A partition of certain Mid-Atlantic states which: -Doesn't change the number of states -Allows DC residents to vote in Federal elections -Isolates regions where residents are politically at odds with the rest of their state What do you think of this? Pragmatic or unholy?


1 year ago

A partition of certain Mid-Atlantic states which: -Doesn't change the number of states -Allows DC residents to vote in Federal elections -Isolates regions where residents are politically at odds with the rest of the state What do you think of this? Pragmatic or unholy?


Logan Strom

1 year ago

The story of America is the story of Virginia getting smaller.


1 year ago

A partition of certain Mid-Atlantic states which:
-Doesn't change the number of states
-Allows DC residents to vote in Federal elections
-Isolates regions where residents are politically at odds with the rest of the state
What do you think of this? Pragmatic or unholy?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

It is a improvement but I feel keeping nova attached to the rest of virginia is the only thing I might argue with. But thats something that could go eitherway.

Pair of giant earthquakes in Turkey today.


1 year ago

Legitimately gutted today, I visited a bunch of these cities last April. I spent time in Adana, Iskanderun, Antakya/Hatay, Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Diyarbakir, all of these cities have taken major damage. Link to Turkey's Red Crescent if you want to donate. I know we all love Turkey here. https://www.kizilay.org.tr/Bagis/BagisYap/43/general-donation



1 year ago

Legitimately gutted today, I visited a bunch of these cities last April. I spent time in Adana, Iskanderun, Antakya/Hatay, Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Diyarbakir, all of these cities have taken major damage.
Link to Turkey's Red Crescent if you want to donate. I know we all love Turkey here.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Nah turkey is being humbled by God rn ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️

Fertility rate change in developing countries since 2000


1 year ago

The end of humanity is soon upon us boyz 🙏🏻💪🏻


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

The end of humanity is soon upon us boyz 🙏🏻💪🏻

William Hartig

1 year ago

I don’t think it will be the end of humanity, at worst it will see the end of all the social groups that don’t view the expansion of the human race as an inherent moral good.

Chart showing the correlation between belief in various conspiracy theories and political partisanship


1 year ago

The most searched vehicle in each Canadian Province and Territory.


1 year ago

Both good vehicles.



1 year ago

I feel like BC would be a Honda Civic

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Vancouver would thats for sure

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Both good vehicles.



1 year ago


1 year ago

So it looks like Credit Suisse is on its last legs and may go bankrupt. I think this might be our "here we go" moment.

What’s Credit Suisse?


#1 lobster

1 year ago

What’s Credit Suisse?

Tech already had its reconning I guess mainstreet will too but we’ll be fine here in america imo

#1 lobster

1 year ago

That depends on your definition of fine. Better than Europe? Definitely. Not starving? Probably. Will the electricity still work a few years from now? Maybe not.

gigantic bank. its shocking theyd be under strain rn

#1 lobster

1 year ago

Oh… damn… the economy really is collapsing…

About WIAH's addition of Anxiety to the Fear/Shame/Guilt set of moral axes. Fear cultures center around mortal man's struggle to live in harmony with the forces of nature (what literature class would call a Man vs Nature conflict). Shame cultures focus on group dynamics and an individual's place in society(Man vs Society conflict). Guilt cultures like you said, focus on man's relationship with God and the consequences of running afoul of the divine will (Man vs God conflict). With that reiterated, I'd say this new Anxiety culture deals with how a person relates to his or her self (postmodern Man vs Self conflict). Anxiety is the result of a person not keeping up with their own psychological needs. I think a lot of the new ideologies to come out of the new Axial Age that WIAH discusses will center around the theme of self-actualization in a time when the average person is safe from predators, doesn't talk to their neighbors and no longer believes in God. I expect to see Buddhism reform, new Scientology-esque cults that present an alternative to psychiatry, the Incel movement to grow and coalesce, the East Asian shut-in movement to become a political force, and for people to generally reject the modernity that they see as robbing them of the happy and prosperous life that their ancestors enjoyed.


1 year ago

For those who can't read the textwall I posted lol:

Fear cultures center around mortal man's struggle to live in harmony with the forces of nature (what literature class would call a Man vs Nature conflict). Shame cultures focus on group dynamics and an individual's place in society(Man vs Society conflict). Guilt cultures like you said, focus on man's relationship with God and the consequences of running afoul of the divine will (Man vs God conflict).

With that reiterated, I'd say this new Anxiety culture deals with how a person relates to his or her self (postmodern Man vs Self conflict). Anxiety is the result of a person not keeping up with their own psychological needs. I think a lot of the new ideologies to come out of the new Axial Age that WIAH discusses will center around the theme of self-actualization in a time when the average person is safe from predators, doesn't talk to their neighbors and no longer believes in God.

I expect to see Buddhism reform, new Scientology-esque cults that present an alternative to psychiatry, the Incel movement to grow and coalesce, the East Asian shut-in movement to become a political force, and for people to generally reject the modernity that they see as robbing them of the happy and prosperous life that their ancestors enjoyed.


Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

I for one support humanity taking a step back and re-calibrate. We are not mature enough as a whole to proceed further yet.


1 year ago

For those who can't read the textwall I posted lol:

Fear cultures center around mortal man's struggle to live in harmony with the forces of nature (what literature class would call a Man vs Nature conflict). Shame cultures focus on group dynamics and an individual's place in society(Man vs Society conflict). Guilt cultures like you said, focus on man's relationship with God and the consequences of running afoul of the divine will (Man vs God conflict).

With that reiterated, I'd say this new Anxiety culture deals with how a person relates to his or her self (postmodern Man vs Self conflict). Anxiety is the result of a person not keeping up with their own psychological needs. I think a lot of the new ideologies to come out of the new Axial Age that WIAH discusses will center around the theme of self-actualization in a time when the average person is safe from predators, doesn't talk to their neighbors and no longer believes in God.

I expect to see Buddhism reform, new Scientology-esque cults that present an alternative to psychiatry, the Incel movement to grow and coalesce, the East Asian shut-in movement to become a political force, and for people to generally reject the modernity that they see as robbing them of the happy and prosperous life that their ancestors enjoyed.

Also Tom, do you believe that the "Anxiety culture" is a permanent fixture on the map or is this temporary fleeting moment?


1 year ago

To clarify, Rudyard made the map in the original post, not me. I just used it to accompany this textwall that I posted somewhere else before.

I think Anxiety Culture will be permanent if the major developed countries stay as urbanized as they are now. Urban life has replaced nature, demoralized man to the point where he can't even conceive in God, and made man dependent on the supply chain rather than his fellow man.

A ruralization push or rapid emigration to offworld colonies each be enough to deurbanize the big economies of the world.

There could also be a new fifth culture brought by the incredible potential in genetic engineering and cybernetics, I'll call it Progress culture. Progress culture is linked to the literary "Man vs Fate" conflict and represents man's desire to become immortal and to transcend mere human ability. I think this cultural force will be strongest in human space colonies, where a dominant cultural force will be science geek types. In a few centuries, a completely distinct civilization could rise on Mars and expand beyond the Solar System, led by cybernetically augmented immortal leaders.

Ngl, I saw this weeks ago and thought, "did I miss a WIAH vid"? I don't exactly agree, but this looks fantastic dude.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I dont know what else to say this is amazing. Especially how you managed to push a well established trifecta into the future with the 4th new anxiety stuff which I could see becoming accepted going into the future.


1 year ago

What are your favorite films/TV shows about history or politics?
I've just started re-watching the HBO John Adams miniseries.

The Russian version of Catherine the Great (2015) is really good. The World at War (1973) is sort of a greatest hits version of WWII and has a tremendous soundtrack. Ken Burns' Civil War is great.

1 Comment

Bev Bevan

1 year ago

The Russian version of Catherine the Great (2015) is really good. The World at War (1973) is sort of a greatest hits version of WWII and has a tremendous soundtrack. Ken Burns' Civil War is great.


1 year ago

What was the first Whatifalthist video that you watched? The first one I saw was "Wars of the 2020s and 30s," I guess I've been hooked ever since.

Funny enough that was the first one I saw as well, I’ll never forget seeing that title for the first time lol

1 Comment

I don't remember exactly as it was long ago but I think it was What if the Byzantine Empire survived.

Funnily enough the "Wars of the 2020s and 30s" was his first "geopolitics" video I watched. I ignored the "Why is the World crazy now" up to that point until I watched that.


1 year ago

Taboo subjects got my attention

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I forgot exsactly the first video but first video I saw on release was what if ethiopia was a superpower.