The National Anthem for a Humanity that has accepted its inevitable tragi-comic essence in a moment of bittersweet nostalgia-joy. See also - Ohioans

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Because, as an Ohioan, your modern Internet technology enrages and confuses me, the link was not properly embedded. I miss FORTRAN…


Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Because, as an Ohioan, your modern Internet technology enrages and confuses me, the link was not properly embedded. I miss FORTRAN…

Newb Mann

1 year ago

As an ohioan I cant imagine life without the internet its something I fear because of its influence and power.

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

As an Ohioan, I also can’t imagine life without the Internet. Like most Ohioans, I also fear it, and attempt to placate it through tribal dances and ceremonial offerings of smoked Slovenian sausage.


1 year ago

Ohio supremacy

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Wait how many of us here are Ohioans lol? Gonna post the question.

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Videos Rudyard Wants To Make?

Rudyard recently asked us to suggest videos we would like to see him make. This was a great move, and I appreciate his openness to the interests of his audience.

I would like to propose the inverse.

Rudyard, what are some video ideas you’ve been considering? Maybe we could all provide feedback and help you to prioritize your backlog.

This comment was flagged by a moderator


Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

I think the moderator’s flag button is stuck on the turbo setting

Idk why it’s moderating so hard. Users are supposed to b able to edit their posts and comments if they’re flagged, not just them being outright fried

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Nah, scr3w ruddy's wants. our f1thy desires come first 💪💪💪💪💪

Logan Strom

1 year ago

The best content will always be what a creator has passion for. I'm not the biggest fan of Rudy trying to predict the future, but that's what he wants to do. So that'll come out better than a halfhearted alternate history.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

bruv I was just trolling the dude who posted this


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Now thats a greedy mindset. If you treat the hand that feeds you content like that dont be surprised when the content smacks your face.

I like the idea of him posting video list which he has

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

This comment was flagged by a moderator

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Police, Ethnicity, and Nuance in the USA (the wildly unpopular sequel to Miley Cyrus’s breakout hit)

I recently came across this video entitled “America is terrifying.”

Traffic Stop Short Version

It caused me to feel some anger due to the perceived injustice and potential ethno-racial discrimination of it all. A quick search yielded the following regarding the incident’s aftermath: charges were dropped against both father and son (son was eventually arrested, which allowed officers to search his car, but police did not find anything illegal), the officer who originally pulled over and detained the son ended up getting demoted (and he later resigned), and the pepper-sprayed father sued the city for $200,000 (and he won).
Since it seemed wise to get the bigger picture, I then watched the following video, which is much longer and shows more of the interaction, and, importantly, allows the officer and the son to articulate their reasons for behaving the way they did.

Traffic Stop Long Version

There’s a lot going on here…not just in the video, but in all of the events surrounding the video and aftermath. We see a young man who acted nervously, and was justified in doing so, because his complexion may both (1) lead others to perceive him as more likely to engage in criminal activity, and (2) lead police officers to be more nervous around him/more likely to use deadly force against him.
——————————————————————————————————————-We see a police officer whose routine traffic stop suddenly became a danger to his own life (in his perception, and frankly, he may have been justified in perceiving this threat).
——————————————————————————————————————-We see a father, who first approaches the situation with temperate curiosity, and who may have even demonstrated an impartiality and respect for the law when he asked his son the reason for the stop/handcuffing (he even says in a somewhat accusatory tone to his son, something along the lines of “oh that’s the reason, huh?”…implying that he wants to be sure the stop/handcuffing wasn’t prompted by his son being in possession of marijuana again [as we discover later in the video, the son had been in trouble with the police before for marijuana]). And, upon hearing the reason for the stop/handcuffing, we see the father become defensive/protective of his son, whom he believes is being treated unjustly.
——————————————————————————————————————-We see the police officer and the son having a civil and polite discussion, during which both parties empathize to some extent, and come to see why each man acted as he did. We even see the officer treating the son rather kindly as he sits him in air conditioning, and provides water to the son when asked (and we see the son show gratitude for the water).
——————————————————————————————————————- We see how things may have gone smoothly, but didn’t. And why didn’t they go smoothly? I think it may come down to the past creeping into the present.
——————————————————————————————————————-Past experiences led the officer to become fearful at the rolling up of the window, and at the lingering presence of another party at the scene (the father) whose potential for causing harm to the officer is unknown to the officer. Past experiences may have also led the officer to feel extra fear or prejudice at the involvement of Hispanic-looking men.
——————————————————————————————————————-Past experiences of ethno-racial discrimination likely caused the father to become suspicious of law enforcement, and may have led the father’s pain and fear to calcify into a hardened anger, an attitude of aggressively insisting upon his (and his son’s) every legal right be exercised and honored. Despite the fact that these rights may have served no practical purpose at the time of the incident (there was no reason to roll up the window - it was only the exercise of a right for its own sake…there was no reason to deny the police permission to search the vehicle - it was only the exercise of a right for its own sake), it seems the father has adopted the stance (and has taught his son to adopt the stance) that the stubborn insistence of knowing and having others respect one’s own legal rights, to the smallest detail, is one’s way of asserting one’s own equal worth as a citizen in a sometimes racist and unjust society.
Even the aftermath of this incident is complicated. Despite the possible (but not certain) influence of a racially-discriminatory law enforcement/justice system in Texas and the USA, and despite the many flaws and mistakes made by these institutions, the entire incident was recorded on video, and is available for us all to scrutinize. Moreover, this imperfect and sometimes racist law enforcement/justice system not only dropped all charges against father and son, and not only apologized directly to the father and son (by way of the police chief apologizing via phone call), it even allowed the aggrieved father to successfully sue the police department’s city for a whopping $200,000. Is the incident really worth $200,000? We don’t know the legal and medical bills involved, but $200,000 seems pretty steep…many people may perceive it as an opportunistic money grab. And what has this lawsuit really accomplished to advance a better American society? I say all this as a sometimes Hispanic-passing and sometimes White-passing individual who has experienced discriminatory treatment by both groups of people.
The Hispanic men involved in this video clearly speak English as a primary language, with no appreciable difference in accent from that of the White officer. The officer and son converse in a comfortable Anglo-US-Native to Anglo-US-Native manner, and seem to be members of the exact same culture. This incident is painful because while at the start it may have involved a kind of racism on the part of the police officer, at the end, after the lawsuit, and after the video/news story made its way through the online-woke-rage-generation-algorithm-for-profit-machine, it definitely involved race, at least in the public’s perception. A crack that might have been patched has instead persisted, and somebody drew a big circle around it with a fluorescent yellow highlighter.————————————————————————————————————————
What do you think about this incident and its aftermath? What was its cause? What is its effect?

I don't know know about this one specifically. But Actual Justice Warrior covers a lot of these incidents in great detail. He's the best source I know of on this issue.

1 Comment

Logan Strom

1 year ago

I don't know know about this one specifically. But Actual Justice Warrior covers a lot of these incidents in great detail. He's the best source I know of on this issue.

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

“Peter Thiel’s “The Tech Curse”

If you have a spare ~38 minutes, this video is worth watching. It’s a recent presentation by Peter Thiel, in which he draws comparisons between California and oil-export-dependent nations such as Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. In this case, tech is oil. He observes similarities in areas such as one party rule, corruption, and extremist ideologies.

What are your thoughts on Peter’s observations? What exactly defines the “California model” he mentions in the later part of the presentation?

Peter Thiel’s “The Tech Curse”

Look like they want to make nation is the company, and I agree with you


Camel Decline

1 year ago

Look like they want to make nation is the company, and I agree with you

What’s the web archive url you send

Camel Decline

1 year ago

To explain my idea into our social media with deleted connected or internet Gramma Connection.

Huh I’m going to check this out. I’m in the Thiel Fellowship where he gives $100k to 20 young founders a year. I had dinner at his house in LA last September too and talked to him about geopoltics for 2h. Was one hell of an experience

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Damn you’re a Thiel fellow? That’s awesome! I’d love to hear more of his thoughts on geopolitics.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Do you want to help to make my type social media is like but added, or making Pearl is like that?

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

”America is the New Rome” Video?

Any news on when/whether Rudyard is planning on making/posting the “Is America the New Rome?” (or similar title) video? He has hinted about it in previous videos, and I await it eagerly.

This comment was flagged by a moderator


He already did this?

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Rudyard has a record of hinting a video LONG before it actually comes out. But he has made similar statements before so Its safe to guess it is in the works how long will it take no one probably not even rudyard knows.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

You are B.W. as a actor or someone have that name

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

In Which Spengler-ian High Culture Do We Place The Anglosphere/Five Eyes/Commonwealth +US Civilization?
In Rudyard’s most recent video on “Civilizations of the Future” (excellent video btw), the final civilization that Rudyard discusses is one that consists of the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. This is the loose coalition of bros we currently call the Five Eyes (and which, regrettably, we still do not yet call “Five Guys”). Rudyard suggests that these members of the civilization are drifting away from mainland Europe, although Scandinavia and other periphery parts of Northern Europe may join, as may some sort of more-developed, Anglicized future Mexico. This got me thinking about Spengler’s civilization models and theories, which led me to question where this Five Guys civilization belongs? When I look at Spengler’s Faustian civilization, with its prime symbol of infinite space, and its prime qualities of expansion and progress, it sure does seem that the Five Guys embodies these. It is the other parts of Western, Southern, and Central Europe, some of the core OG Faustians, who are drifting away, and the Five Guys who are the flag bearers for the Faustian civilization. And so, while pieces of the Faustian/Western Civilization underground fungus colony die and decompose, it would seem that the structure keeps expanding nonetheless. But I concede that is just one perspective. Another perspective is that the entire Western/Faustian civilization dies, and the Five Guys chain is an entirely new civilization.

  • So, what do you think? Is the Anglospherian civilization just the new core for the same Faustian/Western civilization? Or is it a brand new civilization?

I think it's the new core that'll export it's quirks to the rest of the west



1 year ago

West is Faustian,less so now I don't know itlf we are in the autumn or winter of our civilisational cycle,but I do agree with Rudyard that a new American based Anhlocivilisation will form,not sure where it's heartland will be though,maybe it will coincide with Helena's 6th root race and be centred in Calafornia

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

What kinds of prime symbols and prime ecologies do you think will be associated with this civilization? I just can’t help but see a clear connection between infinite space/expansion and the British Empire upon which the sun never set, or the American civilization that expanded (at least in expedition) outside the confines of Earth itself, to plant a flag in our moon.


1 year ago

Don't know,maybe the American world will completely reject the Faustian spirit and turn in on itself or it will go beyond that and conquer the stars,maybe their prime simple then would be conquered space?Idk


1 year ago

Probably need the ability to edit,I tend to type fast and not proof read

Hugo Guzman

1 year ago

I really think Five "Guys" (lol) is just purely Western/Faustian, through and through. I think Rudyard got it wrong in saying the Anglos will break away, and that it's really just more like how Greek civilization moved to Rome.

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Yeah I don’t really see it as different from Western, at least if you’re looking at prime symbols.


1 year ago

I think it's the new core that'll export it's quirks to the rest of the west

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

That makes sense to me, as so much of its core characteristics still embody the Western/Faustian civilization, IMO.

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

New Video - Explaining America’s Nine Nations

This is a damned good video. The Foundry, man; I love it too. I almost shed a tear over it that segment.

Only critique is that The Foundry, not the South, is clearly (IMO) the nation upon which to place your bets for the future.

RE: Yankeedom: thanks for recognizing that people from Hispanic and Asian racial/ethnic/religious backgrounds can still fully assimilate to/thrive within/proliferate and sustain Yankee culture.

Also…RE: Miami: thanks for recognizing that Latin culture can prosper with proper governance.

Favorite quote "being a cult came with many social advantages". Wiah 2022

1 Comment


1 year ago

My only problem is that due to the nationalization of politics I don't think the nine Nations is a perfectly accurate way of understanding American politics. Nowadays the more important thing is the density divide but the more dense area is the more likely is to be democratic and vice versa. Maybe he'll address that in the city-state section in part 2.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

"The Deep South, where the black people are lazy. And the white people are also lazy but the complain about the black people." - Family Guy

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Favorite quote "being a cult came with many social advantages". Wiah 2022

Bruce Wayne

2 years ago

Seems like a relevant time to address that tweet about the “taboo” of questioning The West’s ethnic makeup

Considering that today we are witness to yet another mass shooting in the U.S., yet again perpetrated against racial minorities by an angry young white man (who was, allegedly, concerned about “white replacement theory”), maybe this is a good time for you, Rudyard, to address that inflammatory tweet, in which you lamented the fact that questioning immigration’s effect on the West’s “ethnic breakdown” was considered “taboo.” Listen. Your followers, from what I can surmise, are a collection of diverse, intelligent, open-minded, and strong individuals. None of us would be following you if we were afraid to talk about and listen to objective, occasionally politically-incorrect, facts. We can take it. To discuss the issue you raised is not a taboo for this community. Please do question it. Let’s discuss it as a community. That would be welcomed by us all. But do you know what is not welcomed? Tossing that race-baiting grenade of a tweet out there and walking away whistling like it never happened. That’s bad form for an intellectual, and especially so for one such as you, who has sway over the minds and curiosities of so many right-leaning individuals. The U.S. does have some serious problems, and maybe some of those problems are, in fact, caused by large numbers of unassimilated ethnic groups. But let’s hash that out. Let’s all discuss these topics in good faith, like the protectors of Civilization that we are called to be. Because if we don’t, then all of the “discussion” will be done by the bullets of angry, disenfranchised, and misguided young men.

Where can I see the tweet

1 Comment

Based Batman

Where can I see the tweet

Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

I tried to link it before but it didn’t work. I’ll try again. But if it doesn’t work again, you can find it on Twitter @whatifalthist on May 7th ‘22.

Ok I found it thanks

Bruce Wayne

2 years ago

Concerning Ethnicity in the US

Rudyard - This tweet generated some alarming replies, and, as such, it requires elaboration from you. As a disclaimer - You are not accountable for your followers’ opinions or actions - let’s get that out of the way up front. But, as you did raise the question initially, it does not seem unreasonable to request further engagement from you.

What do you mean by ethnicity? In what ways would a changed ethnic breakdown affect the U.S.?

Questioning the things you did should not be taboo if they are questioned in an intellectually honest and responsible way. But it probably should be taboo if you don’t continue the conversation, and the only people answering the question are advocating/alluding to White Nationalism.

Link didn’t work, sorry. The tweet read “ Why did Western civilization embark on the largest social engineering in history like totally changing its ethnic breakdown through immigration, having women enter the workforce, using screens all the time, cutting out gender norms, demonizing war etc.. but question it is taboo?


Bruce Wayne

1 year ago

Link didn’t work, sorry. The tweet read “ Why did Western civilization embark on the largest social engineering in history like totally changing its ethnic breakdown through immigration, having women enter the workforce, using screens all the time, cutting out gender norms, demonizing war etc.. but question it is taboo?

Ernest Olivas

1 year ago

well that sound like a solid substantive question. the serious relpies would include how revolution and labor shortages reflect in immigration. was gender equality and natural outgrowth or a consequence of war labor needs. has gender norms changed also because of an evolution or as a result of mass communication and social media exposure. etc.