
1 year ago

I'm thinking perhaps welfare users should be disenfranchised to prevent political decadence akin to the late Roman Republic. What do you guys think?


1 year ago

So in regards to Wiah's most recent vid, I'm thinking the West's absolute nuclear family structure is being replaced by more of an anomic family structure (without the incest), rather than a purely flexible family structure as Wiah suggested. What do you guys think? Is the change permanent?

Upregulated relationships will only result in chads getting laid while incels seethe (aka what's happening now) I doubt that in a generation or two that this dynamic will still exist.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Theres been trends away from absolute neuclear before think like mormons attempting the middle eastern family structure to some extent.
But they never last long term across society as a hole.
I think the trend now to anomic falls in the same boat.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Nuclear families for the win. Any of the 3 types is fine.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Whatever you call it, it's horrible.


1 year ago
