Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Which Christian denominations would you guys recommend?
Alternatively, which would you not recommend?

That's kind of a hard question to answer because they are all good in their own ways. I've been catholic as well as a protestant Christian and I have a lot of orthodox bros and its really all about what feels most meaningful to you. Protestantism is relatively progressive and dynamic (so you will be allowed near complete freedom), Catholicism has a very meaningful sense of hierarchy and beauty (which is very pure and vibrant) while orthodoxy has a heavily conservative and respectably uncompromising attitude in defending its religious beliefs. Thus it is really up to you to decide. I will say that if you are right wing, orthodox is probably the way to go. If you are liberal, protestism is great. If you are at the center, Catholicism is a good decision. In any case, I hope that your journey in embracing Christ fills you with overwhelming joy and divine bliss 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️☦


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

That's kind of a hard question to answer because they are all good in their own ways. I've been catholic as well as a protestant Christian and I have a lot of orthodox bros and its really all about what feels most meaningful to you. Protestantism is relatively progressive and dynamic (so you will be allowed near complete freedom), Catholicism has a very meaningful sense of hierarchy and beauty (which is very pure and vibrant) while orthodoxy has a heavily conservative and respectably uncompromising attitude in defending its religious beliefs. Thus it is really up to you to decide. I will say that if you are right wing, orthodox is probably the way to go. If you are liberal, protestism is great. If you are at the center, Catholicism is a good decision. In any case, I hope that your journey in embracing Christ fills you with overwhelming joy and divine bliss 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️☦

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Thank you (Y)

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

I wouldn't recommend Kanye west's church or the radical branch of protestantism that Ruddy is apart of (the quakers). There is also some cult in Russia that portrays itself as jesus' true church (the dud literally dresses up as Jesus and does a lot of cult like things).

Post your results.

Pinja Alm

1 year ago


Kamil Dec

1 year ago

It called me a communist

Logan Strom

1 year ago

What are your positions?

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

You like one

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

I found out something really wacky. It turns out that it is more difficult to find an American woman with a BMI under 20 (5th percentile,) than it is to find an American man who is over 6 feet tall (90th percentile.) The line between a healthy BMI and being overweight cuts at around the 30th percentile for both sexes. I've heard the obesity rates are bad but this really puts things into perspective.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

BMI isn't a perfect measurement, but that's pretty horrifying. Ban corn syrup and soybean oil.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

I have question, which political wing are you? I am omi-wing

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

What is omi-wing?
I avoid identifiying with political wings.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Omi-wing means all side of the wing/ political bird


1 year ago

Wow now all that's left to do is shame girls we BMI's over 20 whenever they talk about wanting a 8ft man

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

lmao, if she seeks an 8ft man, she's probably trying to stay single regardless of her BMI.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

You wouldn't a boyfriend but you have the boyfriend, you can take a turk

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago


Pinja Alm

1 year ago

I find it wacky that Lot was date raped by his daughters so he would have a male heir (Genesis 19:30-38.) Please discuss.

what the refrigerator nonsense is this (i hate the censors) What is this story meant to represent?



1 year ago

what the refrigerator nonsense is this (i hate the censors)
What is this story meant to represent?

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

I think it is to contrast the lifestyles of Abram and Lot, and show how turning away from God will lead to degeneracy for you and your descendants. (Genesis 13:9)

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Nothing. It's a historical account of the origin of Moab and Ammon.

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

I will overthink. You cannot stop me. >.<

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Also don't overdrink.

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Anyone watching the SpaceX launch?

Didn't the rocket explode?



1 year ago

Didn't the rocket explode?

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Yes, the rocket exploded.

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

To all Christians: At which chapter/page do you recommend to start reading the Bible? How do you read the Bible correctly?

The simple answer would be to start from Genesis and read along the bible in the perfect order that God designed it to be read in. It is best to perceive/read all the books of the bible as stories with a moral and/or logical lesson to be learned, to which said moral/logical lesson was derived from an actual divine circumstance that was engineered and specifically brought into existence by our perfect and divine creator, Jesus Christ/God. In a practical sense, I would personally look up clear explanations of what each verse and each book meant after reading it through initially. I would then internalize the moral/logical teaching and try to alter the parts of my existence to align it with that divine standard. I would also repent for my previous sinful behavior and continue to strive to achieve the perfect divine standard. Hope this helps 💪 ✝️ ☦️



1 year ago

Read the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament (except Revelation) first. If you start with Genesis by the time you are reading Leviticus or Numbers you will want to quit. In short understanding the New Covenant is more important that to know what was abrogated in the old (I don't say that is unimportant!). The Old Testament also has a lot of cultural context so it's important to hear the interpretation of a priest/pastor as well.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

This, completely agree.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Hard disagree with the other posts. Skip the Jewish parts, read the Gospels first.

The reason that Evangelicals are so cringe is because they base more of their beliefs off the Old Testament instead of the Word that was God in Christ's body. Divorce was considered WORSE than homosexuality in the New Testament because it destroys societies (doesn't that sound familiar) and yet all the Evangelical leaders are thrice divorced.

Same as slaveowners who used the Old Testament to justify slavery when the New Testament was used to argue against it.

The Old Testament should be seen through the lens of the Gospels, NOT the Gospels through the lens of the Old Testament.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Posting another reply here since I can't edit my message (I think): Christians need to read the New Testament first ESPECIALLY Acts, because otherwise you have cafeteria Christians picking and choosing what they want to follow from the Old Testament like circumcision, when Christ healed a man "every wit whole" including his foreskin and the Early Church banned circumcision.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

I mean, the Ancient Greeks had the practice of Ostracism which would be the nation-state equivalent of excommunication, though that person just ends up becoming a bandit or outlaw. Still, the reason that Christianity spread so fast is because it didn't have high requirements to join (circumcision, give up pork), compared to Judaism and Islam.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

The difference is Christians are foreign nationals of God's Kingdom living in Earthly states. In Israel God's Law was the law of the state. So pig farming and the diseases that come with it can't really be prevented, so you might as well eat pork. Christian congregations don't have the authority to execute those who break God's Law's, nor do they need to. They can simply expell them from the congregation. You can't really do that in a nation state.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Also saying men who have sex with men (the action, not the state of BEING homosexual) in 1 Cor 6:9-11 is better than Leviticus 20:13, which I constantly heard from "Christians" while growing up and which I myself parroted back at my homosexual bullies in high school (not my proudest moment). The New Testament tells a story of redeeming yourself and cleansing yourself of your sins, but if you read the Old Testament first, then it's about eliminating anyone who fails morally.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

What do you you mean "skip the Jewish parts"? They're all Jewish parts. Every single Bible book was written by a Hebrew.

Jesus was preaching to the Nation of Israel. It's important to know the history of the Nation of Israel to get the context and references. The only reason God sent his son to Earth was to rectify the original sin in Genesis, so that's important to understand.

Divorce is not a worse sin than homosexuality in the New Testament. There's no evidence for that at all. Jesus clarifies that divorce and remarriage except on grounds of unfaithfulness is adultery. But homosexuality and adultery are sins of the same category.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Not sure how notifications work in Pearl since we can't reply past 2 levels (we aren't REDDITORS) but also one of my comments was deleted and I'm not sure exactly what I said.

Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Christianity was founded in opposition to the Jewish state and political order, which was far different by the time of the Pharisees and Sadducees than it was in David or Solomon's time. Another example: Evangelicals read the Old Testament to justify circumcision. Circumcision is a Jewish practice, NOT a Christian practice. As Christ says in healing a man "every wit whole" and Acts 15 prohibits circumcision of converts. Paul becomes so pissed at Jewish Christians he eventually compares circumcision to concision and says those offering it are greedy merchants (Titus 1:10-14).

Jesus spoke directly on the issue of divorce, but it's strange that during the height of the Roman Empire when homosexual and child orgies were accepted (festival of Saturn), that Jesus did not teach against that depravity but instead focused on divorce. You can claim he spoke against same-sex marriage but no Romans of that day ever would have promoted such a thing.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

You gotta start with Genesis and Exodus. After that I'd go with the history books Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Nehemiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts. Then go do what you missed in order.

The proper way to read the Bible is to set aside time to read a chapter and pray to God God for Holy Spirit to help the message reach your heart. Reading the Bible is a skill because the proper way to interpret it is by cross referencing scriptures with each other. So the more you read the better you can interpret it and the more enjoyable it is.
Pro tip, if you're struggling with an addiction or bad habit, reading the Bible aloud at a weak moment can really help. Because addictions are helped by demons and they don't like listening to scripture, so they'll leave.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Job and Daniel are history books too.

I keep having this problem with the site bugging out (pic) every time I try to load more comments on my posts.

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Maybe try @'ing mevmedev in the general chat to try and get a solution?


Patrick Seiter

1 year ago

Same, I have weird loading issues trying to find a post in the timeline and then it seems to just disappear, like yours on Christianity.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Maybe try @'ing mevmedev in the general chat to try and get a solution?

Pinja Alm

1 year ago


When will humans colonize Mars? Would you buy a one-way ticket and never return home if it meant you'd die a hero? pic related

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

Why always same?


Elon Musk is obsessed with Mars and humanity as a whole is fascinated with it, but Mars is not economically valuable and thus will remain little more than a vanity project. Regardless, we will for sure colonize the moon first just because it's so close and it's the logical launch point for a greater space colonization venture.

I'm personally much more excited about colonizing the gas giants and Venus (I think Venus is gonna be space Texas and I'm there for it). The moon itself is even more economically viable than Mars, because it's nearby and has trace amounts of He3, of which Mars has AFAIK none.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Mars would be fun to terraform but the lack of magnetic field makes it nigh impossible.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Could I bring a hot fertile wife and claim all the land for my descendants?

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

You can bring your wife but you cannot procreate.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Who's going to stop me?


The problem with claiming land in Mars is that it's not like claiming land in the desert. You can't find patches of grassland to pasture your cattle. All of the land is toxic and will need to be treated through industrial processes, and there's no air.

So... sure, if you have a spate billion dollars.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

King of Mars would be cool though.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

You could make air. But Mars doesn't have a magnetic field so it would just get blown away.

Opinion time: Contraceptives should be banned. If you're not ready to raise children, you're not ready to engage in sex. Change my mind. Pic unrelated

Pinja Alm

1 year ago

That's all well and good, but people will have sex regardless and that'll only result in those not ready to have kids, having children. And what about for married couples? Can they use it?


Banning contraceptives will result in pre-contraceptive level birthrates. Back then populations kept stable through high child mortality, we don't have that anymore.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Banning condoms seems needlessly authoritarian and silly. But hormonal birth control is an environmental disaster creating a massive public health crisis. It also makes women insane and is leading to the collapse of society. It should only be prescribed in cases of medical necessity.


1 year ago

I agree with you on this one

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Although I'm in favor of banning single use plastics. So I guess I would ban condoms.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

That Germany or North Italy?

EDOUARD LÉON CORTÈS (1882 - 1969) Place de Rennes, Gare Montparnasse Oil on canvas 25.5 x 36 inches

Pinja Alm

1 year ago