Count Andreas Venturelli

2 years ago

Well i 'm Brazilian and i know rudyard said that there will be a big crisis here, and i fear i wont survive it so what would you think is the best way to survive it that doenst include moving to the USA, since my brother moved there but he died so my parents wont let me go there, and it would be extremelly dificult to do so without my brother since i don t know anyone there. And he could arrange for me to go there but if he were still alive

i mean the US isn’t dangerous except in really bad neighborhoods that no one ever visits. every city has it’s own favella equivalent that’s dangerous. but it’s not like anyone goes there. you’d be fine. also life takes leaps of faith at times. imo the future is american so this is the place to be. during the roman empire, be in rome



1 year ago

If you say you aren't going to survive it, what is it in particular that you fear? Civil war, famine, crime? It helps being specific about these things if you want to form an adequate response

Count Andreas Venturelli

1 year ago

All of the above

Count Andreas Venturelli

1 year ago

Also i'm pretty vocal of my sopport for democracy so if there is a coup i will be doomed

i mean the US isn’t dangerous except in really bad neighborhoods that no one ever visits. every city has it’s own favella equivalent that’s dangerous. but it’s not like anyone goes there. you’d be fine. also life takes leaps of faith at times. imo the future is american so this is the place to be. during the roman empire, be in rome