There is no way a capible country wont resort to this to stave off population collaspe. Especially countries where ethics is not a big deal to its culture. And once one country cheats...

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Imma need some more context there, mate.


Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Shoot! Sorry everybody. The text didn't post. Nevertheless. I wanted to state that if a country has the capacity to engineer life and a culture with poor ethics, then I can't image them accepting population collapse then there is a alternative.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Imma need some more context there, mate.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

I see "Brave New World" as the current leader in playout probabilities. And since the world needs epsilon semi-morons to get work done and women ain't putting out. Something has to give. Collapse or New Age.


1 year ago

Baby tubes.

I make this as a warning, I got wrapped up in Harry Dent back in 2012. It turns out the market wasnt going to collaspe but instead soar. I see a lot of simularities between these two.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

More ∂umba$$ then smart people

1 Comment

Camel Decline

1 year ago

More ∂umba$$ then smart people

The thing that affected me most when I stopped being a devot Cathlic was losing the foundation that stayed my feet. You lose the stability that religion provides in daily decisions. I felt bad for true atheist because it is difficult to be happy when there is no true purpose to your decisions. I theorize they have turned politics and science into a new religion to compensate and in turn have doubled down on wokism, reality dysphoria, and mental illness.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

I'm an atheist, and I'm happier now than when I was religious. I wonder where you get this idea that being an atheist leads to depression. In fact, losing what you called "stability" is actually freeing. It makes me far more appreciative of life and in particular, "it's not the destination, but the friends and path taken along the way." I think there's a certain beauty that comes from not knowing with absolute certainty due to everyone finding their way. It is this that creates the kaleidoscope of the human condition.



1 year ago

I'm an atheist, and I'm happier now than when I was religious. I wonder where you get this idea that being an atheist leads to depression. In fact, losing what you called "stability" is actually freeing. It makes me far more appreciative of life and in particular, "it's not the destination, but the friends and path taken along the way." I think there's a certain beauty that comes from not knowing with absolute certainty due to everyone finding their way. It is this that creates the kaleidoscope of the human condition.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

i hear you. guess I took it differently. I chose to remain agnostic. Thinking on it I've always needed structure eles i regress.

Like any decent American, I don't give a flying rat's azz about soccor but this year is on point. A untouchable lifesyle and a unstoppable religon have collided in Qatar.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Which one the lifestyle and which one the religion 🤷‍♂️🤷🤷‍♀️?



1 year ago

Qatar forgor alcohol is haram 💀

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Good one.


1 year ago

So true


Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

It begins, the Ultra Mega Dark Nuclear MAGA King has declaired. MAGAA!

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Oh God. This guy again.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Insanity trying the EXSACT SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING THINGS TO CHANGE we saw how 2022 was a repeat of 2020 if he runs in 2024 it will also be a repeat of 2020.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Oh God. This guy again.

7.7% inflation is good news now A Trump fires vollies at any possible republican challangers Great Briton's pound has lost credibility Russia is losing and Putin might have cancer China is on the brink Brazil going ham after its erection Pakistan faces climate and money woes Argentina Superpower!??? Italy goes it alone w/o the EUs favor Peter Zeihan threatens to cut his hair Africa try as it might... . Dispite all the terrible in the world, never has humanity had the luxery of actually seeing the chaos unfold. What a time to be alive.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

@matt.dimarcantonio I joining the ranks of people who want an edit button. I tried to type in bullet points and i get this mess.


Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

@matt.dimarcantonio I joining the ranks of people who want an edit button. I tried to type in bullet points and i get this mess.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Wait there was people there was people who DONT WANT A EDIT BUTTON?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I thought that was something everyone wanted

Wait what lol

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

everywhere there should be a period is a spot i pressed enter to make a list.

After reading World War Z, one of the last conversations was on the whales going extinct. If we have a global famine, I can see their recent recovery go full stop. In the novel, when you can't farm on the land you farm in the sea. Let's get ahead of this. Get Paul Watson on the phone and let's get on T.V.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

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Kamil Dec

1 year ago

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Kamil Dec

1 year ago

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Kamil Dec

1 year ago

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Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Humanity once evolved scientificlly so quickly that we would poisen ourselves believing it to be healthy. We also evolved technologiclly so quickly that we almost destroyed the plantet in a 40yr game of "Dare".

But today... i feel there is something going unchecked again. I want to say emotional evolution going rogue, capitalism peaking, or death by litagation. Humanity has come so far yet I still see Utopia as an evil.

It definitely isn't capitalism peaking. I'd say it's Dialectical Leftism conquering most institutions.


Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Utopia and Dystopia is Propaganda

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

I agree. To shorten my post from a short novel I used utopia more as a status quo benchmark. The world still has the potential for advancement as it did in the past but the moral fibers are all jack af now.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Ooo, ok!

Logan Strom

1 year ago

It definitely isn't capitalism peaking. I'd say it's Dialectical Leftism conquering most institutions.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Im looking for enlightenment. I understand what you are saying about it being conqured, I'm thinking of it in a way similar to how Moors's Law no longer applies to microchips. it has reached it's peak in cost efficientcy. Companies now just merge together to save on cost which made it easier for them to be "conquered" as you say.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Here's a good introductory video on the topic:

Hugo Guzman

1 year ago

Capitalism has subsumed Leftism, eaten it and incorporated anything useful into itself.

Hugo Guzman

1 year ago

Logan - Hope you see this, since I can't tag you.

'Neoliberalism has allowed multinational corporations to gain an insane amount of centralized power. And many of the leaders of these corporations subscribe to a Hegelian moral framework.'

So, what you're saying is that capitalism has eaten leftism? I agree! Glad we're on the same page. ^_^

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Neoliberalism has allowed multinational corporations to gain an insane amount of centralized power. And many of the leaders of these corporations subscribe to a Hegelian moral framework.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

The other way around.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

Since demographics are soon to be the hot topic in world affairs, when will we see countries burn the ethics agreements and start with test tube babies.

Probably not although we have not reached the "player piano" point of autimation causing massive social unrest yet so after that it might be a possibility so Im not willing to rule it out 100%. Yet if even china whos got a light absolutist system and well aware of there population about to half sees it as to risky. If china wont theres no way the other countries with massive ageing crisis like italy or japan will do it either.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Probably not although we have not reached the "player piano" point of autimation causing massive social unrest yet so after that it might be a possibility so Im not willing to rule it out 100%. Yet if even china whos got a light absolutist system and well aware of there population about to half sees it as to risky. If china wont theres no way the other countries with massive ageing crisis like italy or japan will do it either.

Pat Craiggins

1 year ago

I dont see a solution outside of it. Either you euthanize the older population or you force the women to birth while also demand they work.


1 year ago

I think the western approach will ultimately be to replace the population with migrants from sub Saharan Africa,they will be reaching unstable population growth,while Europe will be facing unstable population decline,so it makes sense that a migration period is inevitable,I don't like it but accept it as a real possibility,Europe has gone through several major population replacements in the past,from the original aurignacian culture to the Indo European invaders