Brendan Grassow

1 year ago
An interesting video about how the American accent might evolve in the far future

If not for the radio we would of had all sorts of dialects. All the sub-cultures were developing their own take till trans alantic english centered it all back out. Heck, im now a bleched carolina country. Strong Rs and condensed wording.

We had a german forign exchange at my school and it took a month before he could understand our basterdized english.

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Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

If not for the radio we would of had all sorts of dialects. All the sub-cultures were developing their own take till trans alantic english centered it all back out. Heck, im now a bleched carolina country. Strong Rs and condensed wording.

We had a german forign exchange at my school and it took a month before he could understand our basterdized english.

Brendan Grassow

2 years ago

How do see you the future of the American southwest play out with the mega drought and the Colorado River drying up?

Badly. I live here.

1 Comment

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Badly. I live here.