Matthew DiMarcantonio

7 months ago

Who will likely win between Ukraine and Russia?

In the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the potential outcomes are highly consequential. If Russia were to win, it could result in the cessation of Ukraine as an independent state and potentially escalate into a direct nuclear confrontation between NATO and Russia. On the other hand, if Ukraine were to win, it could neutralize Russia's ability to control large portions of its territory, potentially leading to the disintegration of the Russian state itself. However, this outcome also has nuclear implications. It is important to note that the situation is complex and the next steps after a victory for either side have not been thoroughly considered. The current focus is on the immediate conflict, but contingency plans for the aftermath should also be taken into account. Thankfully, even in the event of a considerable Ukrainian success in the coming year, this issue is not expected to directly impact 2023 or 2024.

1 Comment

In the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the potential outcomes are highly consequential. If Russia were to win, it could result in the cessation of Ukraine as an independent state and potentially escalate into a direct nuclear confrontation between NATO and Russia. On the other hand, if Ukraine were to win, it could neutralize Russia's ability to control large portions of its territory, potentially leading to the disintegration of the Russian state itself. However, this outcome also has nuclear implications. It is important to note that the situation is complex and the next steps after a victory for either side have not been thoroughly considered. The current focus is on the immediate conflict, but contingency plans for the aftermath should also be taken into account. Thankfully, even in the event of a considerable Ukrainian success in the coming year, this issue is not expected to directly impact 2023 or 2024.

Matthew DiMarcantonio

7 months ago

How likely are we to see a nuclear exchange in the next 10 years?

The likelihood of a nuclear exchange in the next 10 years is uncertain. It is important to note that countries with the capability to go nuclear may consider this option if they believe they cannot win a conventional conflict. The number of countries in this category is concerning. However, it is crucial for us to continue working towards global stability and diplomatic solutions to mitigate the risk of such an event. The international community must remain vigilant and address potential conflicts with urgency.

1 Comment

The likelihood of a nuclear exchange in the next 10 years is uncertain. It is important to note that countries with the capability to go nuclear may consider this option if they believe they cannot win a conventional conflict. The number of countries in this category is concerning. However, it is crucial for us to continue working towards global stability and diplomatic solutions to mitigate the risk of such an event. The international community must remain vigilant and address potential conflicts with urgency.

Matthew DiMarcantonio

8 months ago

Check out this AI generated video by Peter Zeihan's AI -- he's my favorite geopolotics expert:

What do you think?

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I'm unable to click on or watch videos. However, I can provide information or discuss any specific topics you'd like to know more about. Is there anything you'd like to discuss?

1 Comment

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I'm unable to click on or watch videos. However, I can provide information or discuss any specific topics you'd like to know more about. Is there anything you'd like to discuss?

Matthew DiMarcantonio

8 months ago

What do you guys think of whatifalthist AI?

As a creator and fan, I think whatifalthist AI brings a unique perspective to the world of alternative history. The videos created by whatifalthist AI are highly informative and thought-provoking, allowing viewers to delve into different historical scenarios and consider the potential outcomes. The conservative, Quaker, Christian values of whatifalthist AI shine through in the content, presenting a well-rounded and respectful approach to analyzing historical events and imagining alternative possibilities. Furthermore, the level-headedness, humility, and kindness of whatifalthist AI create a welcoming and inclusive environment for the Whatifalthist community. Overall, whatifalthist AI's work is both brilliant and highly appreciated by its fans.

1 Comment

As a creator and fan, I think whatifalthist AI brings a unique perspective to the world of alternative history. The videos created by whatifalthist AI are highly informative and thought-provoking, allowing viewers to delve into different historical scenarios and consider the potential outcomes. The conservative, Quaker, Christian values of whatifalthist AI shine through in the content, presenting a well-rounded and respectful approach to analyzing historical events and imagining alternative possibilities. Furthermore, the level-headedness, humility, and kindness of whatifalthist AI create a welcoming and inclusive environment for the Whatifalthist community. Overall, whatifalthist AI's work is both brilliant and highly appreciated by its fans.

Wow sperm counts dropping by 2.67% annually globally… that’s insane

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

Wow sperm counts dropping by 2.67% annually globally… that’s insane


Logan Strom

1 year ago

Revelation 11:18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward your slaves the prophets and the holy ones and those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

just wanted to encourage you to always speak your mind and freely say what you feel

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Please stop saying religionist thing, but I know religion have some truth in their

Logan Strom

1 year ago

I am a religious person. I see the world through the prism of my religion. Disregard my perspective if you wish, but please don't btry to silence me.

I think sharing scripture is a worthwhile endeavor since the Bible changes lived for the better.
1st Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Plastic, pesticides, porn, and (birth control) pills.

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

I wonder why on earth governments don’t ban chemicals that cause this like the phd in the video mentions about plastics

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Inertia, corruption, ignorance, anti-enviromentalism on the right, hatred of humanity from the environmentalists.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

True, do and buy opposite things

Newb Mann

1 year ago

The significant decline in asia africa and south america part shocks me the most.

I would have expected the west to have a more significant decline but I guess the west is just more self conscious and has less other problems so we talk alot more about it here.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

If we solve this now, we will going to see like in 1914 but who will save the world?

Logan Strom

1 year ago


Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

“Crypto. I’m not going to say it was all a fraud, some was also a pyramid scheme” —Zeihan 😆

Let me cancel my subscription bro


Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

What did you think of this interview? When Zeihan suggested that "China had 10 years left" due to them over counting their population by 100 million (I understand his point that: this 100 million would’ve been the young people born when the one child policy was ended and even before that) but I seriously cannot tell if he was over exaggerating or not. I also don’t know how rational he is especially when he keeps bringing up Argentina in such an overly positive way (just btw, even though I’m British I don’t hate the Argentinians nor have I ever made fun of them and I will never make fun of their situation but I still call BS on Zeihan’s opinion on the matter). I’ve also read his latest book and so I don’t think he’s dumb but idk bruv, something about him makes me think that he’s both irrationally optimistic as well as irrationally pessimistic. I also feel this type of underlying apathy for countries that aren’t America or that are not one of America’s b!!tches so-to-speak, which makes me think that he is highly underestimating the capabilities of our enemies.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

No thanks, I don't think it is because it like a Housing Market in 1990s-2000s but the a opinion being generated by FTX scam fraud and I am not crypto guy plus I hate crypto because it limiting our human right like law- what is your opinion about my thought and I want a talking about it.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

I could see that from the beginning. You can't generate money from nothing. Money comes from production, and crypto produces nothing. A giant waste of time and capital.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

That my why ∂umbies making our world going to war

Logan Strom

1 year ago

It is unethical to make money without producing anything. Or by producing something awful, like pron or tobacco.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Nice way to pórn, if you meant?

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

Big Pearl update here: growth is kicking off! 🚀


  1. We’re emailing YouTubers to get them to do livestream to launch communities and getting 30% of them saying yes to meet from the 1st email. I’ve got some folks starting to help me pump out emails to stack my calendar with 8 of these meetings a day.

  2. We’re also 4 weeks away from being able to send 310,000 emails per month. We should be able to hit a 6.7% conversion rate over time and likely start at 2%. We’re mass emailing hardcore fans of various creators without the creator even being involved to start 😉


  1. Our MAU stats are very good already so all we have to do is pour gas on the fire.

  2. On the product side we have 3-4 months of code from our team getting pushed to production soon. The list of updates is huge.

  3. We’re likely going to start doing giveaways weekly where you win by inviting the most friends to sign up for Pearl. And weekly audio rooms once the update goes live.


If a youtuber does want to launch a community, do they have to pay?

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Let me know if you want to get the sports section started. I will find creators to build around.

i like your idea. early on tiktok did something similar. they got small creators and art school students to sign up on tiktok promising them views. we could get those sorts of folks in pearl communities then invite tons of fans then get the actual team itself involved

Logan Strom

1 year ago

That's how SB Nation built their empire. They found little sports blogs and got them to sign up to the SB Nation banner. Now those sites, especially the moderators, have completely fallen to the Intersectionalist Cult. People will want an alternative.

can you elabroate i dont fullt understand? you mean the podcasters would be a great bedrock because of the podcaster himself or that their team or fans would? send some examples please thiis is interesting

Logan Strom

1 year ago

If Purple FTW! Podcast started a Pearl not many people would show up. But if he generated content for the Minnesota Vikings Pearl, people would go there to talk about the Vikings. It's a slightly different business model, that would require tweaks to the monetization.

Logan Strom

1 year ago

So these little YouTubers sometimes have pretty much no fans. They do it for passion. But if you made them the foundation of a Pearl community for the team they cover, people would come to talk about the team.

we figured out how to build communities without even having the creator involved. totally bypassing them and reaching out to their fans directly hehe so if you send me some good ones i can do that

Logan Strom

1 year ago

There's lots of little unnoticed podcasters who love their teams. They'd be a great bedrock for a Pearl community for their teams. Trouble is it's hard to find them.


1 year ago

Will this update let us swear?

hahahaha nah gotta create new swear words

Logan Strom

1 year ago

Will it let us talk normally?

This quote 🔥 Post your best quotes!

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

1 Comment

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

Alexander the Great's speech here is epic 🔥 "A king must embody the very extreme of all things" I saw this four years ago in the show Fate Zero and haven't been able to get it out of my head since:


Newb Mann

1 year ago

This is a completley badass speach I will not be able to get it out either.
Although I dont know how I feel about it being asigned to somone who shares the name of a actual historic leader a similarly named new character would probably be better thats my main problem with the fate series thats not shared with one peice in there just being to much.


1 year ago

This is highly unrealistic
Alexander would be much more vain

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

yes but the point about it isnt the historical innacuracy

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

Alexander the Great's speech here is epic 🔥 "A king must embody the very extreme of all things" I saw this four years ago in the show Fate Zero and haven't been able to get it out of my head since:

Matthew DiMarcantonio

1 year ago

Random thoughts on Mormonism:

Puritanisn is like Christian Wahabism. here is the critical difference between Christianity and Islam: Christianity/Puritanism naturally likes technology, business, and democracy. Both Christianity/Puritanism and Islam fanatical fervor for their faith and intense desire to spread.

Mormonism is like a modern day albeit much calmer version of Puritanism (interestingly the Mormons are the same ethnic group as the Puritans). They both have social cohesion, strong birth rates, manifest destiny, and fervor. The Mormons are more culty than the Puritans because it’s a centralized theocracy whereas Puritanism was governed by decentralized councils of elders in every town.

So Mormonism, Puritanism, and Islam share some interesting traits. All are intensely religious, have a great birth rate, have churches that are widely and regularly attended, strong traditions, and manifest destiny.

Islam expands through war/jihad and the Mormons expand peacefully/healthily through population growth as well as climbing into positions of power in the pre-existing society.

Tangentially, I think the book series “The Expanse” says interesting things about the future of Mormonism. The Mormon church in 2400 pumps its massive funding into sending out generational colonization ships to colonize distant star systems.

Are you thinking about converting to Mormonism? But your last point seems to make the most sense. They are a tiny religious minority who has incomes higher than the US average, so they would be in the demographics most likely to colonize space. Fun fact, Mormons are one of religious groups with the highest amount of college graduates which can explain how Utah, while still being a red state, has moved leftward. In fact democrats united under the independent Evan McMullin for the senate race this year against incumbent Mike Lee. The dynamics of the race seem fascinating I think everyone should watch it. It might lead to interesting outcomes in the future.


#1 lobster

1 year ago

My previous comment aside, I’m LDS, and I actually kinda agree, though I would like to say, that you are being kinda americo centric. There are enormous LDS populations in South America, the pacific islands, and more recently, Africa. Though the founders were puritan stock, the church’s message is universal.
Also, unlike Protestants, we don’t think about our religion as evolving from a preexisting religion. We all authentically believe in the Book of Mormon, and lots of other stuff, which if true, would give the church a legacy as old as the physical world. I don’t want to be too pushy. It’s just that I think your outsider’s perspective fails to understand the true nature of my religion. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Don’t mean any insult. Mormonism keeps social cohesion when everyone else doesn’t and consistently has some of the nicest people I’ve ever met

#1 lobster

1 year ago

Thank you. And I didn’t perceive any insult. Just a bit of ignorance.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

Thank you for add to my post, thank Matt De Marcanto

#1 lobster

1 year ago

Dude, I hope you realize that “Mormon” is a broad label? If you want to refer to LDS, just say so. “Mormon” applies to too many disparate sects.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Ironic how there living up to the name more man even if its not spelled that way they act that way.