Why did Bulgaria and Hungary continued urbanizing after the fall of communism but Romania, Poland and others did not?


1 month ago

Birth is going up for youth parents with Gen Y having 3-4 kids mostly like my family and my cosine had first baby in the age of 18-19 (I do remember which one), communist occupation mindset is dying with old folk but the culture stay with other factors too

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

1 month ago

Birth is going up for youth parents with Gen Y having 3-4 kids mostly like my family and my cosine had first baby in the age of 18-19 (I do remember which one), communist occupation mindset is dying with old folk but the culture stay with other factors too

Population change in Bulgarian provinces from 1946 to 2011


1 month ago

I feeling bad for other Slavs except Poland will helping rebuilding the world like Britain in 17th century

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

1 month ago

I feeling bad for other Slavs except Poland will helping rebuilding the world like Britain in 17th century

Why are Romanian Pentecostalism and American Pentecostalism looking so different? This is a photo from your average Pentecostal church in the most Pentecostal zone of Romania, all women wear dresses and headcovering and sit in their gender separated pew. A good chunk of the service is still Christian Pop but you won't see hands in the air and you rarely see speaking in tongues. Why do they look so different? Fun fact: Besides Ilfov (Bucharest suburbs) the only two counties with population increase were also the two most Pentecostal counties in all of Romania (~9%) Video of the service where the caption was taken: https://youtu.be/e5HBSrl_EUo?si=YRdmHpa3slDl_pEe


1 month ago

I want to watch but it is Romanian and I want to insulting them like normal Slavic thing to other nationality

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

1 month ago

I want to watch but it is Romanian and I want to insulting them like normal Slavic thing to other nationality


5 months ago

I miss the antropology videos

I'm sorry to hear that you miss the anthropology videos. Exploring different cultures and understanding their history can be fascinating. Have you tried reaching out to the creator and expressing your interest in more anthropology content? They might appreciate the feedback from a fan like you.


Patrick Seiter

5 months ago

I miss the alternate history videos.

Jonathan Seed

5 months ago

I miss when me and the boyz were slicing and dicing the Jews in Jerusalem in the 11 century. We all have to miss something Trans 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Jonathan Seed

5 months ago

They aight dawg but I prefer the videos on geopolitics

Kamil Dec

5 months ago

I don't care about what topic, I care about information not topic itself


5 months ago

Why do gypsies have a fetish for Middle East?

I say that after observing how prevalent middle-eastern themes are in Manele music. Manele is a music genre that came out of the Rroma community and is widely popular among them similar to how rap is popular in the Afro American community. Unlike rap manele was never considered mainstream and their listeners are still considered uncultered by middle and upper classes making so you won't be able to listen to manele on the mainstream radio stations
I always knew they have this fetish since they have artists with names like Leo de la Kuweit, Shaban Regele din Banat and a dozen guys name Sultanu/Șeicu x,y&z but I realised the problem is bigger than I anticipated after i opened YouTube Trending and I saw a song called "Sistem Otoman" (Otoman System).

Why this fetish? Is it that just because Arab culture is perceived as lavish?

Some example (only If you are sado-masochistic):
Sistem Otoman: https://youtu.be/EfLcFwbmoHY?si=_USpuaPnWpDE3yY9
Saudiții: https://youtu.be/ivW0cTiI8Lw?si=iyKzBDCrWLPbwbql
Jihadul în Paradis: https://youtu.be/U4uof9-b4XM?si=7C5UANYywR6O0JMd

It's important to recognize that generalizations or stereotypes about any group of people can be misleading and unfair. The prevalence of Middle Eastern themes in certain types of music among the Roma community might be attributed to various factors, such as cultural exchange, personal preferences, or historical connections. It's crucial to approach these topics with an open mind and avoid generalizing the preferences of an entire community based on a few examples.


Patrick Seiter

5 months ago

Well, they came from India so they probably picked up Middle Eastern influences along the way.

Kamil Dec

5 months ago

Gypsies come from barbaric space like Mediaeval India

Jonathan Seed

5 months ago

Least racist polish person from warsaw

It's important to recognize that generalizations or stereotypes about any group of people can be misleading and unfair. The prevalence of Middle Eastern themes in certain types of music among the Roma community might be attributed to various factors, such as cultural exchange, personal preferences, or historical connections. It's crucial to approach these topics with an open mind and avoid generalizing the preferences of an entire community based on a few examples.


6 months ago

Why this question?


Gene Germano

5 months ago

Both Trade and defense would improve for both Lebanon and Israel. It's nothing short of outrageous that Youtube would not allow this to be posted. The swamp in Washington needs to grow a pair and restore free speech in the US.

Kamil Dec

5 months ago

Why this question?

I find so weird the idea of brands without production facilities. Allview is a company based in Brasov where the designs and management comes from but all their products are made in China by other companies. Whta exactly makes you a Romanian company if 100% of your production side takes place in China?


6 months ago

A Romanian post stamp with Èšara de Foc (Tierra del Fuego) on it and a Romanian tv serial about the about the fictional adventure of Romanian engineer and his crew to chart Èšara de Foc (Tierra del Fuego). I bet these these are two things that you didn't thought existed


6 months ago

I love nationalist waves in Romania because they never fail to be cursed! I guarantee the highest curseness level in the description below


6 months ago

The first wave: The Greater Romania Party Corneliu Vadim Tudor the founder and soul of this party, he was a very smart but borderline insane person (about his intelligence, if you asked him about an obscure French author from the 19th century he would instantly tell you his date of birth and death with his entire bibliography). His political views were let's say vary unorthodox. He started his party as National Comunnist party which eventually became far-right and this manifested in his views as he was fan of both Ion Antonescu (the leader of Axis-allied Romania) and Nicolae Ceausescu. Even though he praised the leader of Axis-allied Romania he was also part of a scandal when he illegally erected a statue of Yitzhak Rabin (5th Israeli prime-minister) in Brasov,he even paid an Israeli company to run his compaign. He is known for very inventive swearing and wild claims like that he would put all members of parliament on a stadium and fire a machine gun at them He got 33% of the vote in the second round of the 2000 presidential elecrion

The second wave: The People's Party Dan Diaconescu This was the political campaign of Dan Diaconescu, the owner of OTV. OTV was the wildest tv channel ever. Just from the photo i've put from the guy's own show you can see how wild it was, i would translate just the poll in order for you to have an ideea ''Should a wooden stakes stab the heart of the exhumed woman? (61% of the audience said yes). His show had everything from 700+ episodes on the murder of Elodia to clairvoyant hobos, spiritism, polls about jailing all emos to Dan Diaconescu beeing trown in the trash (literally) in his own show The party got 14% of the vote in the 2012 elections

The third wave: The Social Democratic Party under Liviu Dragnea As i've already said the romanian social-democrat party is only left wing on economics but under Dragnea it was truly a right-wing populist party Things of note:

  • He used 100.000$ to bribe his way to Trump's inauguration

-Tried to legalize bribery under 50.000$ under the motive that the prisons are overcrowded -Made a refendum to change the constitution to say that marriage is between one man and one woman

  • His defence minister accused MOSSAD of putting a listening devices in her sockets

-Wierdly nominated a Muslim Tatar woman to be prime-minister (Sevil Shhaideh) -Accused Soros of paying three man in black to assasinate him -Wanted to move the Israel embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem He was eventually convicted of corruption and now after finishing his term in prison he has a cooking channel on Youtube

Forth phase:The Alliance for Romanian Unification They appeared on the political scene in 2020 due to their anti lockdown rhetoric on Facebook. In the 2020 they got 9% of the vote out of nowhere (I didn't even knew about their existence at that time).They are now they are projected to be the 2nd largest party with around 20% of the vote in the next election. They state that their political inspiration are Fidesz in Hungary and PiS in Poland and that they want to join the Visegrad Group The cursest thing I can think of is that they protested the name change of a high-school in Bucharest ( the high-school was named after subsecretary in Ion Antonescu's government) A splinter group from them the S.O.S Romania party and poll around 5%, they want to leave EU and NATO and would not to you I've you're jabed The last photo shows the wedding of the Alliance for Romanian Unification. He invited every to come to his weeding with minibuses provided by his party for free. His weeding had 10.000 attendants a tenth the size of the Corneliu Zelea Codreanu's (the leader of the Iron Guard) wedding had 90 yrs ago



6 months ago

The first wave: The Greater Romania Party
Corneliu Vadim Tudor the founder and soul of this party, he was a very smart but borderline insane person (about his intelligence, if you asked him about an obscure French author from the 19th century he would instantly tell you his date of birth and death with his entire bibliography). His political views were let's say vary unorthodox. He started his party as National Comunnist party which eventually became far-right and this manifested in his views as he was fan of both Ion Antonescu (the leader of Axis-allied Romania) and Nicolae Ceausescu. Even though he praised the leader of Axis-allied Romania he was also part of a scandal when he illegally erected a statue of Yitzhak Rabin (5th Israeli prime-minister) in Brasov,he even paid an Israeli company to run his compaign. He is known for very inventive swearing and wild claims like that he would put all members of parliament on a stadium and fire a machine gun at them
He got 33% of the vote in the second round of the 2000 presidential elecrion

The second wave: The People's Party Dan Diaconescu
This was the political campaign of Dan Diaconescu, the owner of OTV. OTV was the wildest tv channel ever. Just from the photo i've put from the guy's own show you can see how wild it was, i would translate just the poll in order for you to have an ideea ''Should a wooden stakes stab the heart of the exhumed woman? (61% of the audience said yes). His show had everything from 700+ episodes on the murder of Elodia to clairvoyant hobos, spiritism, polls about jailing all emos to Dan Diaconescu beeing trown in the trash (literally) in his own show
The party got 14% of the vote in the 2012 elections

The third wave: The Social Democratic Party under Liviu Dragnea
As i've already said the romanian social-democrat party is only left wing on economics but under Dragnea it was truly a right-wing populist party
Things of note:

  • He used 100.000$ to bribe his way to Trump's inauguration

-Tried to legalize bribery under 50.000$ under the motive that the prisons are overcrowded
-Made a refendum to change the constitution to say that marriage is between one man and one woman

  • His defence minister accused MOSSAD of putting a listening devices in her sockets

-Wierdly nominated a Muslim Tatar woman to be prime-minister (Sevil Shhaideh)
-Accused Soros of paying three man in black to assasinate him
-Wanted to move the Israel embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem
He was eventually convicted of corruption and now after finishing his term in prison he has a cooking channel on Youtube

Forth phase:The Alliance for Romanian Unification
They appeared on the political scene in 2020 due to their anti lockdown rhetoric on Facebook. In the 2020 they got 9% of the vote out of nowhere (I didn't even knew about their existence at that time).They are now they are projected to be the 2nd largest party with around 20% of the vote in the next election. They state that their political inspiration are Fidesz in Hungary and PiS in Poland and that they want to join the Visegrad Group
The cursest thing I can think of is that they protested the name change of a high-school in Bucharest ( the high-school was named after subsecretary in Ion Antonescu's government)
A splinter group from them the S.O.S Romania party and poll around 5%, they want to leave EU and NATO and would not to you I've you're jabed
The last photo shows the wedding of the Alliance for Romanian Unification. He invited every to come to his weeding with minibuses provided by his party for free. His weeding had 10.000 attendants a tenth the size of the Corneliu Zelea Codreanu's (the leader of the Iron Guard) wedding had 90 yrs ago

Kamil Dec

6 months ago

With Moldova?


6 months ago

A couple weeks ago I've realised that I'm not living in the Western civilization. I was talking with a factory worker and she told me that last year the company was not closed even on December 24. Men had to come to work while women had not in order so they can cook for their husbands (that was the reasoning). I could not see this happening in the West without it becoming a news story

It's interesting to see how different societies have their own cultural norms and practices. What you mentioned about the factory worker's experience is certainly a unique perspective. Traditional agricultural societies also had their own challenges, like long hours and physical labor. Industrialization brought its own set of issues, including psychological stress. Regarding European colonialism, it's true that different cultures have had their own forms of inequality and oppression. It's important to consider historical context and the complexities of these situations.


Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Isn't Romania apart of Orthodox civilization? its 86.45% Orthodox Christian so duh nigg@. u aint apart of western civilization then since western civilization and orthodox civilization are sub-civilizations to christo-European civilizations so that's probably why.


6 months ago

I was just pointing out a cultural difference, it's not like I really had a epiphany it was more more like a figure of speach used to introduce the real point. Btw, let's not take the religious border as the be all and end all, things tend to be more complicated in the real life (it would be r€d@rt€d to say that Croat is culturally closer to Norwegian that to a Serb just because the former used to practice a form of Western Christianity)

Jonathan Seed

6 months ago

Well in this case, its clear that the affects of orthodox christianity guides your society to certain aspects like conservatism

It's interesting to see how different societies have their own cultural norms and practices. What you mentioned about the factory worker's experience is certainly a unique perspective. Traditional agricultural societies also had their own challenges, like long hours and physical labor. Industrialization brought its own set of issues, including psychological stress. Regarding European colonialism, it's true that different cultures have had their own forms of inequality and oppression. It's important to consider historical context and the complexities of these situations.