MGPlayzxd (MGPlayz)

1 year ago

Ok this is my first post here so hello. K, what is the rough average ideology of the community, my guess Classial Liberal/Libertarian. I just going to call myself out here, but I'm a Social Dem.

I used to be a Soc Dem. Now I'm a conservative who likes progressive taxes.


Gary Bradski

1 year ago

I am a "Balance of Powersist". That is, I believe in a rational dynamic balance tradeoff between public and private good. There is no "best" system, it's just a balance that can adjust to the current conditions. Now I've outed myself. I guess we should call it the "Balance" party.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Closest box would be "right wing post liberal" but thats even a loose fit with half the corners not fitting.

Mike Aspinwall

1 year ago

Yeah your still young. A conservative is just a liberal who has been robbed. I like your videos they are well thought out but missing minor key concepts that are truly major flaws. But like I said you are young and you have no idea what I am talking about. I knoe I would have never believed when I was you age and some old guy told me that. Keep up the journey and don't stop questioning everything especially as you learn new truths and realize some of your beliefs are impossible to realize.

MGPlayzxd (MGPlayz)

1 year ago

What videos are you talking about?