None of your business

1 year ago

What effects will advanced fertility technology like artificial wombs have on Birth Rates?

I think it would help because it would mitigate one of the biggest issues women have. They can pursue a career while not having to take the pains of pregnancy. This allows women to have more kids earlier without worrying about their careers. Also like there are IVF babies allowing women couldn't get pregnant before have babies, now allow that to more women. A win win for me

1 Comment

Albert L

1 year ago

I honestly don't think it would have that much of an effect on birthrates. The biggest reason for low fertility is that most people don't want the responsibility of raising children

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Im torn. Pregnancy is very stressful on a woman's body. But i have my concerns on the moral hazards on the human condition.


1 year ago

I think it would help because it would mitigate one of the biggest issues women have. They can pursue a career while not having to take the pains of pregnancy. This allows women to have more kids earlier without worrying about their careers. Also like there are IVF babies allowing women couldn't get pregnant before have babies, now allow that to more women. A win win for me