The American Civil War but in my homeland of Australia.

Luke Sharp

10 months ago

1 Comment

Kamil Dec

10 months ago


Luke Sharp

10 months ago

Take a brief stroll through this guys comment section. He's a worthless Commie.

1 Comment

Logan Strom

10 months ago

Take a brief stroll through this guys comment section. He's a worthless Commie.

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

When will China Invade Taiwan and why?

Same time war in Europe between NATO and CSTO


Aaron Duff

1 year ago

Hopefully never likely right about the time a blood vessel breaks in Bidens head incapacitating him and delaying our ability to respond.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Wish i could tell you what I kbow but the censor bot is making it impossible

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

the censor bot seems to hate you.

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

Bro it literally despises on a level that seems to be unfathomable to humans

Jonathan Seed

1 year ago

This comment was flagged by a moderator

Here is the allies plan to capture the capitol of east Germany.

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

Here are the allied plans in the 1992 invasion of East Germany. all together the allies have 800,000 manpower. And East Germany has 260,000.

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

Why is this useful?


Kamil Dec

1 year ago

Why is this useful?

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

I don't really know, just made it because i can.

This is my map showing hours before the 1992 invasion of East Germany. This is my alternat reality where East Germany survives and lives on after all that stuff that happened in 1989 and 1990. Lore: when the Soviet Union was collapsing the government of Weast Germany had the idea that invading East Germany might be the best solution for reunification because it didn't look like East Germany was going away, and that the Soviet Union is gone, they don't really need to worry about them anymore. So, they ask their allies if they were going to help, most didn't because they felt like this is an unjust invasion, but some did join the fight!

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

If the United States were to breakout into a seconded civil war, where would the biggest/bloodiest battle happen? like what city.



Evan Weeks

1 year ago

I think San Francisco could be one, but it really depends on how important the position is to defend.

A r

1 year ago


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Im thinking largest battle will be chigago its likley to be a grueling siege that will take eons while its pretty poppulous.
That or its taken before there can be a unified front established around the city and it just turns into a bunch of minor rebelions.
Atlanta could be another shout but thats just the "chigago of the south".

If the Roman Empire was in the Baltic Sea instead of the Mediterranean.

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

it's also the year 117 A.D the year of its height


Bev Bevan

1 year ago

Why upside down? Just to mess with us?

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

it's also the year 117 A.D the year of its height

this is my map of, If the central powers won World War one. the year is 1923 and the French civil war is ongoing but looks like the French commune is winning. the British seconded civil war is going as well. the Russian civil war ended, and the Bolsheviks lost. Austria-hungry is having a crisis and a civil war looks likely.

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

Wow another kaiserreich copy.



1 year ago

Why is France always commie in these timelines?

Bev Bevan

1 year ago

Is that purple slice in the Pyrenees a revolt by the Cathars? Also, Serbia would not be independent - that was the whole point of the war.

Luke Sharp

1 year ago

Serbia is basically not independent, it a puppet state of Austria-Hungry

You should add a description ina comment to tell us why you post this haha

Luke Sharp

1 year ago
