want a sports chatroom on this page?

I do as a proud Arsenal fan

1 Comment


1 year ago

That's not my vibe, but I'm not against it


1 year ago

I do as a proud Arsenal fan


1 year ago

With the Sri Lankan prime minister resigning, Sri Lanka looks like the potential first domino to fall. More to come

Fall to who?


Jay Watts

1 year ago

Domino for who? China?


1 year ago

The chaos WIAH predicts

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Fall to who?


1 year ago

Collapse, revolution or who knows. I don't think this by itself will lead to state regime collapse, but depending how bad their food situation is, we could see State collapse.


2 years ago

What's your view on the new video?

I don’t really see the US withdrawing from Europe tbh. If the US threatened to withdraw and the Europeans beefed up their military spending, the US would probably be satisfied by that and stay.



1 year ago

The idea of border skirmishes between Poland and Slovakia is ridiculous


1 year ago

Americas birthrate is below replacement levels according to every single statistic i find. It is still higher then Europe but it's not enough to call America a “young country” when the average American age is projected too be 43 in 2060 putting America in the French,British and Scandinavian camp


1 year ago

While I liked the video, I have my disagreements

  • British TV shows are popular in America such as Dr. Who, Big Brother, and The Office which America copied
  • European culture can still be seen through two categories: sport and music. Soccer or Football is the world's most popular sport and is rapidly growing in America. Europe helped create many EDM genres such as drum and bass, trance, and hardstyle.
  • The lack of assimilation is probably due to a sticky sense of what it means to be a true "country ethnicity". Compared to America, it's a lot easier for ethnic minorities to be true Americans even if they don't marry into the white group. This does not exist in Europe where you can be a native speaker born in a European country yet still be viewed as an immigrant.
  • To be fair, our foreign policy especially since 2001 has been stupid and should be mocked
  • Agnostic social democracy is pretty damn good, better than whatever the US is right now. WIAH even said it was pleasant to live in
  • Your political party analysis is deeply incorrect. I would like to claim like how WIAH is a history expert, I am in how political parties and political realignments. I wrote an article about this, and I think the difference between first past the post (US and Anglo countries) and proportional representation (rest of the world). I argue the 2019 EU elections were the most important elections of the last decade as showed the political trends growing most in democracies around the world: a neoliberal Macronite center similar to Clinton, Biden, and the Bulwark magazine, a resurgent left among the left with an environmental edge (Green New Deal), and a Nationalist populist right (Trump). For those who don’t know, your first vote for your country’s party, and then they join together with similar parties from other countries This is best seen in France with a small traditional center-right faction remaining. I recommend looking at Kristen Soltis Anderson, a Republican pollster who showed this in a 2021 slide deck. Even though both the democrats and republicans are becoming populist, populists are only controlling one of the two parties.
  • As you said, there is no reason for France and Germany not to be very close allies so why do you say they won’t be strong partners? If anything, the fact they have different spheres of influence helps increase their cooperation since they are not competing over the same areas.


2 years ago

This is from today's Phillip DeFranco episode. Polling about the interest of Gen Z. I wonder what if you think especially in the context of his Gen Z video.


2 years ago

Looks like the Turkish Caliphate is not happening with the rise of deism in conservative communities.

Ah yes as we all should know, follow the current trends and extend them to the next century


Really? I think a secular Turkish empire is totally possible


1 year ago

I agree with you. In fact I think it will happen. I posted my predictions on the world 2100, and Turkey did have an imperial realm


1 year ago

Ah yes as we all should know, follow the current trends and extend them to the next century