Stephen Sparrow

1 year ago

So I'm reading The Human Zoo by Desmond Morris and it's more upbeat than I expected. Although he compares us to animals in a zoo and lists a load of problems caused by this he still a marvels at how adaptive we are to our situation and has hope our problems are solveable.

He's also quite non-judgemental and enlightened in his general approach to the study of the human animal. Although he sees certain behaviours are abberations from the norms of wild animals he doesn't blame people for what is essentially the result of a normal biological response to being in an abnormal situation.

It's easy to read and though-provoking which is a delightful combination.

edward dutton talks about this in his book titled strange mutants. there was a study with mice put in a cage as a colony and they went nuts. i recommend digging into it with a google search it was wild.

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edward dutton talks about this in his book titled strange mutants. there was a study with mice put in a cage as a colony and they went nuts. i recommend digging into it with a google search it was wild.