
8 months ago

Thoughts on How Christianity History and its recommendations.

For a rebirth of Christianity in the West, I recommend “The Unseen Realm” by Dr. Michael Heiser and “The Ark of the Covenant in its Egyptian Context” by Dr. David Falk. They understand theology and history in ways that are rare in Modern Western Christianity. Dr. Heiser recently passed away, but Dr. Falk (Egyptologist) does weekly livestreams on his youtube channel “Ancient Egypt and the Bible.”

I’m all for more feast days, but what you all think about Santa Clause and kids? I don’t want my kids 8,5,2, & 2 months to grow up thinking of Yahweh as Santa Clause in the sky

They are type of race that is ...

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

8 months ago

They are type of race that is ...