
1 year ago

I have recently been thinking about something i couldn´t quite understand.
Remember when in one of his videos WIAH talked about how the industrial evolution rose in England and spread around the world?
In it he states that the more culturally similar a country was to England the sooner it would industrialize like for example the US or Germany.
But it just so happens that the first time it crossed the Channel and developed on the continent it rose in Wallonia which is the Catholic and French speaking region of Belgium.

Why did it develop here first and not say in Flanders which is Belgium´s germanic and protestant region?

In fact wallonia was the most powerful part of Belgium for quite some time while the Protestant north was poorer.
This dynamic flipped when deindustrialization kicked in and it has remained like this until the present with Wallonia now being in worse shape than Flanders.

Does anyone have an idea why this region developed the way it did?

If you ask Belarus as you say in Eastern European history


Newb Mann

1 year ago

From the little bit I understand about the region Wallonia alongside flanders which were both catholic just got out from the protistant dutch boot in a political revolution right before the english industrial revolution so there wasnt really a entrenched upper class as the dutch one just got destroyed so the industrial revolution had a easier time taking root within the rubble if that makes sence at least thats my best guess. and since the english helped belgium gain independence from the netherlands political ties were very close to the british which also might play a role. This also might explain why the dutch industrial revolution took so long and was so weak when it did happen since the dutch had the opposite a very intrenched upper class.

Bev Bevan

1 year ago

It's a very good question. I don't have any answer because I don't understand Belgium at all.

But I do want to throw in that France is much more culturally similar to England than there endless antagonism would lead you to believe. The other thing to throw in is that industrialization requires such huge investment that stable property laws are essential. England is really good at that. The rest of Europe lagged quite a bit, but since the French Revolution, French property laws have been absolutely stable.

Kamil Dec

1 year ago

If you ask Belarus as you say in Eastern European history


1 year ago

France is known to have a rather stable birth rate in comparison to other european countries, especially those in southern and eastern Europe.
But i recently came across the fact that France actually was the country with the lowest fertility rate in the world in the year 1900 at about 2,8 children per woman.
How come France had such a low fertility rate so early while other european countries like Britain or Germany still had higher birth rates?
And how come its fertility rate changed so little in comparison to other countries in the 20th century so that it even became one of the countries with the highest birth rates in Europe while most of the rest kept decreasing?

Here is the link to the video where i first saw this interesting perk.
I recomend the channel, the videos are quite well done.

If Europe population is still slow growing, but we can having bright future of empires and nations.


Newb Mann

1 year ago

Ive heard french had fought so many major wars before ww1 and even kinda treating the napoleonic wars like a total war so they had experiance and resiliance by the time the world wars came around, yet this also ment they started at a much lower birthrate by the time everyone elses collasped. France continued with neo imperialism and treating the eu kinda like how the us treats the world order.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

So in other terms what was a shock to the system and a traumatic experiance for everyone else was just a very stressful few years for france since they were allready used to total wars.

Camel Decline

1 year ago

If Europe population is still slow growing, but we can having bright future of empires and nations.


1 year ago

Hello, just wanted to throw a question out there.
Why is there a rather strong Texan identity and not an Ohioan one?

I mean by just looking at geography i would asume a place like California to have the strongest regional identity but as i perceive it Texas has the most developed one of all US states.

Texas was once an independent country and did try to secede


Newb Mann

1 year ago

I am from ohio there is a very weak ohio identity around hating michigan, replacing any heart with ohio state boarders and fantasising about industry returning and stuff like that but probably the reason the texan one is so much stronger than the ohio one is texas is the only relevant state in the great plains with oil texas has a very similar culture to south dakota or alberta which have the same conditions but since those are rarley talked about texan has become the "oil plains culture group".
Also having a rebellion and a flag of there own also helps

Why is it that I've seen americans fantasizing about Ohio taking over so often? Why is that? Lol

Newb Mann

1 year ago

Although I couldnt tell you why I can tell you how, it started with a train sign mistakenly saying ohio will be eliminated and since ohioans are so chill about anything not from michigan we memed on it ourselves partially as a way of self depricating humor after turning rusty. Once ohio became a weak meme state under threat somone flipped the script placing 2 people in space with one figuring out how close the rest of america is to ohio or "its all ohio always has been" this evolved into the ohio takeover you see today.

#1 lobster

1 year ago

Texas is basically just the best bits of California and Florida smashed together, with almost none of the drawbacks of either state.

Newb Mann

1 year ago

With the unique weakness of being extreamly ostentatious.


1 year ago

Texas was once an independent country and did try to secede


2 years ago

Why isn't Armenia more like Israel?
Both are populated by an ancient and rather dominant people group who has been able to survive and thrive in adverse conditions while being quite successful in its diaspora host societies. But there is a considerable difference in the wealth and power those countries exert.

Is it the 80 years of communism? (Azerbaijan is doing better in spite of it and Azeris seem to be becoming quite a dominant minority in places like Russia)
Do they tend to integrate more into their host societies when in diaspora? (At least in Christian countries)
I'm confused.

I have wondered about this too.



1 year ago

Obviously communism was a big deal, but also there’s the fact that falls outside of the Western alliance structure. Because Turkey is a strategic ally, they being Azerbaijan into the fold, making it more or less impossible for it to become a Western ally despite arguably being culturally inclined to become one in any other case. Armenia’s a small landlocked nation effectively locked out of the world’s most powerful geopolitical block.

The best hope for Armenia is arguably for the Armenian diaspora to form some sort of powerful lobbying group abroad, like an Armenian AIPAC.


1 year ago

Good take.
Although I have to say that the reason why Turkey is linked with the west is probably inertia. The only reason why Turkey is part of NATO is because 1) it was a good place to station strategic missiles against the Soviet Union and that it is by nature a rival of Russia, his doesn't make it very different from Pahlavi Iran but because of geographic reasons and the fact that they weren't as fanatical Europe simps as the Turks made their admission into NATO quite a stretch.
If Turkey becomes stronger and more assertive it is only a matter of time until it is expelled from NATO. Question is, how much can it achieve before that moment comes and how naive the west is before it finally realises it.
Countries like Poland are likely to lobby and delay this process for as long as possible as they see Turkey as an asset to reach their geopolitical goals in eastern Europe.


1 year ago

Perhaps, but I don’t see that all happening within the near future, especially as long as Iran exists.

Bev Bevan

1 year ago

I have wondered about this too.

William Hartig

1 year ago

One thing that cannot be overlooked, is that Azerbaijan is oil rich, so that is certainly a contributing factor to Azerbaijan's greater success. There are a plethora of factors that could/do play a role in Armenia being less successful than Israel. 1) Israel has a 50 year head start. 2)80 years of communism. 3) Israel has received enormous amounts of very skilled immigrants from multiple sources over several decades whereas skilled Armenians mostly just leave for other places. 4) Israel gets American Military Aid. 5) Culture, the Jews are extremely successful almost everywhere they go.


1 year ago

Israel seems to have been much more capable when it had the same age as Armenia now and correct me if I'm wrong but I think that the US wasn't as supportive of it in the first years, it was only afterwards that the US really began to prop them up.

I think the question is why the diaspora and its support for the motherland and its people isn't as great as with the Jews.
Social cohesion seems to not be as strong as in Israel and I wonder why and if that was always the case

@whatifalthist and i have talked about selective pressure increasing intelligence of various groups over time. for example, he talked about a major extinction event from a volcano 60k ish years ago that boosted human intelligence tremendously. i suppose you could imagine the same thing happened to the jewish people's given the history of oppression and being cast out from various host nations/empires across the millenia. in the case of ashkenazis, who are the smartest group in the world, i wonder if they had the most intense selection pressure over time. very interesting topic. i dont know the answer. thoughts?

William Hartig

1 year ago

That’s an interesting hypothesis. Although I would imagine we would see other instances of this. For example, A case could be made that African American and Caribbean dominance in so many sports is because of the intense self selection of Slave Labor.


2 years ago

I am not familiar with this site and i wonder if there is a way to access last week's discussion here on Pearl as the YouTube post lacks some audio.
Oh and congratulations, this site seems to just have exploded in comparison to last week and preceding months, the livestream seems to have been quite the success.
Hope these trends continue and I can tell myself in a few years that I interacted and was a witness to the rise of some very successful and important personalities 👍

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1 year ago

And is there a possibility that we could post questions before the livestream by sending an E-mail?
Although I understand that the more people join the worse that question flood would become.


1 year ago

What do i have to do to get E-mail notifications for upcoming events?


1 year ago
