normal human

1 year ago

What do you guys think of Ray Dalio?

I don't think hes 100% wrong but he has serious flaws in his beliefs in regards to America and China

1 Comment

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

I don't think hes 100% wrong but he has serious flaws in his beliefs in regards to America and China

normal human

1 year ago

When do you guys think will the Russia-Ukraine war end?

Probably some time in 2025 or 2026. And it wont be a total victory but rather a very limited peace deal. Probably something like the donbass is created as a buffer state and russia gets a weirdly loopy strip of land to crimea that advoids most population centers while accepting ukraine wont join nato.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Probably some time in 2025 or 2026.
And it wont be a total victory but rather a very limited peace deal.
Probably something like the donbass is created as a buffer state and russia gets a weirdly loopy strip of land to crimea that advoids most population centers while accepting ukraine wont join nato.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Actually this year or next years because my calculator of the war with Ukraine by I did prediction in the being of the invasion of Ukrainian this year will have around a million Russian frighting and 485,000 Ukrainians plus next year will be around 2 million Russian solders vs. 860,000 Ukrainian Solders, I am know the info they giving to us is wrong because my feel it in my gut of corse.

normal human

1 year ago

In his recent video Rudyard talked about how for a country to have a stable population, it needs to have a rural and religious population. But Israel is a country where 90 percent of the population lives in urban areas, still secular Israelis have a birth rate of 1.9 ( a number most developed countries can only dream of) and the number goes up with orthodox and ultra-orthodox communities. I also think that women education and labor participation is an amazing thing that every nation should do and can produce insurmountable benefits( if done in the right way) when compared to transient shocks. I think the west can easily accomplish the same if it incorporates elements of Catholicism and orthodox Christianity. Its not that difficult, if a pastor of some christian is reading this, all you have to do is read a few books of G.K. Chesterton( amazing writer) to understand this better.

Indians thinks that their culture is best when their country occupies 144th rank on GDP per capita index. Its infrastructure makes Ukraine look like a developed country. Has some of the most corrupt politicians in the world. Its universities don't even come near top 200 universities. Its education system funnels its best brains out of country at the expanse, and after some time they become fully assimilated. Its law enforcement is a laughing stock. Yet an Indian has immense faith in its country's future.

So, I can't see why westerners have any reason to think that they are useless. I know that postmodern Marxists have tried their best to ruin your country( they would have succeeded, if not for some brave lads) but you can heal the wound. Just have faith in God.

Also the nihilism that you are experiencing, Nietzsche already predicted this.


Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Life is too easy now. And praying to your government is more lucrative than homage to a diety.

normal human

1 year ago

Not paying homage. Serving

normal human

1 year ago

Also the nihilism that you are experiencing, Nietzsche already predicted this.

normal human

1 year ago

Has anyone read or is currently reading Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

normal human

1 year ago

How will the coming instability in Arab countries due to famine will affect Israel?

I think it may result in an expansion of Israeli influence in Mesopotamia. Assuming the Assad/Iraqi regime falls, they could fund pro Israeli factions in those areas. But Im not sure if they'd be successful


Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

I imagine the "10th man rule" is already in play. The biggest problem is how many of the starving refugees will accuse Isreal of causing the hardship and seek discord if given sanctuary.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Probably allow them to take the gloves off and go into other territories like the lebanonese Galilee and a few coastal cities like Tyre the old kingdom held but not past the litani river, officially annex west bank and undo the 2005 retreat from gaza and probably undo the treaty with egypt and retake sinai that sort of greater israel with actually somewhat defensible geography and since I now know theres an antisemite here this is not the 10 agorot coin greater israel NO ONE WANTS THAT and NO ONE SAINE BELIVES THAT.

Israels super high birthrate of 2.9 per woman sets them up for expansion and the chaos in the arab world would present the perfect opportunity.

There would also be the opportunity to prop up a few pro israeli factions through out the middle east but probably wont be succefful outside possibly oman or yemen but even then its not the most likley and Im possitive they wouldnt last long term.

Im positive there will be operations to rescue the few hundred mizrahi jews living in those unstable countrys like Operation Solomon or Dove Wing.

More than anything it will force them to come to some sort new of consensus with turkey who would likley turn into the regional hegimon/big daddy what form that will take I have 0 clue.

normal human

1 year ago

i wish turkey burns and collapses in upcoming crisis.


1 year ago

No one in Israel (maybe Ben Gvir?) wants to conquer part of Lebanon. If the country collapses I could see a temporary occupation happening but that’s it.


1 year ago

I think it may result in an expansion of Israeli influence in Mesopotamia.
Assuming the Assad/Iraqi regime falls, they could fund pro Israeli factions in those areas. But Im not sure if they'd be successful

normal human

1 year ago

Seeing so many people being bullish on India as next "economic giant" or next "superpower". What are some thoughts on India's future? Indic civilization is one of the most confusing and paradoxical civilization ever in my opinion.

I think what a country needs to be a superpower is the skills needed to start a stable economic system. Financial intelligence is necessary, not just valuable resources. This is one of the reasons globalization is actually bad for developing countries, since giant corporations only care to raise profits and out compete one another, instead of helping those countries grow financially.


Jay Watts

1 year ago

if they can overcome its chip on its shoulder. it has alot of good will from the Arab world, I see it possibly squandering it. a more nicer and mature India would do well.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

I can see it squandering its opportunity. I dont get an image of innovation and triumph from a hindu religion.

normal human

1 year ago

i agree

Hugo Guzman

1 year ago

India will not survive the 21st century.

normal human

1 year ago

and its people think that India is going to become a superpower interestingly.

normal human

1 year ago

it is a country that ranked 2 places above Afghanistan on global hunger index

Logan Strom

1 year ago

What will replace it?

Hugo Guzman

1 year ago

Like a dozen states. It'll Balkanize.

normal human

1 year ago

somebody living in Uk, what do you think is going on right now

normal human

1 year ago

If there is any person living in India from here, what do you think of situation in India?

I'm not in India, but which situation are you referring to?


Bev Bevan

1 year ago

I'm not in India, but which situation are you referring to?


1 year ago

I think he's talking about the Muslim issues

normal human

1 year ago

it is in air
things are changing

normal human

2 years ago

though admit pearl has many bugs but i can freely talk about philosophy, history and more importantly religion and politics. something i won't be able to do anywhere(mostly).

Please lmk the bugs you find! We’re pushing a huge update this week in prep for the next livestream


Logan Strom

1 year ago

Except for the moderator. Comments get flagged for so little. While we can have freedom of opinion there is tight control on language. Pretty much the opposite of SBNation, where I also comment a lot.

Also we keep reducing AI moderation in pearl but idk what the floor will end up being. It seems chill now

Logan Strom

1 year ago

One of my comments got deleted for calling a YouTuber with shoddy arguments a ha*k *c. And I had to test the system to find that out. That just seems really extreme to me. But if that's the rule that's fine I guess but we need to know what the rules are. Maybe a message saying why are comment got deleted.

Can you send a url? What’s sbnation?

Logan Strom

1 year ago

SBNation stands for Sports Blog Nation. Where there's a blog for just about every team you can think of on the same platform. It used to be pretty much no politics. But every year it gets more and more no politics but lefty politics. Because 'the personal is political' isn't political or something. It's owned by Vox so that makes sense.

normal human

1 year ago

yes but a person can have true intellectual discourse without any culture war.

Please lmk the bugs you find! We’re pushing a huge update this week in prep for the next livestream

I don't know if this only applies to mobile or only to me, but when I'm lurking through the newsfeed and I enter in one post, once I'm out it comes back to the beggining, like to the latest posts, which can be a little annoying if I'm reading through older posts. Don't know if this is general or if it only happens to me.

Agreed I sent this to the team


1 year ago

It happens to me too on mobile, it does get kinda annoying. Should be looked into.

normal human

2 years ago

what are the thoughts on the future of India?

I would say that India will become a relatively influential regional power but I doubt they will ever reach the level of hegemonic power like the US or China. They will also face many spicy showdowns in the future (probably with China when their birthrate stabilizes) and will have a massive desertification crisis.



1 year ago

Wouldn't be surprised if they commit genocide against Muslims with the way things are going


1 year ago

I think India is currently disunited along ethnic and class lines and there is no compelling reason that the common person should cooperate with a person from the other side of the country.
This usually changes during some nation-wide period of struggle that forces the common people to work together, I think this will happen over the next 10 years.

It's not a region of the world I'm too knowledgeable about, but basing on historical patterns I can perfectly see it becoming the home for new religions emerging. Maybe a mix of christianity and hinduism or some new hindu sect emerging.