It would be cool to see a video explaining to western and mostly American audience how race and race relations in Argentina developed over history as I’ve been seeing all week so many headlines from american media and completely getting it wrong.


1 year ago

Notice how they question argentina for lack of diversity but not japan or south korea. Funny how that works

I guess they were just humiliated by japan beating the team known for there "diversity wins jet"

1 Comment

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Notice how they question argentina for lack of diversity but not japan or south korea.
Funny how that works

I guess they were just humiliated by japan beating the team known for there "diversity wins jet"

Weirdly the most profound thing i read all week


1 year ago

NPCs want to be told what to do.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

NPCs want to be told what to do.


1 year ago

Most people do not desire to be free

Made me remember the "How Canada will fall video". Some countries won´t get the epic ending like the Byzantine empire with a honorable battle in an epic siege to a great contender.


1 year ago

The fact Canadias MAID or medical assistance in dieing program is not a much bigger scandal is both socking and unsurprising.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

Canada is horrifying dystopia.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

The fact Canadias MAID or medical assistance in dieing program is not a much bigger scandal is both socking and unsurprising.


1 year ago

looks like we have to fix video uploads. big update ocming out this week should handle it

1 Comment

looks like we have to fix video uploads. big update ocming out this week should handle it


1 year ago

This question goes to @whatifalthist,
is there going to be a new livestream on pearl?

We’re posting the one that just happened and doing another soon (maybe this weekend)

1 Comment

We’re posting the one that just happened and doing another soon (maybe this weekend)


2 years ago

Thank you @whatifalthist for inspiring me to start a YouTube channel about geopolitics. Weirdly what did it for me was realizing we are the same age.

My first video, im sorry for my English because it isn’t my first language as well my sound quality.

I have to clarify that I won’t use this platform to promote my content, this post was just to thank @whatifalthist


Bev Bevan

1 year ago

Tremendous graphics. Didn't agree with the policy choices, but it's not my country. It will be great watching you get better.

Amazing that it motivated you and gave you the confidence. That's how it all starts, instant sub!

just subscribed to your channel!


1 year ago

Thanks man!!


2 years ago

Its really weird being from a 2nd world country and seeing that a Map drawn by @whatifalthist is worth more than a full dinner with the best steak in the world with the best wine in the continent plus dessert. 80 dollars in argentina is 16000 pesos in the currency black market. For comparison a big mac combo from Mc Donald is 650 pesos.

What qualifies as "Second World" in this post-cold war world, in your opinion?


What qualifies as "Second World" in this post-cold war world, in your opinion?


1 year ago

I would say now a days mostly mid level development


2 years ago

What is this forum consensus on a south american juggernaut?

Brazil is South America's center of gravity. Everyone knows that.


I imagine there's gonna be low-level conflict between right wing populist and left wing populist forces on the continent, with the former dominated by Brazil and the latter by Cuba.


1 year ago

Although i am skeptical with most of Latin America i am bullish on the future of Argentina and probably also Brasil through competition. Argentina has stable demographics, great market capitalist culture (look the rates of small businesses creation), culture unity and managed to keep itself out of other bigger nations interests. Only issue is to solve is their relationship with paternalistic state that the newer generation are rejecting because of worse livestyles than their parents and lack of clear economic future if continued with the economic model of older generation.

imo south america isn’t gonna do much for centuries (probably much longer) besides poking along. their institutions are too broken and the culture isn’t as suited for industrialization as the west


1 year ago

I desagree. Cuba has a great culture suited for mature economies as evidence in Florida. Same does Argentina but in a larger country with stable demographics and so much opportunity. With a history of aggressive expansion and good proud culture, its only enemy is the paternal state that the newer generation through the internet exposure are rejecting the old models.