
2 years ago

This might be a very dumb question, but I am very curious. In the TV show Squid Game, older American music was playing (a cover of Frank Sinatra's 'Fly Me to the Moon'). This made me think about how Dquid Game decided to select an outdated older music selection instead of something new, current, relevant and recent.

This made me think that does Korea and East Asia generally dislike/disapproval newer American culture because of how trashy, woke and meaningless it is, or is an older music selection best-fitting for Squid Game? Or is 'Fly me to the Moon' just the song to fit with the show and it has nothing to do with age?

After all, China thinks that America's multiculturalism and It's racism guilt is dragging America down. [] China is becoming less woke and more traditional with banning feminine portrayals of men in Chinese media, meanwhile having the West go in the opposite direction because of TikTok.

Does East Asia in general share this view, or is it just China? I just have a feeling that East Asia has a traditional view and looks down at the US and the west for what it has become.

The song selection in Squid Game made me think of that. Is East Asia liberal because of how It's mostly liberalized, secularized and is just behind, but going in the same direction as the west (like how Taiwan has same-sex marriage legal and how AV content is prominent, open and unrestrcited in Japan [Source: Black Pidgeon Speaks YT channel]) or is East Asia traditional with its family structure, traditional gender-roles and collectivist family ties (since Japan ruled a ban on same-sex marriage constitutional)?

If East Asia is traditionalist, do they look down at the West and does the song selection in Squid Game indicate how they favour an older and more traditional culture that was prominent in the US and the West? Or am I connecting things that doesn't make sense like a schizophrenic or like a Conservative looking for something random to bash the woke?

Probably the last thing you said even though East Asia more conservative than the West. There's probably a large section of KPOP's audience that is woke. I think this is a larger reflection of gay marriage (key pillar in people's minds of the New Left) being a key in geopolitics in terms of civilizational/cultural power as the rest of the world is industrializing. I writing something about this.



1 year ago

Probably the last thing you said even though East Asia more conservative than the West. There's probably a large section of KPOP's audience that is woke. I think this is a larger reflection of gay marriage (key pillar in people's minds of the New Left) being a key in geopolitics in terms of civilizational/cultural power as the rest of the world is industrializing. I writing something about this.


1 year ago

Thank you for the answer. The last thing I said was that I'm making needless connections so that might be right lol, I was just very curious.

So East Asia is more conservative, but the KPOP fanbase isn't especially since most music fans, especially pop fans are pretty liberal.

That might be mostly western fans though since Koreans have canceled a KPOP artists for wearing no bra to support feminism. South Korea seems traditional and anti-feminists since there's Men's Rights advocates in South Korea.

KPOP's western influence may make Korea more liberal, although I wonder if they going in a liberal path behind the US or are they stuck being traditional.


2 years ago

Globalism: The operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.

People have lied and misused the term for 'globalization'.. Globalism seems to be the belief that people, goods and borders should be unrestricted, it also means that rules and laws should extend to the whole world. If my definition is right, globalism is a bad thing. Countries have their own way of running things and forcing rules upon them is damaging to say the least. Globalism should stop.

What do you think is the definition of globalism?

The Roman empire pioneered the concept of rights, because the only way to govern a territory as expansive as the imperium was to have rules sufficiently basic as to be universally applicable.

Laws ought to be simple and fundamental enough to be universal. Laws that can't apply to all people equally, should not be laws.

So the idea that globalism is wrong because some laws can or should apply to one country or people but not another, just means "tyranny is not manageable for everyone, so let's let everyone have their own petty tyrannies".


The Grizzly

1 year ago

Globalism is an inherently evil ideal to begin with. It is to get rid of all personal and economic freedoms in order to have a "stable global society" with countries that have wildly different values and belief systems. What is right for Saudi Arabia is not right for thr us. Imagine the ban on women driving, only being allowed outside for 2 hours a day with a man accompanying her would do in San fransoysco. You'd have a riot and revolution within hours. I know this because my cousin married a Saudi and she told me some awful things about her society. Globalism as in practice is to make the west more like communist china for the one percent. It's to have a global serf state and a weird reversal of the enlightenment era. We've been slowly marching down this path since the 1990s and the election of "all of thr new taxes" Herbert walker Bush, and the results have been nothing short of disasterous.

Why is Saudi Arabia permitted to oppress their women like that?

It's because we don't have any cojones anymore. The British empire would not have tolerated it.

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That said, the failure of globalism isn't actually globalism. It's democracy.

Empires are, by and large, not democratic. Democracy creates power struggles that reduce an empire to factionalism and ultimately tear it apart. Two reasons why open borders don't work for instance, are 1) the open borders only cut one way if applied (people from poor countries migrating into rich ones), and 2) you can't let everyone and their cousins vote in your national elections, their parasitic self-interests will leech your society dry.


1 year ago

I don't see a way in which globalism can be a success in even a theoretical sense.
What do you achieve with globalism? Economic globalism just means that any worker has a factor million more competitors; political globalism just means that citizens can never actually influence the ways in which politics works; cultural globalism just means that everyone will be a homogenized grey blob, without community and without roots in their environment. I reject all the supposed benefits of globalism, I do not want it.

Culture and community being tied to soil is a modern political phenomenon. It has relatively little historical precedent, and even today it's not the case for a lot of cultural communities. There are more Irish outside Ireland than in Ireland. Ditto Puerto Ricans, and a handful of other ethnic groups. Those groups don't lose their identity, they just gain a better life and add to the mosaic of the world's cultures.

Politics are just another word for people's dictatorial tendencies. Those should and must be suppressed, whenever possible. The refrain "what works in Saudi Arabia doesn't work here" is absurd, because Saudi Arabia has a variety of laws that don't really work for them, and by all accounts nobody should be allowed to have. The problem is the people who actually understand this (Westerners) no longer have any balls and are afraid to confront evil.

You actually cannot cleave off a worker from global competition, that is a fantasy. Isolating any country from the larger world, politically or economically, will simply cause them to be outcompeted without their knowledge or feedback, until the rest of the world engulfs them.

If you have millions of people clamoring to be let into a country because theirs is such a shithole, that represents a fundamental failure of management. Simply letting them stew in their misery is cruel, and letting them in is stupid. The correct alternative is to seize their country's governance and develop it into something functional.

The Roman empire pioneered the concept of rights, because the only way to govern a territory as expansive as the imperium was to have rules sufficiently basic as to be universally applicable.

Laws ought to be simple and fundamental enough to be universal. Laws that can't apply to all people equally, should not be laws.

So the idea that globalism is wrong because some laws can or should apply to one country or people but not another, just means "tyranny is not manageable for everyone, so let's let everyone have their own petty tyrannies".


1 year ago

But isn't that arguably worse? Telling other countries what to do is oppressive and people do have different ways of managing governments due to geographical, cultural, environmental and other factors. Russia has lots of land and people to end up in an authoritarian government.

Other countries have their ways of running things too. Telling countries what to do is oppressive and interfering with their politics which are hardly known by outsiders.

Are you familiar with Indian politics? Or perhaps Singaporean politics or Indonesian politics perhaps.

There are some international laws and if there's a human rights abuse, social, international and humanitarian groups can step in, but other than that. It's impossible to have every country with distinct people follow the same law. The laws in other countries vary a lot and some countries don't like democracy so forcing it on them is unethical.

Is Saudi Arabia not allowed to have Sharia Law? Globalism leads to corruption and a war with ideologies. It's clear that those planning for globalism are an autocratic technocratic oligarchal elite as seen with the planned Great Reset. "You will own nothing and be happy".

It's going to be hard to govern the whole world. Besides, which country's morals should represent the world? There's not many good examples and even those examples doesn't work for every country. America and the rest of the west are economically corrupt, culturally degenerate with a lack of culture, junk food and military brutality.

Other than the west, there's no good example of countries who should rule the world. Morals, laws and government vary from country to country, trying to pander to every country while have contradictory laws at best, hypocritical laws at worst. It's a bad idea, leave other countries alone. It's not worth bloodshed and cultural imperialism.

You are absolutely correct that there are no examples of countries that can be given a moral duty to rule the world other than the West, but that's more or less my point. The West is plainly superior to the rest of the world, and should be in charge. At least until the world is sufficiently Westernized, and barbaric practices are successfully stamped out.

The problem is that the West is stuck between a very Oriental style of bureaucratic rule, and outright suicidal tendencies. For it to be worthy of controlling the world once more, we need to regain the faith in our founding values such as liberty, tolerance and fairness, that we had in the late 19th century when most of the world was divided between European powers.

I don't have time to reply in detail. However I can say one thing: Saudi Arabia should absolutely not be permitted to have sharia law, it is obviously evil.


2 years ago

If it weren't for Social Justice Warriors, would almost every Gen Z person become a leftist?

They generally are. Their reaction to SJWs is just the typical reaction yesterday's leftist has to tomorrow's leftist throughout the ages.

1 Comment


1 year ago

You're right on that one. I was almost a Leftist

Andrew Carson

1 year ago

They generally are. Their reaction to SJWs is just the typical reaction yesterday's leftist has to tomorrow's leftist throughout the ages.


2 years ago

If it weren't for SJWs, would almost every Gen Z person become a leftist?