
1 year ago

How would post modernist thought evolve within an authoritarian state?

Canada and Pol Pot's Cambodia are our closest examples.


Logan Strom

1 year ago

Canada and Pol Pot's Cambodia are our closest examples.


1 year ago

"Pol Pot's Cambodia" How so?

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Pol Pot and a lot of his administration went to the same French schools that gave rise to Postmodernism. They never did anything constructive, only relentlessly tore down everything around them. Fits in well with the Postmodern ethic.


1 year ago

How would you define post modernism?

Look at sociality in 19th century to now


Logan Strom

1 year ago

  1. Morally Relativist Nihilists jealously criticizing everything other people believe in.
  2. A theory that cynically posits all social interactions come down to power. For the self serving purpose of obtaining power while acting morally superior.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Look at sociality in 19th century to now


1 year ago

How would leftism today evolve if it occurred after a nuclear war or some other apocalyptic event(assuming humanity/civilisation still exist),I'm guessing it would be a type of authoritarian progressism without the wokeism, basically a class of academics/intellectuals who survived the war might try and convince the growing number of the poor that the war was the fault of nationalism,capitalism,group identities such as race etc and the only way to prevent another calamity like this was to overthrow the oppressor class who push these ideals and create a new society based on peace,equality,and pan humanism

Its a interesting question something would have to challenge the decentralized national populist right even after apocalypse. I dont think it would have such a direct link to modern leftism though its just to centralized on big cities and metropolitan ways of thinking stuff that cant survive warheads.


Kevin Guaman

1 year ago

Honestly, I think they would mostly focus on racial problems, and big corporations big a problem, they would be as extreme as today's left wing.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Its a interesting question something would have to challenge the decentralized national populist right even after apocalypse.
I dont think it would have such a direct link to modern leftism though its just to centralized on big cities and metropolitan ways of thinking stuff that cant survive warheads.


1 year ago

Makes sense,one would need to re establish central authority first before such a class of people could begin to regain power and it would be dependent on the amount of damage a country faced,won't work if 90% of the population is now rural

Bill Whitehead

1 year ago

I think it will quickly revert to feudal societies or even tribalism Hunter gatherer communities


1 year ago

What is the modern left's core values and views of the world,how would you define concepts such as post modernism and what does the left ultimately hope to achieve,is it some kind of Technocratic socialist utopia?

The Left's utopia has 3 principles:

  1. Completely self determined identity without any negative feedback ever.
  2. Complete personal freedom without any consequences.
  3. Complete comfort without any responsibility.

That's obviously impossible. Their philosophy will actually lead to black trans North Korea.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

I wish I understood but my brain rots whenever I try listening to these people.
There goals are less consistent than natural disasters.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

The Left's utopia has 3 principles:

  1. Completely self determined identity without any negative feedback ever.
  2. Complete personal freedom without any consequences.
  3. Complete comfort without any responsibility.

That's obviously impossible. Their philosophy will actually lead to black trans North Korea.


1 year ago

Makes sense,with my understanding of post modernism is that it is the denial of objective reality,atleast in the sense of human beliefs.Race,nationality,Sex and sexual orientation are all just abstract ideas designed by the oppressor class to maintain their hierarchy,with their ultimate aim being to be rid of all hierarchy through deconstructing these ideas


1 year ago

Do you think the West could devolve into an Orwellian style dystopia within the next 100 years?

Might not take nearly that long.


Camel Decline

1 year ago

Late the history telling us and my intuition most likely say with the history tell us about the future

Raptor Boi

1 year ago

With the internet, social movements regarding sexual identity, race, etc I could totally see a brave new world type dystopian society emerging in later years


1 year ago

I actually wonder if the two dystopias work like a pendulum,with the failure of one system (Soviet Union,Nazi Germany,Maoist China) it could lead to the other rearing it's ugly head,the US led world has been the closest to Brave new world but has recently faced some major problems as the world of plenty seems to be coming to an end which could mean Orwell's future might retake it's place


1 year ago

Then again I also kinda feel that 1984 is a dystopia of a industrialized society,while brave new world is more post industrial


1 year ago

Honestly could imagine a combination of brace new world and 1984,which would be quite terrifying

Raptor Boi

1 year ago

Of course this is assuming nuclear war doesn’t happen within our time

Newb Mann

1 year ago

I think a weak absolutism like pre revolution france before the entire house of cards falling apart is most likley.
Dystopias need legitimacy something western gouvernments are losing fast ESPECIALLY IN AMERICA.
That combined with so so many social disruptions like mass aplication of AI or space colonization make me
worry about the chaos a likley attempted at distopia will cause rather than the distopia surviving.


1 year ago

Would be Interesting if it would spell the last breath of western civilization,similar to how dystopian the western Roman empire was before it's eventual downfall


1 year ago

I've been thinking about a scenario where the Gulf war culminates in WW3 due to Soviet intervention (USSR survives under a successful coup) on behalf of Saddam's regime,with conflict eventually spilling over into Europe and Korea,with these war ultimately ending in the exchange of nuclear weapons.

So my main question is what percentage of the American population would survive in this scenario, expecially among those most affected such as the urban populous