
6 months ago

Is Japan overrated in your opinion?

As a history enthusiast, I believe Japan has played a significant role in global history. However, it is subjective to say if it is overrated or not, as it depends on individual perspectives and interests. Japan's economic challenges in the past have influenced its growth, but it remains a country with a unique culture and historical contributions.


John Mensing

5 months ago

Having lived here for 30 years, in Hiroshima, I can attest that its rating has changed in those three decades. It used to be very rare to see tourists here. There were no guest houses and any hotel a foreigner could access would run around $250 a night, very expensive for those times (and not particularly fancy hotels, either). Now, there are 8 guest houses within a stone's throw of my house, you can get a good hotel for $50 a night if you're lucky, and the Japanese Government has splashed a load of cash in the direction of an infrastructure whose output includes a phenomenal increase in inbound tourists.

They all love it when they come here. My theory is that the 2008 financial crisis caused most polities to go into the shitter, and Japan seems relatively calm and idyllic in comparison. The discussion about being overrated enters the realm of values and would take a good deal more space to flesh out. You'll have to tip your hand if you want to further the investigation.

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Nah, its cool. The anime is getting kinda ass tho which sucks ass tbh

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

No, look at Poland and you saying the same about my nation too?

Jonathan Seed

5 months ago

Yes, Poland is overrated


6 months ago

What is your opinion on video games such as Undertale?

As someone who enjoys creating history and alternative history videos, my focus is mostly on real-world events rather than video games. However, I understand that video games like Undertale can provide entertainment and storytelling experiences for many people. Different individuals have different preferences when it comes to video games, and it's important to respect and appreciate the diverse interests and perspectives of others.


Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

its aight dawg. Its requires a certain specimen of gamer to enjoy it obviously but as far as games go, its aight asf

As someone who enjoys creating history and alternative history videos, my focus is mostly on real-world events rather than video games. However, I understand that video games like Undertale can provide entertainment and storytelling experiences for many people. Different individuals have different preferences when it comes to video games, and it's important to respect and appreciate the diverse interests and perspectives of others.


6 months ago

What if the Gnostics won the race for early Christendom?

The Gnostics winning the race for early Christendom would have had significant implications. Christianity would have spread throughout the Middle East instead of the Roman Empire. Jesus would have been born and lived in the Parthian Empire. Christianity may have become one of the many Middle Eastern religions in history. Islam would still exist, as it is based off Christianity to some extent. Let's explore the effects on borders, culture, wars, and demographics if the Crusades had succeeded. In an alternate history where Charlemagne tries to convert the Saxons to Mithraism, the Crusades would have different motives. They were not purely religious wars but also a way to channel Europe's militarist energies and expand Christianity.


Isaac Ries

5 months ago

As a traditional Catholic, I can confirm that after the Council of Nicea in 325 a.d. the gnostics (most of them) went back into the church as the big disagreement was on the power of God the Father, and the Son, the angles as power deities and other issues, however, they also had disagreements with the Church over texts that are not in the Bible, such as the Book of Enoch. The other big heresy at the time (Arianism), was such a disagreement in the church (because Arianism claims that Christ is not divine, this was because of a mistranslation in a book that Arian the Monk was reading, the mistranslation over the iota, the ninth letter of the greek alphabet, is because it can be lower case and upper case, with each of the case's having different meanings). Anyway the Gnostics went to the council of Nicea and fought the Arians over this error of translation, which was originally written by Origen, the gnostics and the church began to talk about theology of the books and their differences, the church agreed to allow the books that the gnostics and the church were fighting over to be allowed in the church tradition (this is where Christians get the story of the fall of the angle's, it is from the book of Enoch), and the Trinity as equal and the same in divinity and order, which the gnostics agreed to as this the defacto rule of the trinity, and the angles were instead of being deified they were granted the right to pray the angles as well as the saints as the angles have souls like us humans. This is how most of the gnostics and church joined back together, however, some gnostics did not go along with this and are still active in the Middle East.


6 months ago

I'd argue that it would look a lot like Islam. Many things from the gnostics ended up in the Quran.

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

That be great video for AlternatHistoryHub


8 months ago

@Whatifalthist AI, what if Yugoslavia survived?

If Yugoslavia had survived, it would have likely faced a range of possible outcomes. These outcomes could include the Balkan people thriving under capable leadership, leading to the possible emergence of independent nations within the empire. Alternatively, during a weakened phase of the empire, the Balkans could have unified and become military forces equivalent to Western European nations such as England, France, or Spain in our timeline.

It is important to note that when exploring alternative histories that span hundreds or thousands of years, the butterfly effect comes into play. The butterfly effect suggests that even slight changes can have significant and unpredictable consequences. Removing a person from existence, for example, may result in someone similar taking their place due to the conditions of that era.

In the case of Yugoslavia surviving, there are still many unknowns and difficult questions to address. It is unclear if the Macedonians would have pulled back to Greece and created a Byzantine-like empire, or if the Arabs would have been able to conquer the Vandals in North Africa. Additionally, the extent to which the Empire would have been Islamized remains uncertain.

Ultimately, the full implications of Yugoslavia's survival would be difficult to determine due to the complex web of interconnected events and the passage of time in alternate histories.

1 Comment

If Yugoslavia had survived, it would have likely faced a range of possible outcomes. These outcomes could include the Balkan people thriving under capable leadership, leading to the possible emergence of independent nations within the empire. Alternatively, during a weakened phase of the empire, the Balkans could have unified and become military forces equivalent to Western European nations such as England, France, or Spain in our timeline.

It is important to note that when exploring alternative histories that span hundreds or thousands of years, the butterfly effect comes into play. The butterfly effect suggests that even slight changes can have significant and unpredictable consequences. Removing a person from existence, for example, may result in someone similar taking their place due to the conditions of that era.

In the case of Yugoslavia surviving, there are still many unknowns and difficult questions to address. It is unclear if the Macedonians would have pulled back to Greece and created a Byzantine-like empire, or if the Arabs would have been able to conquer the Vandals in North Africa. Additionally, the extent to which the Empire would have been Islamized remains uncertain.

Ultimately, the full implications of Yugoslavia's survival would be difficult to determine due to the complex web of interconnected events and the passage of time in alternate histories.


9 months ago

Is it true that LGBT are on average lower on guilt and higher on anxiety as moral axis than heterosexuals?

Idk how bro expects us to know this. Idek if there are statistics for this. ALso, I ont know any weirdos


Logan Strom

9 months ago

Sounds right. They obviously lack an appropriate sense of guilt. And there disordered lifestyle is bound to lead to anxiety.

Jonathan Seed

9 months ago

Idk how bro expects us to know this. Idek if there are statistics for this. ALso, I ont know any weirdos


11 months ago

Is there any strong Jordan Peterson fan base in the Eu?

Yes, President Hungry


Patrick Seiter

11 months ago

He had a lot of talks there years ago, went from country to country when he was most popular. I think this was before his pharmaceutical withdrawal.

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

Yes, President Hungry


11 months ago

What do you think about Victor Orban?

Kamil Dec

11 months ago



11 months ago

Is there any protestant denomination that has adopted the teachings of Jordan Peterson into its doctrine?

I thought Jordan Peterson's teachings were already in the Bible, so there would be nothing more to add.

1 Comment

Fancy Random Guy

11 months ago

I thought Jordan Peterson's teachings were already in the Bible, so there would be nothing more to add.


11 months ago

How long will it take for continental Europe to fully assimilate into American culture and the English language?

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Fancy Random Guy

11 months ago

I don't think it ever will.

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

It wouldn't be in our life time

Jonathan Seed

11 months ago

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11 months ago

Were ancient Jews pride-based society?

No they executed Alphabet people in the head.


Newb Mann

11 months ago

There is some element of that now but this is after they allready swapped from a fear to shame like 5000 years ago
And they still keep more of a shame or guilt elements as well.
With askenazi jews haveing more guilt while mizrahi haveing more shame.

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

Probability leftist from jews in Americ an political system, it is mostly they are going this again st Neo-Nazis like again st Islam

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

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Kamil Dec

11 months ago

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Fancy Random Guy

11 months ago

Do you mean shame-based? If yes, then I believe they were.

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

Poles are Fear about we will have same thing like in 1939 or 1795

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

More emotional culture like you know, Poland having all of them within sociality

Kamil Dec

11 months ago


Fancy Random Guy

11 months ago

They weren't fear based since that was only in river civilizations and guilt based systems only existed with the advent of Christianity, so most likely shame.

Logan Strom

11 months ago

No they executed Alphabet people in the head.

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

If it excited, we need to learn about it


11 months ago

Did Romans have masculine backlash before conversion to Christianity?

What do you mean by masculine backlash?


Fancy Random Guy

11 months ago

What do you mean by masculine backlash?

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

Leftist outlash in German policy killing my nation to be independent but Polskie Politican saying WTF and FU to EU

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

German have Reich and Roman had first one

Kamil Dec

11 months ago

It is Polska w Historia not Polski Historia, I know it is look at German society in 1925 to 1975

Fancy Random Guy

11 months ago

What does this have to do with German society?