Raptor Boi

1 year ago

How long do you think the world will last once gen Z officially became a the leading generation? Personally, maybe a year or two. If we live in a future where tik tic Mfs run the IS government the only thing we can do is pray that nuclear war comes sooner rather than later.

I doubt nuclear war will happen. Only America and Russia have the ability to glaze the Earth. Everybody else has them for deterance purpose only. As we have seen the Russian preformances this year, it is likely their missles cant fly. Id place my bets on depopulation causing people and religion to capitulate into a "Brave New World" society.


Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

People will grow up eventually, I doubt that people will still do tik tok in their 30s.

Raptor Boi

1 year ago

The major issue is that gen Z is the only generation to be born that into a digitalized world, the internet during the 90s and early 2000s was small but now everyone and their grandparents use it. I don’t believe I have to go through why the internet is bad for people mentally. I think once gen Z has their coming of age they will be like the millennials but cranked up to 11 with ungodly amounts of entitlement, extreme laziness, a large increase in depression and radicalism. Whether it be from redpillers or sjws it’s obvious that the new generation will be full of radicals who refuse to compromise. Compromises is the main founding principle for the US government and once you have the youth who are extreme in their views and idealistic it does not bode well for a healthy democracy

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Aren't we a bit too small of a demographic to become a leading generation? I kinda expected that duty to fall to millennials.

Raptor Boi

1 year ago

I’m talking about when all 12-14 year olds are in their 30s and their parents are considering retiring.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I think it will last well beyond gen z comeing into power
Probably with my generation slowly learning the hard way with a few leaps that lead to massive growing pains.
This will be chaotic but this wont be "the end"